The fission activity of 100000+has used these six moves- 91 Operation network
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The fission activity of 100000+has used these six moves!

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 The fission activity of 100000+has used these six moves!

In our various marketing fission activities, we often need to consider what to reward users.

The essence of rewards is actually a kind of exchange. What do users need to pay? What are you willing to give?

For example, the setting of incentive targets will have a great impact on the final effect of the marketing activities, such as Pinduoduo dismantling a hundred yuan red envelope, Didi taxi coupons, and various community group purchase platforms.

Today, the village head will talk with everyone about the common incentive targets and what should be paid attention to when designing?

1、 Six common fission rewards

1. Cash award

In most marketing activities, cash is the most effective incentive.

1) New Latin America Award

How many rewards can you get if you invite many people to register successfully? Generally, it is a new promotion activity for new users.

2) Consumption return

You can get a certain commission rebate when you finish your shopping. Goods with high customer orders are suitable for price reduction, and goods with low customer orders are suitable for commission rebate.

3) Sharing Award

Invite someone to place an order and get the corresponding commission. This is the practice of all social e-commerce platforms, as well as some paid courses and community innovation.

4) Task Award

Complete some challenging work, such as winning the first place in the voting and the first prize in the invitation contest.

As for the size of money reward, one should be based on the difficulty of the activity, and the other is based on your customer acquisition cost.

2. Prize in kind

We can often see the grand prize activities of doing tasks and winning mobile phones, cars, televisions and other physical objects. The greater the value of such items, the stronger the attraction.

In fact, offline activities are more suitable for physical rewards, because offline activities can be intuitively felt and have strong impact.

This is why so many people participate in the offline loop and doll machine games, because they can see it with their own eyes and reach it with their own hands.

The offline physical rewards must be stacked together to form a visual impact.

In addition to the physical rewards for doing tasks online, free trial and one yuan purchase can be done to give more people a chance.

In addition, pay attention to three points for physical rewards:

  1. We should highlight commodity prices and their value;
  2. Pay attention to the different models of goods, and clearly mark them;
  3. Pay attention to the process of express mail to ensure that it is intact.

3. Information Award

Some reports and documents we often see are valuable, especially after systematic sorting.

The rewards of the data package are more suitable for education, community and specific occupational groups.

For example, Baoma can obtain 100G childcare materials, including music, picture books, novels and other e-books when she participates in activities.

For short video practitioners, forwarding an activity and adding a WeChat account can obtain 100 industry operating materials.

Sending materials is either scarce at present, or more content saves everyone's time, usually the latter.

To some extent, the data package also has the smallest input cost and can be used and accumulated continuously.

4. Equity Award

Membership system is a common way of user stratification at present, which also means that users will enjoy different rights, and the membership rights will be given to users as a reward mechanism.

1) Experience Award

Taking film and television members on platforms like Youku and iQiyi as an example, one month or three months of member experience can be obtained by participating in an activity.

If you are an e-commerce platform, you can also let the winning users who participate in the activity enjoy the membership price in the short term, as well as some hotels, restaurants, amusement parks, etc.

There are two benefits of membership experience:

  1. Let users have a deep experience of your membership benefits;
  2. Let users have habits, guide users to pay, and become formal members.

2) Membership Award

Take our paid community as an example. For some members who share guests or perform well, they can join the community free of charge and enjoy the same rights as paid members.

Generally speaking, the official right award cycle is one year, and the experience award lasts 1-3 months, even only 7 days.

Of course, there are also permanent member incentives. For example, the social e-commerce platform will have three levels of partner system, junior high school and senior high school, which can be upgraded to meet the goals of recruiting, consumption and team.

5. Coupon

This kind of reward seems to be a means of bad street, but it is really the most effective, the lowest cost of experiment, and the easiest for users to accept.

1) Tickets

If you pay attention, you will find that every year there will be various scenic spots, amusement parks, and events to send tickets for the summit forwarding articles in the circle of friends. To attract users to forward articles, the core is to provide games.

2) Lottery ticket

We have cited many kinds of coupons, such as single product, full discount, special session, no threshold, etc., which must be available to users and not be matched with some worthless coupons.

3) Integral

Some platforms will have points, which can be used to exchange vouchers, physical objects, phone calls and even lottery.

To a certain extent, the cost of integral is the lowest. As long as the corresponding item of integral is valuable, integral can achieve the function of shifting weight from two to four.

6. Honorary Awards

People are chasing fame and wealth, either for themselves, or for their families, or for the enterprise or team.

The most critical point of honor award is scarcity. More kinds of value recognition and spiritual belief will be worthless if everyone can easily get them.

From countries to teams, we can see that it is widely used.

For example, some large enterprises will have 5, 10, and 20 years of employee recognition every year, and social e-commerce platforms will select various WeChat business team leaders every year, and invite them to walk the red carpet, issue certificates, and take photos.

Honorary incentives are sometimes more attractive and inspiring to a person than material rewards.

For example, in the internal APP of the take away platform, each take away clerk can see the local single king, while some sales company employees can see the team's sales crown every day.

2、 Four considerations for fission reward

These are the six common incentive methods for marketing activities, and the following four points should be paid attention to in the specific implementation.

1. Different things

Users of different products pay different attention to different things, so the target of rewards should be adjusted based on their own business, including some seasonal factors.

2. Pay attention to the threshold

The threshold for participation should not be set too low, which may lead to wool collection. It should not be set too high, or few people will participate.

It is most appropriate to set the ladder threshold according to the degree of reward, so as to fully mobilize everyone's enthusiasm for participation.

3. Timely reward

Users of marketing activities are most worried about the failure to cash rewards, so pay attention to the timeliness of rewards.

The first is real-time feedback. When a user completes an action, he or she will send a message, pop up a window and other progress reminders to the user.

The second is the timely reward. Some rewards can be exchanged immediately, such as prompt payment. Some large reward activities need to be contacted and cashed in the first time after the review.

4. Vigorously promote

Rewards are always distributed in a small number, but our goal is to attract other users to participate by this certain probability of reward and customers who have won the prize.

Therefore, reward activities should be spread through various channels, such as internal channel APP, applet, public account, group, external channel agent WeChat group, circle of friends, etc.

One is to reach users in all aspects, and the other is to reflect authenticity through cases.

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