What should parents do about the confusion of the connection between childhood and primary school

Class starts at 8:30 every day and ends at 4:00 in the afternoon. There are six classes, each of which lasts 40 minutes. It is necessary to learn Pinyin, practice writing, math and English. Although Doudou only entered Grade One this summer, his "primary school" life has started ahead of schedule. In March this year, I was in a large class of a public kindergarten in Shijiazhuang

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Since I have set foot on this road, nothing should hinder me from walking along this road—— Kant

Difficult - parents' concern for the connection between children and children

 Parents' Difficulties in Connecting Kindergarten and Primary School

Smile at the end of summer - let's talk about HTTPS and SSLTLS today

The preface first tells why I want to talk about this, because recently when I was working on this public account, I had to upload an audio file on both Netease Cloud Music and Himalaya, but these two websites did not implement full site HTTPS, and then when I talk about HTTPS, I have to talk about SSL more or less

Smile in late summer - CorelDRAW_X4_SP2_Official cracked version of simplified Chinese

CorelDraw x4 [Cdr x4] official Chinese official cracking version has added a lot of new features compared with CorelDraw X3 official Chinese version two years ago, with a total of more than 50 items, of which the highlights worth noting are real-time preview of text format, font recognition, page independent layer control, interactive workbench control, etc

Smile in late summer - MikuTools: an online collection of gadgets, including various video song analysis and download, magnetic search, etc

Note: MikuTools is a collection of online gadgets, including various video song analysis and download (such as youtube dl supported websites, station B, today's headlines, dithering, etc.), as well as magnetic search, collection code consolidation, video to GIF, search for animation based on screenshots, dithering generator, post bar query before 2017

Shaggy - The Chinese Valentine's Day is coming again, and I'm foolish enough to send some flowers,

 Parents' Difficulties in Connecting Kindergarten and Primary School

Even if the whole world speaks ill of you, and I say love words to you in the last life