I rely on this resume to help 300+operators successfully apply for jobs - 91 operation network
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I rely on this resume to help 300+operators find jobs successfully

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 I rely on this resume to help 300+operators find jobs successfully
Have you ever met such a situation? If your resume is sent out, it will either sink into the sea or find a job you are not interested in. From last year to this year, I have changed no less than hundreds of resumes, and I have seen many of them in my recruitment. I found that too many operators' resumes could not show their real strength. Actually: the resume is the impression you give to the employer, who will match the corresponding value of the job.

Your resume is your product. How can I believe that you can do a good job in your own operation? Therefore, the quality of your resume can determine your salary. In addition, this year's job search is very difficult. In order not to let your hard work go to waste, I decided to share this set of resume writing methods. I have helped many operators to modify their resumes and succeed in job hopping and salary increase. Operators with 5-8 years of experience have won 40-60W offers; It also helped many new graduates to win the offers of Alibaba, NetEase, Tencent and other big factories/core business lines. During the week of preparation, I used nearly 9000 words to eliminate the thunder you might step on one by one. First of all, I will help you self check around the four fatal problems of your resume to see if you have stepped into a big hole. Then explain that most people ignore the very important step in writing a resume - positioning. Then I will give you the content structure of high-quality resumes, from content to layout, structure template, and how to write, which will be directly given to you. Finally, I will give you some notes. First, let's look at the fatal problem of the resume. How many did you hit?

1、 Four fatal problems in writing a resume

Question 1: What to do without writing results

What do you mean by that? Each experience only describes what you are responsible for and what you have done, without any data presentation. The most common performance is that after you write it, why is it so similar to the JD (job description) on the recruitment website?

Question 2: The position orientation is not clear

Operator er, please clarify which position you want to take. Have you ever submitted a resume for two positions with a big gap?

Common operations

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If you want to deliver a curriculum operation post and a growth post at the same time, the effect of a resume must be very poor, because the two focuses are different at all.

Let's look at it together. The work of course operation is very comprehensive. We should be responsible for the course products, and be responsible for the comprehensive transformation and revenue through the cooperation of teachers, operations, users, and products.

[Course Operation JD]

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Growth is often directly responsible for the user's size or conversion rate. It must have certain growth skills and be more in-depth in the growth direction.

[Growth JD]

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It is not that you cannot submit more than one resume, but that the jobs you need to submit should include or be similar to each other.

For example, community operations and user operations, when you are responsible for the number of users of different sizes, may have an inclusion relationship, and also inseparable from each other. You can submit your resume accordingly from this perspective.

If you really want to work in two different positions, please prepare two resumes.

Question 3: Too many professional words

Have you ever thought of who is the first person to read your resume?

It may be HR, it may be HRBP, it may be the hiring supervisor for your position, and it may even be an intern who has not graduated!

In most cases, HRBP will go deeper into the business than HR, understand what the team needs to do, the positions involved, what to do and how to do it, and even work together in strategy. The professional term "get" is OK.

Due to functional differences, HR may not be able to understand all your professional terms, so the other party does not know what you are talking about.

It's useless if you can't make others understand it quickly. When it's time to use it, it's time to talk about people. (Professional words are recommended for skills and results)

Question 4: Daily account experience

When I write about my experiences, I have a headache. I either make up my mind or feel that I have done a lot of things. I list everything in detail. Think about writing a composition when I was a child. Is the final result like this a running account, without focus?

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The writing of work experience is to show your contribution to this position and your growth.

Attention: contribution and growth. Therefore, each paragraph should be focused, not repeated, and not piled up deliberately to show that you have done a lot of things.

If you are looking for a job recently, check whether there are any of the above four problems. If there is any one, be sure to correct it immediately!

The problem worse than disorderly writing is that you write without thinking clearly, just like the leader assigns you a task, and you work without thinking clearly. Finally, the leader asks you, what are you doing?

So before writing, you must clarify the role of your resume and your own position.

