Realize 3 million yuan in two years, share a private domain high passenger order transaction mentality - 91 operation network
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Realize 3 million yuan in two years, and share a private domain high order transaction mentality

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 Realize 3 million yuan in two years, and share a private domain high order transaction mentality

Hello everyone, I am the root.

I think it should be the ultimate dream of all the deliverers and all the salesmen to clinch a deal for products with high price. Especially for individuals, a salesperson can receive tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars in a single order, and he will have a full sense of achievement in his heart.

Of course, collecting a large amount of bills can greatly increase the efficiency of making money and optimize your delivery time.

However, it is not easy to receive a large sum of money from customers, especially when there is no enterprise background and only individuals.

Note: The high unit price defined in the article is the product with more than 8000 yuan.

Also attached at the beginning are some achievements in raising the unit price in the past two years.

 311 Realize 3 million yuan in two years, share a private domain high customer order transaction mentality
Note: My own private domain is about 1200 people, and the number and amount of transactions are converted from these 1200 people.


Part 1

Provide emotional value

Why do customers choose to buy products/services with high customer price?

In the past, whether products worth more than 2w yuan can be sold or not, I think that if we meet these conditions, we can receive products worth more than 10000 yuan depending on our ability, professionalism and whether the other party has demand.

But until nearly two years ago, I found that it is not enough to make customers willing to pay more than 10000 yuan for products that are pure professional, pure good ability and pure demand.

Instead, the customer should have a good feeling when paying.  

That is to say, we should be able to receive a unit price of more than 10000 yuan. In addition to being professional, you should also make customers feel good in the process of sales and operation. It is not that the customer hesitates or feels uncomfortable after paying the money.

Because it is not difficult to describe your products in a professional way and know customers' needs clearly and accurately. This is the ability that a deliverer or salesperson should have, which can also be called "duty".

Since this ability is not so difficult or difficult to practice, it is only professional and good. Why should customers pay you for it?

You must have extra ability, which is not available to other salesmen. I also call this ability "emotional value".  

Next, I will make a more precise definition of emotional value, so that this thing can be copied and operated.

01 The first definition of emotional value: empathy

The first is the ability to think from the other side's position, which can also be called empathy.

What do you mean? Before I do anything, or when I manage customers and friends through communication, before I say anything, I must first think about how the other person "may" feel after I say it.

If I know this sentence clearly, the other party will feel bad, and I may ask myself: Is there a better way to say it, a better way to express it, a better order, and can I make a transformation and adjustment of the logic I want to express.

For example, maybe today after I introduced the product to a customer, I said directly: the amount of this product is 20000, how do you want to pay?

I may think that the previous sense of trust has been done very well, so it should be possible to ask for money directly.

This is actually a misunderstanding.

For "collecting money", no matter how high the sense of trust is, we must be cautious. After all, this move requires the customer to take out his hard earned money from his pocket.

More carefully, if I were a customer today, I might have this idea:

Although I have a good sense of trust, I didn't mention the product price in the past chat, but I just felt good when talking. Although I know how much this product may cost, I think it needs to be considered.

How can we make this move more intimate?

Before I talk about the price, I will ask one more question:

❖ I just talked about it happily. I know you have this demand at present.

❖ Although this product was specially invited by me, it is still not cheap, and the cost is XX.

❖ Can I know if this amount is within your budget?

Without saying this paragraph, the final customer may still pay, but with this sentence, the customer can feel that you are considerate of him, and you can give him more room to consider, and let him have a better step.

I have a definition of sales. In the process of sales, it is more important to make customers have a "good impression" on you than to receive the money.

The first point of emotional value is whether I can think more about customers before doing anything.  

Because when I can think more about the customer, he will feel comfortable, and he will feel that we are not so interested in each other, and that we are not only interested in each other.

But you really have my feelings and my needs in mind. You really have made a big difference between me and other ordinary customers.

02 The second definition of emotional value: authenticity

My second definition of emotional value is "authenticity".

What is "authenticity"? Is there any similarity between my personality and my own in the process of getting along with customers.  

Most customers don't want to be served by this salesperson because he is too fake. When chatting with me, he looked the same, but in private, he turned into another.

This will make him feel cheated, or whether you just want to collect my money. So you have to use another way to please me, or pretend to use another way. You know I like this, so you do it, but this is not the real you.

