Little Red Book Store Operation Guide - 91 Operation Network
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Little Red Book Store Operation Guide

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 Little Red Book Store Operation Guide

Last year, the opening of Little Red Book store seemed to be a new thing, but in 2024, when we mentioned the opening of Little Red Book store again, everyone felt that it was an ordinary thing. This is because many businesses gradually recognized the business value of Little Red Book in their hearts, and also saw some new opportunities in Little Red Book.

However, it is undeniable that there are many "new businesses" in Little Red Book, especially those who want to settle down but have not yet settled down.

For example, since the beginning of this year, we have basically received some questions about opening stores every day, such as "how to open a store for Little Red Book", "what support does Little Red Book have for opening a store?" "Can I open a store for this category?" and so on.

Of course, it's easy to open a store. Just find the entrance and submit materials all the time. The only way to support these rules is to give people the most headache. So I'll just start by talking about the support for Xiaohongshu to open a store.

01. Is there any support for Xiaohongshu to open a store?

The opening of Little Red Book is actually an early stage of platform development, so there must be support.

Some students felt very happy, and then went to register directly to wait for support. After waiting for a long time, there was no support, and then came to ask me, teacher, what about the support?

Of course, there is no support for opening stores, because the support for opening stores is not the support for registering, but the support for sending traffic directly. It needs to comply with the support rules and complete the corresponding task of opening stores to get support.

Xiaohongshu divides support into three gears:

1) Basic stores

In short, no matter what kind of purpose you are, there is support for the success of opening a store.

2) Hot category merchants

The platform will introduce merchants to key categories every month, and support will be provided if they meet the categories.

3) Hot merchants

Key businesses that have performed well on other e-commerce platforms will receive key support if they settle in Xiaohongshu.

The specific rights and interests supported are as follows:

Equity I: 0 threshold fast store opening

1. [0 yuan settlement] New merchants support 0 yuan settlement

① Applicable store type: individual store/individual store

② Applicable crowd: all merchants

③ Applicable categories: except for "food" category I, other categories can participate

2. [Half of the deposit] Some store types can enter the business by paying 50% of the deposit in a limited time

① Applicable store types: franchised store, franchised store, flagship store, official flagship store, store flagship store

② Users: new entrants who meet the requirements of hot sellers

③ Specific rules: You do not need to pay the full amount of deposit to settle in for business, and you can enjoy half price settlement (that is, you can settle in and operate hair products by paying 50% of the deposit); After settling in, consumers who have paid more than 10000 yuan or ordered more than 10 orders or who have withdrawn cash shall make up the remaining margin.

Note that the half interest of the margin mentioned here is the support that only hot merchants can enjoy.

Rights and interests II: support for settling in Lvtong

1. Rights and interests introduction: merchants who have settled in and meet the corresponding conditions can enjoy the priority of submission for approval after submitting to the store for review, reduce the review time, provide special guidance for audit issues, and quickly complete the settlement.

2. Application path: no need to submit a report, and it will be automatically available to merchants who meet the highlight plan when submitting store applications.

Note that the rights and interests to settle in Lvtong mentioned here are the support that only hot merchants can enjoy.

Equity III: official flow support

1. Product notes - flow support for newcomers

New merchants who have not published their product notes can participate in the novice task of product notes, and can get up to 2.6W of traffic exposure:


① Three high-quality product notes are released this week, reward: 3000 traffic exposure

② Number of comments on notes of new products issued this week>=5, reward: 1000 traffic exposure


① Subtask: 20 high-quality product notes have been published this month, reward: 1W traffic exposure

[Participation Path]

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2. Store live broadcast - exclusive traffic support

When the duration of a single broadcast is>=3 hours, you can get 3000 traffic exposure recommended on the home page, and you can get up to 5.4W traffic exposure after completing the task.

[Participation Path]: Go to Qianfan backstage and click [Live broadcast - shop broadcast home page - go to broadcast]

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3. Business opportunity center - share tens of millions of traffic

Newly settled merchants can obtain up to 2W traffic exposure by releasing their products through the Business Opportunity Center and successfully releasing the first product note of the product within 7 days, and up to 2000W traffic exposure by daily sharing.