2、 Role of resume and self positioning

1) Clarify the role of resume

1. Display professional experience

Tell the employer what kind of person I am, what kind of problems I can solve for the company in this position, and what experience I have to prove my ability through my resume.

In a word, tell the other party that I am the one you want. (Please repeat this sentence 10 times in your heart and remember it!)

For example, I bought mineral water today. There are a row of mineral water on the shelf. There are many brands and the price is the same. How can I choose? It must depend on what I focus on and which is more suitable for my needs. Then I'll have a look at its ingredient list.

A resume is like a product description. You need to make your own experience (description) attractive to the other party.

2. Recognize your ability and value

What is ability? What can I do.
What is value? How can you help the company make money.

By combing your resume, you need to find out what you are really good at from your own experience. What abilities does it shape you? This also has a correct understanding of oneself.

Many times we underestimate our ability or what we do.

Most people's mentality: I am very ordinary, I feel that I do average, not competitive. But what did you do, what was your contribution to the team, and what was your contribution to the company?

Even if you experience failure, you can also evaluate your ability and value. You can list things first and analyze them.

How to identify two directions for everyone:

Highlight time direction

1) Team/group ranking, or breakthrough in work

In most cases, ranking directly represents your value. If there are many people and you are ranked higher in a row, don't think about it. You are capable, not lucky. It is OK to break any record or set a new high.

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2) Promotion and salary increase

If you have received a promotion and salary increase, you have basically done a report on your work, find out the documents at that time, and see what kind of key events you have used, and what methods have brought results.

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3) Take charge of/lead the team independently

What did you do independently or lead others to do together? Think about how you started, how you broke the situation, and what the result was.

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4) Personal growth

Do you think you are an ordinary operation dog? Nothing unusual? What made you grow? For example, what skills have you mastered/what problems can you deal with/what experiences have you accumulated through what things?

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Career downturn direction

1) Failure experience

Under what circumstances did you encounter any setbacks or failures, find out the reasons, and how did you deal with them? In retrospect, if you were to present yourself with new solutions or optimization plans, would you have any ideas?

If so, this is still your value. It depends on what abilities you use to solve problems.

2) Career bottleneck

If you have ever encountered a career bottleneck, do you think you lacked some kind of thinking at that time? Or lack of professional skills? Or why? How did you spend your time and adjust your attitude? Now that you have broken through the bottleneck, the gains of the whole process are also part of your ability improvement and experience accumulation. This is very important.

2) Do a good job of self positioning and double the entry speed

Have you positioned yourself before writing your resume? What industry, company and post will my next job be in?

Many operators ignore this step directly, or they can't think clearly and don't think about it.

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Positioning is that you should know which direction you want to go in the future, choose the next direction for your goals, and take responsibility for your career.

If your position is not clear, people who see your resume are also confused.

This seems to be a big problem, but it's not that difficult. The first thing you need to do is to look inside yourself.

1. Internal experience&benchmarking ability

Step 1: In every experience, you analyze this in this way: What skills have I acquired from this position? In this position, I find what I am good at (better than others), and what I am particularly interested in and willing to try?

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Step 2: Think about whether I should continue to deepen under this channel?

Go further: find the same position, or try to challenge to be the person in charge? (It is recommended that partners with successful experience and own operation system try)

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Don't go further: instead of changing jobs, analyze the target positions you want to get below and what abilities it requires you to have. These capability requirements can be found by disassembling JD. How can we do?

Assuming that my future target position is new media operation, I will extract the JD of new media operation positions recruited by the industry on various recruitment websites and compare them together.

Carry out three checks:

Look at commonness: commonness represents the hard ability you must have
Second, look at the difference: the difference may be caused by the refinement of the position, or it may be different according to the current business situation of the company, to see whether the things you want to do for the position are acceptable
Three requirements: disassemble and match according to requirements

Special Instructions for Disassembly

Job responsibilities=job content=what you want to do in this company
Qualifications=job requirements=what standards do you need to meet

It is the judgment basis for judging whether you can obtain the interview qualification according to the matching degree of job qualifications and your abilities.

