20000 cost, 40 thousand+paying customers in 12 days, real cases, look at it or not- 91 Operation network
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20000 cost, 40 thousand+paying customers in 12 days, real cases, look at it or not!

Publisher: 91 Operations  3877

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 20000 cost, 40 thousand+paying customers in 12 days, real cases, look at it or not!

Today, Lao Kuang talked about a real case: a catering chain store in Guangxi launched the activity of "taking short videos and sending video numbers to praise and win big gifts" in the store. In 12 days, 40000+new paying customers were created, and they are still infinite! The key is to get more than 40000 customers to shop, and the cost is 20000 yuan! Just ask whether you are strong or not? No nonsense, just look at the picture!

 The cost of 11420000 yuan will generate 40000+paying customers in 12 days, which is a real case!


Note that the above purchase rule is: each person only sells one copy! It is the actual number of people, not the number of people! This concept should be clearly distinguished! How to play? One picture!

 The cost of 1.232 million yuan will generate 40000+paying customers in 12 days. It's a real case. It's optional!


Haven't seen it clearly? It doesn't matter. Disassemble the five questions in detail.

Question1: Which store is holding this activity?

The case store is from Nanning, Guangxi. There are 55 franchised stores in the whole city, which mainly sell snail powder, a local specialty snack, at a price of 9 to 16 yuan, as shown in the picture.

 The cost of 1.332 million yuan will generate 40000+paying customers in 12 days. The real case is optional!


Question 2: Are customers crazy? How can we take videos to promote businesses?

Customers are not crazy. Three points are to ensure that they actively participate in activities: 1. The threshold for participation in activities is extremely low; 2. The prize has fatal attraction; 3. The shop assistant never tires of guidance.

1. The threshold for participation in the event is extremely low: When customers go to the store to eat noodles, they are told to take a simple video as required and send it to the video number, then they can: 1) get 2 for free 1 coupon of 5 yuan; 2) Participate in the activity of "Collect likes and give iPhone" for free.

At this time, the guests began to settle the accounts. There are two advantages of taking the video: 1) next time, you can buy a bowl of powder with the original price of 9 to 16 yuan for free without spending money; 2) The merchant has already written the copybook, and the real person will appear on the camera and read it. A simple video can be taken to participate in the collection of likes. What if you want to buy an iPhone for nothing? Double happiness, you say you are willing to participate? As shown in the figure.

 14220000 cost, 40 thousand+paying customers in 12 days, real cases, look at it or not!

 The cost of 1.512 million yuan will generate 40000+paying customers in 12 days. The real case is optional!


2. The prize has fatal attraction: The first prize of short video likes is the newly launched iPhone 13, which has a strong sense of value and its own traffic. In order to improve participation and enthusiasm, the top 100 people who like have prizes, as shown in the picture.

 The cost of 16220000 yuan will generate 40000+paying customers in 12 days. The real case is optional!


3. The shop assistant never tires of guiding: During the activity, in order to order, deliver meals, check out and other links, the shop assistants are tireless to guide customers to participate in the activity. At the entrance of the store, a "free coupon collection place" is set up, and a clerk is arranged to guide customers to read "propaganda scripts" and upload videos; If you arrive at the store alone, you can also take videos and give free food coupons.

 The cost of 1.712 million yuan will generate 40000+paying customers in 12 days. The real case is optional!


In addition, if customers want to participate in the activity, they must take photos in front of any store. This can prevent non local video numbers from grabbing prizes and invalid diversion. According to the portraits of the participants, 97.2% of the participants are local users in Guangxi, with accurate drainage.

 The cost of 18120000 yuan will generate 40000+paying customers in 12 days. It's a real case!


Question 3: Why do customers send video numbers with fission effect?

In order to win the iPhone, customers are bound to forward short videos to their own circle of friends and communities, and also send private messages to friends, brothers and other crazy likes. At this time, when customers' friends learn about the activity of "sending video number to collect likes and send iPhone", they will definitely be excited and want to participate.

How to participate? 1) Buy a 2.5 yuan coupon and use 2 A bowl of snail powder with the original price of 9 to 16 yuan for a coupon of 5 yuan; 2) Go to the shop to eat noodles, and take a video after eating... In this way, fission begins.

Question 4: Where do customers' friends buy 2 Five yuan coupon?

Don't worry, the merchants have long thought that customers' friends want to buy coupons. Click the "Activity" button in the lower left corner of the friend's video, jump to the activity home page, and click the merchant ID, they will find that the merchants are broadcasting for 20 hours. In the live broadcast room, the anchor frantically explains how to buy and redeem coupons, to ensure that every fission customers can successfully buy 2 5 yuan coupon.

 19120000 cost, 40 thousand paid customers in 12 days, real cases, look at it or not!

Question 5: What happens when customers' friends come to the store for consumption?

The customer's friend went to the store and took out the 2 A 5 yuan powder coupon will give you a bowl of snail lion powder with the original price of 9 to 16 yuan for free. In the process of eating noodles, the shop assistant will walk up and tell you seriously, "Sir/Sister, now take a simple video according to our requirements and send it to the video number. The most admired person can buy an iPhone 13 for free." In this way, infinite fission begins.

According to statistics, 476 accounts participated in the activity of "Collect likes and send iphones", and received 8 90000, calculated according to 1:30 praise broadcast ratio, the cumulative radiation is 2.67 million person times, attracting 40000 people to the store.

 The cost of 20.12 million yuan will generate 40000+paying customers in 12 days. The real case is optional!


Calculate the cost: 1) Take one video and send one free 2 A coupon of 5 yuan, 476 customers sending videos, and the cost of a bowl of snail powder is 2 5 yuan, 1190 yuan in total; 2) The prizes include iPhone 13, Bluetooth audio, air frying pan, etc., nearly 18000 yuan... 20000 yuan in total. What can you do with 20000 yuan these days? Invest in one or two small and medium-sized V's in the same city and they will disappear. Besides, these 40000 people are 100% consumers in the store. Do you think they will make money?

To be honest, Lao Kuang is reluctant to write about such small activities that you despise. All walks of life have become dogs What kind of bike do you want if you pay 5 yuan? Thanks!

This article is from Kuang Fang (ID: Kuangfang2012), WeChat official account, and the author is Kuang Fang

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