It is possible that this salesperson will talk about himself very well in the process of serving customers, tracking customers, coaching feelings, or talking about feelings, in order to use similar cases to resonate with customers.

Finally, when the deal was about to be concluded, the customer found out that what you told me about your own emotional state was false and just lied to me?  

Therefore, I think the authenticity is whether the salesperson can integrate knowledge and practice in the process of service.

What I say is that I am a person. What I say is the same person as what I show, the state I present in business, and the real me, without too much contrast.  

For example, I once studied with a teacher who taught divination for three months, but one day I found that he would gamble every time after work. Since then, my impression of the teacher has changed.

The teacher clearly said in class that people should not gamble, people should be exposed to good energy, people should learn to reflect, people should learn to change after knowing their destiny, break the rules, But how can you teach me this, but you can't do it? At this time, I feel bad in my heart.  

This is the second authenticity I talked about. A real deliverer can give customers better emotional value, because it will make customers not have a sense of gap.

If the gap is too large, the customer will feel cheated. As long as the customer feels cheated, his mood will be bad. So this is my second definition of authenticity.

03 The third definition of emotional value: understanding customers

My third definition of emotional value is "understanding".

Why do you say that? Because when I can really understand customers, I can not only treat them as customers, but also as friends.

At the same time, because I know more about the customer, I can know more about his needs, his current situation, what happened, and also from his past, in the process of chatting, I can give more recognition and praise.

For all high price deals, "personal friendship" will become very important.  

The understanding mentioned here is not because I have to get to know the customer in order to receive money from him, so I have to deliberately know more about him.

It's a habit of getting along with people. Can I be more curious about everyone, instead of doing it just to achieve a certain goal.  

So this kind of understanding is for everyone, not only for the role or object I want to deal with.

04 The fourth definition of emotional value: speak well

My fourth definition of emotional value is "speak well".

I find it difficult to speak well. In fact, my definition of speaking well is two. The first is "learn to praise", and the second is "learn to recognize".

It's like: "I found that your article is well written"; Or: "You can handle things in such a way that is very powerful".

When the customer said something more critical, maybe the customer was wrong, but in the initial reply I might say: "I can understand your feelings, I really agree with your handling method. I think this handling method will be better than I thought."

The reason why this is defined as the fourth stage of emotional value is that most people want a "sense of identity" instead of "right".

Is that you can understand me, I actually know that I am wrong. But you have to understand me. You have to understand why "I know it's wrong, but I still do it". This is a sense of identity.

It's like a quarrel between husband and wife. Sometimes when my wife says something, I reason with her. As a result, my wife became even more angry.

So the sense of identity is actually a kind of amplification of the understanding of "customers or friends about this matter".  

Attached here is an overview of my own commonly used identification and golden sentences of communication, which are put in the front, middle or suffix of sentences during my daily chat.

Because it is a communication habit, it is easy to use.

Speaking well is the best way to make identity happen.  

 Realize 3 million yuan in 321 two years, share a private domain high customer order transaction mentality

 331 Realize 3 million yuan in two years, share a private domain high customer order transaction mentality


Part 2

The process of loving each other

Then, the transaction of high price products can never be completed quickly. It must take time, because most customers of high price products have good income status and payment budget.

However, how can you make him willing to pay more money to you? This needs training.

Because when you enter into a transaction with a higher unit price, the sense of trust becomes very important. The sense of trust must enable you to have more interactions with this customer, because there are many intersections, He can understand you better, and you can understand him better.  

Because this kind of product (high passenger single product) requires not only unilateral recognition, but also bilateral recognition.  

What is unilateral recognition? Today, I am a very professional person. My communication and sales teaching are very, very good.

The customer has a demand for my ability, so he thinks that as long as he pays me, he can improve his communication and sales ability,

Because I don't need to care whether the customer is the one I want. Anyway, if he needs me, I will collect money from him. This can only be a unilateral recognition.

The two-way recognition means that not only this customer needs my ability and what I can do, but also I can know the customer's values, feelings, background, and handling of people,

This is called two-way recognition.

Because a high unit price delivery must be accompanied by a relatively long delivery time.  

Since the delivery time is long, if there is disagreement between two people, or if one of the two parties does not agree with each other, there is no way to make the delivery process easy and efficient, but the more we get along, the more we consume.

