There is a child in the family, making money like a hemp! Took video and made shaking tapes for children, sold 110000 orders - 91 operation network
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There is a child in the family, making money like a hemp! Took video for Wa, made shaking tapes and sold 110000 orders

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 There is a child in the family, making money like a hemp! Took video for Wa, made shaking tapes and sold 110000 orders

Today I write this long article, which is also the first article published after I joined the planet. I share some of my own experiences and pitfalls with you. I hope that whether you are already doing dithering or are preparing to do it, you can provide some help.

Next, I would like to share with you how I got involved in dithering in February 2023, and made short videos to bring goods at the mother baby track, so that the sales volume in the window will reach 11W in one year.  

 There is one child in 34 families, making a lot of money! Took video for Wa, made shaking tapes and sold 110000 orders

 There is one child in 35 families, making a lot of money! Took video for Wa, made shaking tapes and sold 110000 orders


Part 1

Why is it a dithering track for mother and baby

Every year, there are some people who can't sing and shake their voice. It's too voluminous. Ordinary people have no chance. Don't touch such topics if you don't have funds.

But in our so-called streaming media era, information is narrow in many cases.

They said that it was not easy to do it. Maybe they could make money just by shaking their voice, but now the competition is big. They need to focus on content, selection and investment. It is really not as easy for them as before.

But in this case, is there really no chance for individuals? I don't think so.

First of all, I think that any platform, any track, as long as you know your core advantages and work hard, there will be gains, nothing but problems.

Why should I do dithering in 2023 and choose the track for mother and baby?

❖ 1. There are three categories of people who make the best money in the world, including the elderly, women and children, and two mother baby tracks.

❖ 2. As an Internet person, my competitors are ordinary Baoma at home. I think I have advantages in some aspects, such as content and platform rules.

❖ 3. The mother baby track needs children or their own real people to show up (generally there are more children), but there are not so many children in institutions. Every video has to be taken in real time, which is difficult to produce on the assembly line. Without institutions, individuals can make some achievements in the mother baby track.

❖ 4. If you have children, you will have a basis and reference for what you need at any time and what you just need. Your understanding of the products will also deepen and the operation will be faster. Even if you don't do it, you can save thousands of yuan a year for your family just by taking samples.

❖ 5. The track for mother and baby is a long-term business. For a customer, you can sell it from pregnancy to adulthood. Not to mention 10 years and 20 years, it can be sold for 5 years, which is more reliable than anything now. The business will change with the age of your child.

❖ 6. Brother Kun also said that there is one child in his family, making money like a hemp.


Part 1

Three stages of short video delivery

I was the first video released on February 8. I divided the whole audio tape shipment in 2023 into three stages:

Stage I: Black hole period from February to May

By the end of May, if you remember correctly, the sales volume of shop windows in the whole three months should be about 3000, which not only failed to make money, but also lost 15000 yuan.

In the early stage, my wife and I worked together. The specific division of labor was: I was responsible for selection and investment, and she was responsible for copy and editing.

At that time, our plan was that if we didn't earn 3000 yuan in three months, my wife would go to work.

This stage is the most painful and difficult stage, and I think 99% of people can't get over it. I think it's the black hole stage. The first thing to do the dithering is to cross the black hole.

You work hard every day to select, edit, and release products. When you watch 25, 137, and 109 videos, there is no feedback for three consecutive months. This feeling is very devastating.

At the beginning, I chose to drive the natural flow through investment, and then pushed and Qianchuan were still losing money. If it was done by myself at home, I believe most people would give up. It would be better to find a class safely.

At this stage, the test is more about the mentality. Ordinary people who want to make audio tape goods can't be very popular at the first time, nor can everyone have positive feedback every day.

But as long as you believe that you are doing the right thing, constantly optimize the selection, content, and investment strategy, and constantly explore, learn, and try in the right direction, you will have a bright day.

Don't believe in such things as starting in three days, marking in seven days, and issuing orders in 15 days. That is the result of a lot of verification after people's extremely detailed SOP comes out. It can also be understood as survivor bias. Information is like this. You will only believe what you are willing to believe.

I have also participated in the navigation once. In addition to correct guidance and methods, plus my own high executive power, some people will achieve such results, but can everyone do so? not always!