JD qualification disassembly:

1) Basic information

Basic information generally refers to the school or major you graduated from.

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Some posts are not dead or even marked on this card. You can ignore them. If the card is dead, don't worry too much about your own ability.

2) Professional skills

Some JDs will definitely have at least a few years of experience in the skills of xxx direction, so we don't need to be too nervous, just be close, and can shrink if our ability is outstanding. For example, at least 5 years of experience is required. If you have 3-5 years of experience, it is not a big problem, but the gap should not be too big.

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3) Knowledge system

This knowledge system refers to the knowledge accumulated through work or self learning, and has been verified.
Common description: Have the methodology of xxx, have relevant experience in xxxx, and be able to build xxxx.

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4) Talent quality

In terms of quality, it is not necessary to have a good standard of measurement. It is often said that everyone should have a good ability to withstand pressure, have a good ability to communicate and cooperate with the self driving department, love xxxxx, and so on.

These cannot be measured clearly, so we can basically match such content.

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Let's look at another case to deepen our impression!

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2. Look at the situation in the appearance industry

What if you want to change your industry and don't know what industry to change?

Give you two ways:

Method 1: see what industry you are interested in

For example: In addition to my special love for the education industry, I am also interested in the e-commerce industry.

Where is the performance?

I often watch e-commerce content on a daily basis. At the very beginning of microblogging, I started to observe online celebrities who broadcast live. I can also do live broadcast analysis myself, so I have accumulated daily experience. I am particularly optimistic about this. If I want to change my job, I can start from this industry.

What if I don't know what I'm interested in?

Method 2: Look at the current situation

What is the industry that has developed well in recent years? Such industries are often in great demand, so many posts will be released. If there is a suitable position in this industry, you can also make a corresponding choice.

Special tip: When you go to a company, you can give priority to the relative core department posts that deliver core business lines. reason:

First of all, the core business and department will not disappear suddenly. You can ensure a stable work for a period of time to improve yourself. Secondly, core business is the focus of the company, and all resources and manpower will be inclined to the past. The salary and development will be relatively better.

I really can't choose. Don't tangle. If the direction is good and the work content is not annoying, you can do it and make achievements. You will also like it. Don't be picky.

Being picky means that you want to do this but still feel that it is not so good. You are crazy about whether this industry will be bad in a few years? Or give yourself many reasons to stagnate. When everyone around you changes their jobs, they become more anxious.

Before officially opening our resume structure, let's summarize the above key points:

The first is to sort out your own experience, the second is to define your own position, do these two steps well, and then consider the third point, the matching degree between yourself and the goal after the disassembly and benchmarking. If there is 70% matching, you can send this resume. If the resume is written OK, it is no problem to obtain an interview invitation.

3、 High quality resume content structure

This part will be divided into two parts. I have rich work experience (working for 3 years or more) and new job (college students, working for 1-2 years), but I still recommend reading in order.

1) Rich work experience

1. Basic information

Name+mobile phone number+email (photo selection)
You must pay attention to that your mobile phone number must be correct and your email address must be checked. Don't forget that @ causes serious losses when you can't receive invitations.

If you want to put photos, please select official ID photos or image photos. It is recommended to work for more than 3 years or apply for a management post, and post a photo. It doesn't matter if you don't have confidence in your appearance and don't want to let it go.

Note: Do not put pictures of dark background and black clothes. They look too dull.

2. Personal advantages (99% of operators did not write advantages!!)

Why write personal advantages? In order to let the resume reader see that you are the person he wants!

Imagine opening up a position and getting a lot of resumes. You need to screen, arrange time, and do your own other work. Looking at resumes is basically equivalent to marking college entrance exam compositions: time period, fast pass.

Therefore, you should also think from the perspective of the other party. If you give key information at the beginning to arouse the other party's interest, you will be willing to read more patiently.