Therefore, the transaction of a high price product must be recognized through long-term accumulation and two-way. That is, I have to know him. At the same time, I have to do a lot of things to let the other party know me better. This is the probability of success at the moment when high price products are sold.

It can also be said that if you want to make a deal at a high price, it must be a scene where you are willing to make friends with each other. I cannot be the only one who likes you, so you have to be with me. This is a big difference between "high price products" and "low price products".  

That is to say, if you want to make a deal at a high price, you must not be too impatient. If you are impatient, you will not receive a lot of money.

Because of this, for most high price transactions, I will probably give three months to half a year of tracking, so that I can evaluate whether this person is suitable for me to collect money from him.

Or whether I am suitable for such a high price relationship with this person, so I will lengthen the time. In the process of this time, I am also evaluating him, and he is also evaluating me, so I will say that this is a process of mutual love, not just a one-sided love.


Part 3

Closing steps and rhythm

01 Rhythm of transaction process - marketing process

Then there is a big key to the transaction of high price products. The rhythm first talks about:

Do you have your own process, from zero to the final payment of higher unit price?

For example, there are six steps in my own rhythm of dealing with business customers, from "listing" to "invitation", to "commodity display", to "transaction", to "after-sales service", to the person who is willing to "re introduce" me, which is the rhythm of my own business customers.

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1. List

In fact, it is easy to understand the list. This is a list of customers.

The more important point of listing here is that the process of listing is also a screening process because of the need to clinch deals with high customer list products. That is to say, what kind of customers I may focus on may be my customers.

The moment the list was written, it was the beginning of screening. Most of the sales wanted to clinch deals with high unit prices, and there was no list of their own. This would be a big problem.

In the era of Internet, there is another simpler way of listing, that is, WeChat tagging.

For example, I have a student whose label is like this.

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This student started to register for my first communication class in 2022. He began to pay me 131.4 yuan. Then he came to the second, third, fourth and consultant training sessions.

From more than 100 to more than 900, and then to more than 8000, because of the label at that time, I can know that this student has a good sense of identity and trust with me.

To register for so many consecutive sessions, I must relatively agree with my values. When I drew the red line on the picture, I launched an invitation to him for a lifetime coach. At that time, the lifetime coach was 100000 yuan, and he agreed as soon as he opened his mouth.

The reason why it is so smooth is that I spent nearly half a year observing, operating and screening, and he was also observing me.

Therefore, a good list sorting, whether it is a list booklet or a WeChat tag, must have its own list book anyway.

Because customers with high unit prices must be selected from a large number of lists.  

2. Invitation

The invitation is actually divided into two parts:

An offline invitation, if you are in the same city as the customer, is to meet the customer offline; The other is online invitation. The definition of online invitation is that I have to chat with each other at least three or five sentences on WeChat, which can be daily chat. The purpose of chat is to improve mutual understanding.

As mentioned earlier, the key to high price deals is to have better "personal friendship" with customers. The best way to generate personal friendship is to have more contact opportunities with customers.

Invitation is the opening of every contact. How can you find a good topic to start with, and how can you understand the customer to start with? A good opening can make the chat more efficient.  

3. Commodity display

Commodity display also includes two parts: displaying commodities and showing yourself.

The process of displaying goods is not to introduce the content and functions of the product, but a process of mining and creating demand

There is a formula in this part:

Crisis+dream+future trend=result+how to do

However, due to the space, we will not start the conversation here. It is mainly to enable people to have a concept of the steps and logic of the whole marketing process

The second part, "show yourself", is actually a process of building trust, that is, how I can increase mutual trust through communication and interaction with customers.

And trust is the key to a deal. (For the details of the sense of trust, you can add fish balls at the end of the article and get information to check.)

4. Deal

In fact, there is a key to closing a deal. It is necessary to talk about money collection.

However, because it is a product with high customer price, there are several key points before the deal is concluded:

It is necessary to confirm the intention and budget of the other party. As long as the intention or budget is wrong, the probability of closing a deal must be very low.

In fact, there is a key point in the negotiation of a deal, that is, whether we can do a little more perfect work in advance before we are ready to enter into a deal. I also call this: the preliminaries of a deal.

The higher the unit price of the product, the better the preparation before the transaction, and the more accurate and considerate the script before the opening.

It is similar to:

As I mentioned earlier, you are very interested in coaching services, but I have to tell you that the price of coaching services is not cheap, it is a price that really needs to be considered.