The second stage: the outbreak period from May to November

Can you think of how happy it is to have more orders every month? Yes, it's a big deal! It's still the kind that keeps exploding!

Just when my wife interviewed several short video companies and was ready to steal a teacher or even decided to go to work the next day, the list exploded!

 There is one child in 36 families, making a lot of money! Took video for Wa, made shaking tapes and sold 110000 orders
After the worst three months, through continuous optimization, the order finally exploded! This also strengthens our determination to continue to do it!

Why can we burst orders and continue to burst orders?

❖ 1. Options

❖ 2. Time node

❖ 3. Content

❖ 4. Current input

❖ 5. Business relationship


Best seller 1: Sand painting

The first video of the order was sand painting, and 6000 orders were issued in three days.

The profit was not high. One order cost 1 yuan. For the first time, I really experienced the pleasure of exploding orders. On that day, the news of the small program kept going, and I almost didn't stay up all night.

Causes of explosion:

1. The content is excellent. The merchants said that this is the best material they have received from the sand painting.

2. Investment flow/business relationship: this business didn't go to Qianchuan at that time, but it built more than 700 free tweets for us. I understand that there should be no such automatic creation tool (I don't understand...). At that time, I communicated with the business, saying that the material was very good, and there were also some natural streams, so I'd better try it.

He promised to lower the commission and sold 6000 tickets in one run! Usually, there is more communication with business, and more investment will be made. If you improve the relationship with business, you will have unexpected gains.

3. The time node is also coincidental. It was released on May 9, and Children's Day is coming soon. Otherwise, it would not be so popular.

Pop 2: Princess Aisha music electric toy

During this period, I went to a toy exhibition, and the phenomenon I observed in this exhibition is: As long as it is girls' toys with online appearance, there are many people in front of the booth, which has also become my idea of selecting products for a period of time later.  

Aisha is the result. This product is my own Qianchuan. ROI: 5, the highest is 7, and 4000-5000 orders have been issued. What's the concept?

At that time, Qianchuan could earn 1 yuan if it consumed 1 yuan, and 15 yuan when it was high, but it was too timid to throw too much money into it.

There are several reasons for explosion:

1. This season, the list began to explode on the 23rd, and soon it was Children's Day. Many parents would buy gifts for their children.

2. Big IP, there should be no little girl who doesn't like Aisha.

3. The product is good, it has music, it can shine, it can rotate, it doesn't need to introduce selling points too much, even my video copy doesn't exist, just a few scenes rotating on the ground with theme songs, simple and rude.

Here is the first big hole: the merchants are out of stock! The merchant is out of stock! The merchant is out of stock! The merchant is out of stock!  

The most popular one is out of stock!

Just at the weekend, Chikawa was running again, and the ROI fell to 4. I couldn't find the reason. Later Monday, the merchant told me that they were out of stock. Many people wanted to buy but couldn't buy it. The system decided that your video was too inefficient, and there was no traffic.

After the merchants replenish the goods, the ROI is also between 3-4. After the video explosion, we must communicate with the merchants in advance.

In the following months, there will be sales orders, all of which are different products. I will share my idea of selecting products for everyone's reference. My family is a daughter, and there is a big difference between boys and girls. I will focus more on girls.

My selection ideas

1. Face value (visual)

Appearance is the selling point, and appearance is justice. The first thing I started with was toys. Toys have their own traffic. We must choose products with high appearance value. Girls' things do not need to improve their concentration and hands-on ability. Good looking is enough!

The effect of beautiful things will not be very bad. The products must be beautiful, such as sand paintings, Aisha, water painting books, Guka, stickers, which are very beautiful.

2. High servant

In the early stage, I set a standard for myself. I didn't look at products below 30%.

I want to invest myself. The commission is too low, and it is easy to lose money.

3. Low return

Low returns, lowering the threshold for production in a disguised way. My overall returns should be between 6% - 8%, and 10% later.

After hard work in selling several orders, they all returned their money, which is a waste of money. We must check the quality and quality of our products. Some things are cheap and easy to sell, but not high returns.

The lower the return, the more stable. Otherwise, if you see a lot of consumption, and don't make money at the end of the settlement, it will be a pit.

4. Popularity


For a product with strong seasonality, when the seasonality comes, the demand will be stimulated.