What are your personal advantages? It is not self-evaluation, but you need to prove your ability in the professional field.

Formula: experience/skills possessed by the industry or related industries+presentation of excellent results (about 2 lines)

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The problem with this personal advantage is that he only writes what he is good at, but lacks presentation and verification of the results. You can simply write some data to support it. There is no need to expand, but write in detail in the experience. You just need to get the recruiter interested in you.

After modification:

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Note: These experience and skills must meet the requirements of this position

3. Multiple work experience writing

How can work experience be highlighted? You may have heard of Star's Law if you accidentally write it into a daily account.
STAR rule is a combination of the first letters of four English words: situation, task, action and result.

Corresponding to writing a resume: the company and the background of the task, what the task (goal/indicator) has done around the task, and the final result.

Why introduce? I have written the company name! Wake up, as a recruiter, you may see that talents from different industries want to compete for the position. You may be in a large company, or in a small and medium-sized company. If I want to judge your ability, I will see the improvement effect.

If you happen to be a community transformation person, do you think it is meaningful to directly say that the transformation rate will increase by 3% or 5%? did not. It is unknown which industry or different people in the same industry have different effects on the conversion rate. Failure to make a judgment is invalid.

Writing can be divided into the following contents:

1) Main business of the company industry (scenario S)+your responsibilities and tasks (task T)

[Background] Industry and main business (how to make money) (1 sentence)
[Job responsibilities] 1 sentence: business/product (what you do), work indicators/responsibility (assessment)

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The problem with this resume is that it only introduces the company's background and main business, and it is long. It takes patience to read it.

They didn't say what they were responsible for or what indicators to assess. If the content below is not clear, the resume reader will spend a lot of time combing, or even give up the resume.

2) Summarize the work of this section: what has been done from different functional perspectives to achieve their own work goals (A)+important results (R)

There are about three functional perspectives, and the results need data expression, which is more convincing.



Note: Data expression proves that change=your work is effective. If important performance data can be disclosed, it can be directly displayed, such as a project GMV.

Important sensitive data will not be written. It can be expressed in terms of% increase,% saving, year-on-year and month on month comparison. Highlight key results and changes.

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The same resume, I hide the data and see the following problems:

  • In terms of function dimensions, some can be consolidated, such as optimizing the corresponding processes through data monitoring. Operations are closely related to data monitoring and analysis, so data is a tool and cannot be counted as a dimension alone;
  • The description of important results is not accurate enough, and many parts that indicate improvement have not been verified.
  • What is the purpose of the live broadcast activity and what is the support of this content for my work goals? It is not clear.
  • In terms of sentence description, we can simplify and use short sentences. At present, a sentence is very long and hard to read.

PS: The most important thing is that if you do something independently, you must highlight your personal role!

At the beginning, I mentioned the role of the resume, which is to tell the employer that I am the person you are looking for. My experience proves that I am competent for this job.

For example, what you are responsible for independently and what you have led others to do together, if you are working with the team, you should write clearly what you are working with the team.

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Don't fake this. For example, if you are not responsible for leading the team to do things together, don't write it. If there is a third-party investigation, it is likely to be exposed.

When asked how you designed and led in the interview, if you can't answer, it will be directly determined that you exaggerate the facts and lack integrity. Even if you are good, the possibility of cooperation is low.

We try to keep the truth of the resume and beautify it to a certain extent, but do not change the facts.

Generally speaking, if we stay in one company for 1~2 years, we can write three experiences.

Do you write project experience? It just depends.

If you are not a project manager or have to deal with many projects under your command at the same time, it is recommended not to write work experience+project experience.

You can merge them, otherwise the result will be repetitive content, which looks like there is nothing to write.

Let's take a look at this case. The operator split his same work experience into internship+project experience. And also interspersed with a period of school experience.
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Is it a bit confusing after reading? Take a look at the first version of her integration of some of the modifications, which is much more comfortable (not the final version)

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All the above work experiences together account for 70% of the space.