If you think you can think about it further and want to know more about it, I will take a few minutes to explain it to you again. Do you think it is OK?

This kind of talk is a kind of "ex brief", which is just like taking precautions, so that customers can have a more comprehensive psychological preparation.  

At this time, even if there is no deal at the moment, you can have a good impression on your mind, and then because I once said, he will put his mind on it.

One day, when there is a real demand, it will take the initiative to appear.

5. After sales service

After the after-sales service, the real start of the service is after the transaction.

But after-sales service is not about the delivery of product services, because the delivery of product services is only the responsibility of the deliverer. The key to after-sales service is that I have to provide value beyond products.

Take me as an example. What I deliver is courses. In addition to giving lectures, I am also a psychologist. I can also read eight characters, cook, take babies and do magic tricks······

These can be the values that I can provide in the process of operating customers. High price products must provide more value, even "diversified".

6. Referral

Then there was the presentation. If the after-sales service improved, the presentation would happen.

The referral here can be a referral to someone else or a referral to yourself. Referral is actually a repurchase, or an upgrade.

In fact, the transaction of high customer orders is also a step by step re purchase from low customer prices.

The following is a relatively complete path, which is also my own sales "rhythm".

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02 Rhythm of product display - more "heart anchors"

Then in the process of serving customers, will you deliberately or inadvertently let the customers you want to deal with know that you have such a high price delivery product?

That is to let customers with the ability to pay know that if I want to get a better delivery, I actually have a higher choice.

I still remember that in 2022, my public account often wrote that if a person wants to grow rapidly, he must find a coach.

The reason why I write this is not because I want to conclude my coach service, but my own growth process. The reason why I can be relatively efficient is that I have a coach with me.

In psychology, this is called "lower heart anchor". Of course, it is now to disassemble how to do this thing. Therefore, I am afraid that others will misunderstand me when I look at it. Is this a routine.

But this is a way to let the other party know that I can choose a higher amount of money. If I want to get better services, if I want to get more efficient solutions.  

So do you usually talk on some platforms about what your high price service product is doing and what kind of things you think can be more valuable?

If you usually talk about it in external articles or in class content, you can let customers with such budgets keep this matter in mind.

When he felt relieved, one day when he had a need, he would ask.

So this is actually a very important small detail in the process of high unit price. If you don't say anything at ordinary times, and then never talk about it, one day you suddenly tell the customer that you have a product with a higher amount of money, you will make him feel very embarrassed.

Therefore, if I prepare for some content output in advance, I will have the opportunity to take the initiative to find interested customers, so that they can be prepared and not be caught off guard.

At the same time, a customer who has a clear demand for himself will find his demand from the content of the deliverer.

It can also let those customers who are interested in me and have the ability to pay, they will know that I can find you again for the things I need. As long as I pay more, you can provide me with better services.

Therefore, this is a good way to pave the way in both directions. I also call it "bottom anchor" or "seed".  

03 Rhythm of operating customers - chat process

Then, another rhythm I want to talk about is the rhythm of managing customers.

The last topic is about sales rhythm, which is "overall", but the business rhythm of this topic is the details of relationship processing.

Because this is the era of WeChat, most customers may spend a lot of time on WeChat, so I will have my own WeChat chat rhythm in the process of transforming from "low price customers" to "high price customers".

The rhythm of this chat is also the rhythm of my daily chat with customers and customer management.

From friend confirmation, to chatting and greeting, as well as the logic of screening and secondary operation.  

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This kind of chat rhythm occurs in every day of my life and in every person who is good to me. A fixed chat rhythm can make the process of running a business easier and will not ignore some customers who have high intentions.

In fact, most people's address book traffic is "overflowing", because there are too many people at one time, so most customers who clearly have needs are ignored.

Having a clearer business rhythm can greatly reduce the probability of losing customers (of course, there will still be loss). As long as the probability of loss is reduced, the transformation will certainly improve.

At the same time, the more detailed business rhythm is also the beginning of the refined operation. Customers with high unit prices must be found through more detailed management.

Part 4


If you, like me, are a knowledge deliverer, or an individual deliverer, high unit price transaction is a long-term and extremely valuable thing.

It takes some time and is not easy, but it is a great good thing for long-term compound interest. To make a sale easier, one way is to increase the unit price, and the other is to turn into a team war.

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