Now it is the beginning of spring. All mother and baby businesses are promoting sunscreen. For example, children's face cream is different in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

These seasonal products will continue to rise in volume, and garment makers should soon feel the same.

There are also some four season general products that can be sold all the year round. This is not bad, but because they are sold every day, and there is no regular burst cycle of the products. For ordinary people, they do not grasp the problem. Because they are sold every day, many paying players basically seize up the traffic, and can not do anything else in the market.

There are also festivals. At present, the biggest festival for mothers and babies is 61.

As for others, they haven't been developed yet, such as 38 Women's Day, Teachers' Day and National Day.

5. New and strange

Those who often look at the wind vane should be impressed. Last year, many strange decompression toys exploded. There are also some gold poker and so on. GMV is a million every move.

At present, the essence of dithering is interest e-commerce. The more you can awaken users' interest and guide users to spread products, the easier it will be to form transformation.

The new and strange products just meet this demand. You should not make friends or tremble when you buy them.

This kind of product that brings content and communication to the platform is not popular.

6. Low price wool

Sunscreen clothes under banana trees, originally 299, now 79, do you want to buy them?

The original price of the toothbrush of xx brand is 9.9. Now there are 10 toothbrushes in 9.9. Will you buy them?

The magnetic disc of xxx, with the original price of 199, will you buy it now at 59?

This kind of low price woolen goods is not available every day, but as soon as you meet them, you will rush to get positive feedback.

However, it should be noted that the low price wool products here are only of low price, not of low quality. Do not sell anything that even you cannot pass.

7. Easy to overrule

They seldom bring children's health care products, or even snacks. They don't know much about it. Those who are easy to close their accounts in the dark room should try not to touch them.

There are many requirements for Chikawa launch. You are optimistic about this product. The content is well done. It's hard not to be magnified by Chikawa.

Phase III: smooth transition period

After several months of orders explosion, the account management has been very stable.

Whether it's revenue or order, as long as the content is updated and the quality is guaranteed, it's generally not too bad, as long as you don't die.


Part 3

How can Baoma and Baodad do a good job of dithering?  

Practical operation, hematemesis recommendation, each item is an experience bought with money!  

1. Choose the track you want to do

Mothers and babies are a big category. At the beginning, you must cut into the subdivision. When you have a certain scale of subdivision, you should expand to the whole category. Don't limit yourself or mess about.

I started with toys in the early days. I sold clothes, good things and teaching aids. My toothpaste video played for 2000W. Can you believe that I was a toy seller in the early days?

Teaching aids, toys, supplementary food, clothing and other subdivisions, according to their own advantages and the characteristics of children, find a sufficiently subdivisions, cut into them, indecent development, and gradually become stronger.

Here is a supplementary idea for teaching: dimension reduction and strike.

When your baby is in Grade 2, you will sell things from Grade 1. When your baby is in Grade 1, you will sell things from childhood to childhood. The biggest advantage is to improve the shooting efficiency.

Because Dadu is good at shooting, it is also fast. The second grade of the child is engaged in the second grade. It can be very difficult just to make videos together.

2. Find the benchmarking

No matter what you do, you can find benchmarking in the dithering.

If you can't find this content, I advise you not to do it. By then, you won't even have a learning object. It's basically not reliable to explore by yourself.

There are many fans in Tiaoyin who are less than 10000, but have sales of more than 10W with goods. The key point is that they are not IP players, but the most simple table rackets!

These people are around us, learning, imitating and surpassing them.

3. Pack your account

Too many people have said that basic information must be done well.

4. Add 500 businesses

They will send a circle of friends every day. Some products can be taken for free, and some products are supported by investment. You can add more information only when you add more.

If there are 500 merchants and 100 people sending a certain type of products at the same time, the potential sales will come out. And no matter what the products are in the early stage, you can take them back and save the sample money as a trainer!

And when you go to the merchant to get the goods, ask one more question: Do you measure the flow?

Don't feel embarrassed, humiliated or anything. Do you think you will die if you ask too many questions? Many people even dare not ask. What are you afraid of!

5. Buy me a lamp!!! Buy a bracket!!!  

If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools. Buy me a lamp!!! Buy a bracket!!!

Don't shoot the video. It's black paint. The quality of the light is so good that it can be saved by cutting, reflecting and adding a few filters.