4. Educational experience

In the field of education experience, we must write, not many, just 1-2 lines.

University one is graduated from:

If some courses you take are greatly related to this position, you can write them, otherwise it is recommended to omit them. The skill certificate can be written if there are requirements, and none can be ignored.

5. Self assessment

Many operators' self-evaluation is invalid. What is self-evaluation? It can also be called personal summary. What is it? In fact, self-evaluation is to reflect your talent quality. For example, strong learning ability, self drive, communication ability

The core is to focus on what qualities you need for the target position. Don't write irrelevant ones.

Most operators write as follows: cheerful, strong learning ability, wide range of interests, good communication ability, strong pressure resistance, and can quickly adapt to the team and new work.

Eight out of ten people wrote that. You ask yourself, is it related to the target position?

As a recruiter, you can't feel and have no evidence to prove your strong learning ability. You don't know what these four words mean.

Let's see how this new student uses self-evaluation to show his enthusiasm for the target position:

[Before modification]

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Her target post is community operation, so we can dig and process on this basis.

Reference script: strong learning ability, through learning xxx course, how long, studying x xxx, completing (works), to obtain x xxx or reach xxx level. (Works, published articles, rankings, etc. can prove the learning results.)

If there is a big gap between the position to be done and the previous one, and you have learned something, you can also write this if you want to prove that you have relevant experience and ability.

[After modification]

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It is not recommended to write about loving reading, which is risky.

If you write, during the interview, you may be asked which author you like or which book you read. If you happen to be asked what the interviewer knows, he will ask you for details. If you can't answer, it is very dangerous, including some corresponding habits, so everyone must be careful to fill in.


There are two ways, up and down, or left and right. There is no clear requirement. As long as the focus is prominent and the content is clear, OK!

Whether you are new to the workplace or have rich experience, you need to do a good job of typesetting.

Wrong characters, misplaced serial, and many colors are all hard injuries.

Typography is the first instinct of the resume reader. It's like there are twenty people standing in front of me waiting for me to choose.

Typography is the first impression. I want to see if you are clean and tidy.

Although very realistic, but the fact is so. Let's see the layout

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2) New to the workplace

For new career partners, the format is similar to the above one, but special attention should be paid to the following: due to insufficient career experience, or new students, they need to put on the experience of internships in college or things they have done. And through these things, to convey that you have the ability to match the target position.

It is the same principle, which can reflect the ability related to the target position.

Your work or internship experience accounts for about 40% of the total, campus experience accounts for about 30%, and the combined length is 70%.

Your resume is structured in the following order:

Basic information, educational experience, multiple work/internship experience, campus experience, others

4、 Resume Mistakes and Precautions

1) One page mistake

The crazy spread [one page resume] (all contents must be presented on one A4 paper) depends on the specific situation.

If you have worked for a relatively short period of time, for example, you just graduated from college and haven't had too much project experience in your first year of employment, so you don't need to scrape up the whole content. Maybe some people are really full of pages, but in fact they are all platitudes.

For people who have worked for more than three years, if you have been in an industry, and have been deepening, and are closely related to the target position, you can control between one and a half pages and two pages.

I have discussed this issue with several HR and employment supervisors, including myself, who have recruited people. The conclusion is that "if your ability can match this position, and each experience can show your different ability, it will be effective.

If you have worked for 5 years or more, you should pay special attention to: first, you should not write a daily account; second, you should be more detailed; third, you should give up the experience unrelated to your current position. In fact, you have a lot of work experience, and people with a lot of years still need a page or two. Then you can delete the first two unrelated experiences without too much influence.

Last month my good friend pushed her friend's resume to me for help. He is a senior data analyst with 10 years of experience.

The moment I opened my resume, I was stunned. It was four pages long. Delete the experience irrelevant to her target position, which can be controlled within 2 pages.

