Online celebrities will not do private domain, and earn fart money- 91 Operation network
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Online celebrities will not do private domain, and earn fart money!!!

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 Online celebrities will not do private domain, and earn fart money!!!

In 2024, all the people who make Internet celebrity and pay for knowledge IP will face great challenges.

In this article, I want to take apart the specific challenges faced and how to deal with them in 2024. Let's share my understanding:

Three keywords, the key keywords of online popularity in 2024.

Short video capability

When you, as a person who wants to be influential, do not have the ability of short video, you will not have any original traffic, nor will you have any material ability that can be released.

So short videos mean that online celebrities still need to constantly update their content, which is the most critical.

Because content means that you need to constantly output to fans, and output cannot continuously output a set of content, so you need to constantly output and input.

The constant input may come from reading, from your reflection, from your global travel and constant seeing, constant chatting, constant feeling and introspection.

I can safely say that in 2024, the capacity of short video content will still account for more than 80%.

This is the key content capability of whether you can do IP, and whether you can continue to do IP in audio, video, and all public domain platforms.  

If you can't generate content continuously and shoot short videos tirelessly, it will be difficult to accumulate traffic by cutting short videos, so this is not a simple matter.


Short video delivery capability

Now there is no magic weapon to steal traffic.

Many people will say whether the public to private can steal traffic in the previous way, such as the so-called blue v component, matrix, live fan groups, and private messages.

The answer is not very good.

Now the public to private will become more and more strict. Of course, the road is higher than the devil. Many people will still get customers through the public to private.

But if you are working in a company with a private domain size of 300000 or a company with 30 employees, you still need to launch it.

The underlying logic is that public domain platforms such as Tiaoyin, Xiaohongshu, and video number need advertising consumption.

The logic of the platform has only two indicators. One is that advertising consumption should be improved, and the other is that GMV of the platform should be improved.

Now the DAU of the platform itself does not increase, and the use time does not increase, where does the advertising consumption come from?

Only launch.

The free traffic you got from content must now be paid for by launching it.

Note, what I said is that originally you might have 100000 broadcasts, but now you need to guarantee 100000. Sorry, the same content quality must be released.

So the second point is the launch, which accounts for 10%.

Because it is very simple, that is, accounting. Good material plus accounting equals stable playback.

In addition to the launch, the most critical 10% and most Internet celebrities ignore the private domain.


Private domain capability

No matter whether you are a little popular online celebrity, or a dithering online celebrity, or a video number online celebrity, if you don't do private business, you will hardly make big money this year, or even make a profit.

Because only the private domain mode can allow you to break through the scene of live room transaction and short video transaction.

The scene is very short. You need to quickly click and click to harvest, so you need to quickly pull your emotions to the full, and put them on the floor to make instant deals.

There is a very big problem of instant transaction, which is that only low unit price can be transacted.

But if you want to make money, you can only do high price, while high customer price can only be done in private domain.  

Therefore, the ability of private domain must be paid attention to by all public domain platforms this year. This only accounts for 10% of the work content and ability quadrant, which is the key to your profits.

To sum up:

In 2024, the three key words must be cultivated by all Internet celebrities and IPs.

First, continue to refine the content. Because short videos and your launch materials need content, you need to output and input circularly and output content constantly.

Ensure that the freshest and highest quality content is always produced, because the competition for content will become increasingly fierce.

Second, the launch platform costs money, so the original 100000 is free, but now 100000 plays, sorry to spend money.

Third, private domain. Because the platform requires you to spend money, and because you need to make money, you need to sell high customer price products, so you must convert them in the private domain.

Next year, all the online reds will continue to enter the content battlefield. The content competition is very fierce. All the online reds will be launched, and all the online reds have to be private domains because of the launch.

These are the three major trends that online celebrities will face in 2024, and the competition of content track will continue to roll in.

After all online celebrities are launched, there is no free traffic. After all online celebrities are launched in the private domain, the price will be increased at a lower price. All online celebrities are selling high customer prices, creating profits in the private domain.

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