In addition, in order to save money on scaffolding, videos are shaking like a sieve. It's strange for you to be able to make an order and stick to it. These things add up to less than 500 yuan. If you do it for a long time, trust me, buy it early and enjoy it early.

6. Copy

If you have a product, you can go to the video of the hot list. How can you shoot it? 1:1 imitation. Many people don't know what 1:1 is.

Let's put it this way, he is a 45 ° mirror operator, so you must be 45 °, not even 46 °.

If he pushes forward for 3 seconds, you can only have 3 seconds, which is called 1:1. Novices should not have too many ideas of their own. You should do what others do. This is pixel level.

There is a reason for every video order. If you can't disassemble the order, copy it for me!

First, copy 30 videos to cultivate the feeling. If you shoot one shot several times, if you only have 60 points for each detail, then your video will not exceed 60 points.

1: 1. Pixel level copy! Dithering is an open book exam. Anyone who can copy fast and well will be able to explode orders.  

7. The only shortcut to making dithering

Business investment, when you have enough business information, you can get a lot of products with investment support, and collect them for me!

Don't feel guilty. It's all capitalist money. Don't tell me that you can't find the investment. If there is, you don't have enough business.

At that time, I ran Shuke toothpaste, and the merchants gave me 10000 Qianchuan, and I ran 5000 GMV.

People's accounts are all started with 10W. As long as you can run, you will get rid of 99% of people.

Of course, businesses are not stupid. Some businesses have conditions. For example, if you make an order, you can buy 100, or if you sell more, you can buy 100. Anyway, if you want to sell more, you will sell every day.

8. Give me the list of top sellers every day

Why can I find the best products on the list? In addition to luck, it is the list that brings me. It has to be mentioned here that many people talk about the "hot money".

Do you want to chase the best sellers? Of course! But we can't chase without brains!  

Or take the toothpaste video as an example. The business has invested more than 1 million yuan in me. Why should you send a video to share with you? So those who have no brains chasing the best are basically dead! Then how?

The list of top sellers every day!  

In the past few months, I can basically memorize the 24-hour list and the weekly list, who has sent what products.

When a new product comes out, I can immediately get it and compete with him for traffic, do better, and directly copy the good one.

This will give me a chance to break the list. If you are not familiar with the list, there is no other benefit except lamenting that others have broken it every day!

9. Want to think about paying

In 2024, you still want to pay for the traffic of the platform? Unless you are the son of God, you really do a good job in all aspects, but if you want to overtake on a curve or you want to give positive feedback faster, go to the pitch.

I have calculated an account. In the early days, you sent 2 pieces of works every day, 60 pieces a month. You took 30 pieces of good data and put them to your heart. Each piece was 20 yuan, and the month was only 600 yuan. This is still in the case that you didn't give a single piece of work.

In my opinion, as long as your product and content are not too poor, you will lose 300-400 yuan. But what did you gain? Feedback!

With positive feedback, you can stick to it better, which is also the best way to cross a black hole. It is also a way to select materials from thousands of rivers.

10. The execution force is full, waiting for the wind!  

In the face of absolute quantity, all means of operation are fancy. Share an account that Kunge said before: Youyou.

The video released is 21000 yuan, and the sales volume of the shop window is 400W+. I will pay 5 yuan for each one. Think about this achievement.

If you have seen his video, you will find that there is no special skill, just insist on sending more.

It would be better if you could constantly optimize your content and products and find several fixed routines in this process.

The above are some personal suggestions for those who want to join the board, for reference only.

I have also registered for many classes. In fact, it's all about those things. Ordinary people can't afford to do the above things.

If you want to make more money or long-term money in Dithering, you must make IP.

I understand that IP is very simple. It may not be opinion leaders or bloggers, but it must be your acquaintances.

Whether you are looking for help or doing business offline, the first thing you think of is acquaintances. That's why Douyin must also think of acquaintances when shopping.

Who is an acquaintance is a person who often appears in front of him and has had a satisfactory shopping experience before.

In 2024, every video will have 3-5 seconds of live appearance (except for dolls, who must appear). At present, the sales volume of shop windows is close to 13W, and it is expected to reach 30W by the end of the year.

Finally, the above are some personal real experiences and sharing, and I hope you will forgive me if there is something wrong. I also welcome friends who are working as mothers and babies to communicate more. In 2024, I wish you good health and money.

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