(Note that the basic store opening businesses are exposed to 500W, the hot category businesses are 1000W, and the hot category businesses are 2000W)

[Participation Path]: Go to Qianfan backstage and click [Commodities - Business Opportunity Center]

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The traffic mentioned here is divided into ten million, and the standards for different gears are different. The basic business is 500W traffic, the hot category is 1000W traffic, and the hot merchants are 2000W traffic.

Equity 4: Freight Treasure subsidy

1. Benefit content: new merchants can open Freight Treasure within one month (i.e. 30 natural days) after settling in, and after opening, they can enjoy a 50 day 20% discount subsidy on Freight Treasure

2. Time: May 1, 2024~June 18, 2024

Equity 5: massive buyer cooperation opportunities for new businessmen

New merchants can open the buyer cooperation function to enter the dandelion platform at zero threshold and cooperate with a large number of buyers.

Equity 6: 30 day business escort plan

The 30 day new business leader plan can be launched by logging on the Qianfan workbench. In short, participate in the training.

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Equity 7: Free trial of business tools

The necessary software for Little Red Book business is free for new businesses to try for 90 days.

Equity 8: Free training courses and operation guidance

Free course training (basic usage of the platform)

You can also see that the support for the three types of merchants are different, but their rights and interests are basically the same in the structure. For example, hot category merchants actually have more traffic support than basic store opening merchants, and the others are no different. In addition, the threshold of opening a store is an old rule of the platform, and it is a bit hard to say if it is regarded as the support rights and interests of new merchants.

The opening of the dandelion platform is also regarded as an equity, which makes people feel speechless. Is this to turn promotion into equity?

So we should focus on "new support".

The new support lies in traffic support, freight treasure subsidies, and free trial of business tools. These are more practical. They are also things that we originally wanted to open a store, and then we can get naturally. It is worth noting that these traffic needs to do tasks, such as live broadcast, such as sending notes, and will not naturally give away traffic to the store after registration.

There are two entrances to these specific rules for receiving traffic support.

1. Search the "Little Red Book Store" on the Little Red Book App, click the Banner on the top, and you can see the introduction and rules of support.

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2. If it is inconvenient to use the app, you can also use the computer

The website is You can see it when you go in.

02. Common problems of Xiaohongshu store opening

I wanted to write the process of Xiaohongshu's store opening once, but I felt it was too stupid to teach, so I gave you a unified PDF at the end of the article. Here are some common store opening questions to help you make reference.

1) How much does Little Red Book charge for opening a store?

The cost is divided into two parts:

One part is the deposit, which will not be deducted if there is no problem. The deposit varies from 1000-20000 yuan, mainly depending on the category and the nature of the store. The deposit is generally 1000 yuan for individual stores, which need to be paid at the time of withdrawal.

The other part is the platform commission (service fee), which is different from the previous 5% rule. Now the rate is different according to the category, but it is generally 2% or 5%. Of course, there are also 1% or 4%, which is relatively small.

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There are too many, so I won't show them one by one. At the end of the article, I will put them together with other software. You need to see the rate of the corresponding category. You can add WeChat to get them.

2) Why does Xiaohongshu need to certify the enterprise number when opening a store?

In brief, the small red book requires that the number and store must be bound, so you must have a number when you open a store. At present, one number can only be bound to one store, and it should be noted that the enterprise number requires an annual review fee of 600 yuan/year.

3) Naming rules of Little Red Book stores?

Different types of stores have different naming rules. Individual stores can't be called flagship stores. See the figure for specific rules.

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4) Can stores sell products of multiple brands?

It mainly depends on the type of store, and the rules are shown in the figure below.

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5) Does the store have natural flow?

It is estimated that everyone is most concerned about the effectiveness of opening a store in Little Red Book. But I made it clear that Little Red Book stores have natural traffic but are close to none. We must rely on notes or live broadcasts to bring goods. It is impossible to sell them after they are on the shelves. There is no such good thing.

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