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2) The work content is too trivial

Many operators want to list 6-7 items because they are responsible for a lot of work, some of which are led by them, and some of which are coordinated with others. If you write your resume in this way, people who see it will feel that your work has no core goals.

Therefore, it is particularly emphasized to reflect your core work from the perspective of three core functions.
Generally, your core work is one or two. If you think you can't find it, please write down all your work on a piece of paper before asking yourself questions:

Which is the work caused by the problem that needs to be solved most in my position?
What are the daily tasks that I need to devote my efforts and time to?
What is related to my work assessment?
Which are just cooperating with others?

If there is any highlight in other daily work, you can write it. If you don't give up, you can write it. Don't be a drag on the narrative.

3) Only describe the results

Many people only say what they have done, not the results. As mentioned in the above article, what words can you use to express the impact of your work on the results.

Let me show you a very extreme but real case. This is the resume of a friend of mine.

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Each section of work is described in this way. You feel that he has done a lot, but you don't know what the key points are and what the results are, so you can't evaluate his value.

This habit will not only affect your resume interview, but also your daily report and numerical promotion. The result is the fundamental measure of whether you create value.

As operators, our core work embodies the following values:

1. Improve performance

Your work objectives/assessment indicators are directly linked to the revenue. If you are responsible for the performance and revenue, that is, GMV, you can use the words "improve", "create", "rank" and so on.

The related thing is to improve the conversion rate. If you have a brilliant conversion rate, you can talk about it separately. For example, it is higher than the transformation of the same group members and the same type of products in the industry.

Another key factor in revenue growth is user growth. The increase of paying users of a product leads to an increase in revenue.

Common related positions: strategy, user related operation (activity operation, growth, community/community), product/course operation, store operation, etc

2. Product delivery

Your work mainly focuses on the delivery and use of products (courses are also products). You may not contact users directly, but you need to be responsible for delivery, which will affect satisfaction, frequency of use, and other related indicators, as well as GMV.
How long do you design what delivery content and verify it? Iteration? Double impacts on users and revenue.
Common posts: tutor (operation post), curriculum designer (some are divided into operation post, some are divided into teaching and research)

3. Improve xx rate/reduce cost

The core work points will be combined with cost and xx rate, and the content may be different.
Common positions: new media operation (content, channel, launch related), strategy, business

4. Build/empower team

Many operators will need to build teams and empower, not necessarily management posts, such as part-time/volunteer teams. Through these operations, we can use a small amount of input costs to improve operational efficiency and create value.
Common posts: management post, new media operation
The results and changes should be highlighted. For example, the training camp conversion rate of 8% is different from that of 4% to 8%.

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Finally, I want to say a few words to you, which I have felt deeply in the past two years:

The workplace is dynamic, the industry is dynamic, and the development is dynamic. If you can stay in a company for 1 to 2 years and achieve the growth you want, it is enough. If there is an opportunity to continue cooperation in the future, it is very lucky to need a little luck.

So no matter whether it is temporary turbulence that causes you to find a new job, or whatever, don't lose confidence in yourself.

Since nothing is immutable, don't always worry about changes. If you want to challenge a new position or industry for various reasons, don't be afraid. What you have done before is not empty. You just need to move this part of your ability to another scene.

Even if you have been in a company all the time, you also have to learn new things. For example, you first used electronic materials to forward fission, and then began to use physical gift packages to help fission. In the past, community operations were popular, and now short video live broadcast is popular... You need to constantly learn new things when you promote your team.

In this case, all you need is time to adapt and keep learning, but don't refuse the opportunity to remind yourself in advance: I can't.

If you can't position yourself, think clearly, and make choices, you will never start, and there will be no way to find a job.

When your psychological pressure gradually increases, you will quickly find a job. You will be flustered because of the speed, and will face a great deal of dissatisfaction with your work, as well as other unexpected problems, which will make your whole state worse.

I hope that the operator er, and those who are about to enter this industry, can keep their original intention. I wish everyone all the best!

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