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[Authentic Spicy Pot Chain] Authentic Spicy Pot Chain is sincerely invited to join

  • Industry Restaurant > Spicy hot pot
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 100000~200000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Shandong
  • Date of establishment 1998-06-03
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to authentic spicy pot chain

 Authentic Spicy Pot Chain Franchise
Spicy spicy pot snacks are very popular in China. The spicy, sour and refreshing taste makes consumers can't stop eating. As a popular snack food project, it naturally aroused the interest of many entrepreneurs. But how about opening an authentic spicy pot chain snack bar? This is a concern of entrepreneurs. Next, let's answer it.
First of all, the authentic spicy pot chain stores catered to the market demand. Over the years, China's economy has developed rapidly, people's living standards have been greatly improved, and the way of eating has also changed. In daily life, in order to save time and effort, many friends choose to go out for dinner. As a convenient snack food, spicy pot has become the choice of many consumers. Whether it is nutrition, health, taste, or price, it meets the standards of most consumers, and the market source of customers is stable.
Then, the business model of authentic spicy pot chain stores is diversified. Compared with other entrepreneurial projects, authentic spicy pot chain stores are easier to operate and manage. Only two people are needed for a store of 70 or 80 square meters. There are many marketing channels. On the basis of the traditional offline operation mode, entrepreneurs can also cooperate with major takeout platforms, such as hungry, public comments, etc., to provide consumers with online ordering services. Offline+online, authentic spicy pot chain stores can attract more customers, and the revenue of snack stores will naturally increase.
Then, the revenue of authentic spicy pot chain stores was considerable. Spicy spicy pot snacks can be eaten all year round, regardless of season. Therefore, there is no off-season for authentic spicy pot chain stores, and they can do business all year round. Snack bars are also available at any time, including lunch, dinner and midnight snack. There are many kinds of spicy pot snacks, which have many selling points. Apart from various operating costs, the monthly revenue is very rich.
Secondly, the authentic spicy pot chain store has a low start and flexible opening. The cost of opening an authentic spicy pot chain store simply includes the store rent, decoration costs, materials and equipment costs, fuel costs, water and electricity costs, etc. In some small cities, stores can be opened for about 60000 yuan. Entrepreneurs can choose stores of different scales and grades according to their entrepreneurial capital. The requirements for store location are not high. You can open stores in food street, university town, residential area and other places.

How about opening an authentic spicy pot chain snack bar? From the information introduced by Xiao Bian, we can see that there are many advantages in opening a store and it is easy to earn money. When running an authentic spicy pot chain store, entrepreneurs should treat customers sincerely. Pay attention to the quality and taste of spicy spicy pot, constantly enrich the dishes, and launch flagship products. So as to attract consumers, improve brand competitiveness and realize entrepreneurial wealth.

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Advantages of authentic spicy pot chain

 Authentic Spicy Pot Chain Franchise
[Integrated output, one-stop service]
The headquarters of the authentic spicy pot chain company conducts a comprehensive and effective survey and evaluation of the region where the franchisee is located and the consumption form of local consumers, provides a series of franchise support for the franchisee, including store location, follow-up operation, etc., and customizes the franchise scheme, so that the franchisee can enjoy the preferential policies of the enterprise during the operation period.
[Scientific operation and unified supply]
The headquarters of the authentic spicy pot chain company has a relatively complete and scientific product supply system in its operation. The headquarters will provide all kinds of raw materials or equipment needed according to the actual situation of the franchisee stores, and also provide strong maintenance for the supply of franchisees.
[Standardized marketing, standardized policies]
The brand sales network of the headquarters of the authentic spicy pot chain company radiates to many cities in China. With a scientific business model and perfect franchise services, it has realized the comprehensive expansion of the brand franchise chain market.
[Continuous service and comprehensive entry]
After the franchisee joins, the headquarters of the authentic spicy pot chain company will fully support the franchisee in planning and promotion during the opening period. The company has many years of experience in serving catering enterprises, and has a grasp of market trends in the catering market. Thanks to the company's scientific marketing planning scheme, the stores of franchisees will always maintain the momentum of development in the local area.

Conditions for joining authentic spicy pot chain

1. Business compliance country Products within the scope of laws and regulations.
2. Have strong enterprising spirit and practical concept of enterprise management
3. Franchisees must agree with the unified standard of authentic spicy pot chain culture. First, they agree to unify and standardize the decoration style, cultural exhibition arrangement, stationery, employee clothes, souvenirs, etc. according to the company's requirements.
4. Having legal procedures and suitable business premises;
5. Franchisees have good credit status and economic ability;
6. Willing to cooperate for a long time, with certain financial strength, certain market channels and good business reputation
7. Uniformly obey the management of authentic spicy pot chain headquarters, and actively maintain the company's terminal image and product image.
8. Concentrate, have a good reputation, and develop together with the company China This market has huge business opportunities;

Chain franchise process of authentic spicy pot

Leave a message online, fill in the application form or make an application by phone.
The chain headquarters of authentic spicy pot will evaluate the applicants and approve franchise qualifications such as franchise quota, region and financial resources. After the preliminary evaluation, the applicants should pay the increase/increase fee of cooperation intention, and the original spicy pot chain headquarters should reserve the quota of the application area after receiving the increase/increase fee.
After receiving the increase/increase in fees, the headquarters of the authentic spicy pot chain will cooperate with the franchisee to carry out the franchise business planning and formulate a reasonable franchise plan, including the determination of the franchise level, the size of the store, the number of personnel, decoration, etc., decoration cycle, operating funds, opening date, goals, etc.
After the completion of the franchising plan, the two parties will formally sign a franchising contract. The franchisor will pay the headquarters a franchising fee. The headquarters will immediately provide relevant franchising qualifications and pre industry training services, such as granting franchising licenses, providing relevant management manuals, and conducting business executive training.
According to the established franchising plan, the headquarters of authentic spicy pot chain will arrange relevant personnel to assist the franchisee in the preparatory work for opening, such as store location selection, rent negotiation and evaluation, store decoration, personnel training, business license processing, business plan, publicity material production, etc.
Before the official opening, the headquarters shall cooperate with the franchisee to carry out the acceptance of relevant franchise preparations, including decoration acceptance, equipment installation and commissioning, publicity scheme and relevant data acceptance, guest invitation acceptance, and personnel in place acceptance. After one by one, the headquarters will issue a letter of consent for opening, and can arrange for the official opening.
At the time of official opening, the headquarters will arrange different personnel to leave the store according to the size of the franchise level to provide guidance and support for the opening, and the opening will be successful.

Franchise information of authentic spicy pot chain

  • Brand name: Authentic Spicy Pot Chain
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000
  • Regional authorization: Shandong
  • Brand establishment time: 1998-06-03
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
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User consultation

  • Consultation and joining, very urgent, no place to invest with money

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the authentic spicy pot chain! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 09:18:02 From Xinjiang Unicom  43.242.154*
  • How to join and what are the conditions

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the authentic spicy pot chain! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 15:01:48 From Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province  60.222.99*
  • information consultation

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the authentic spicy pot chain! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 09:35:08 From Shandong Province  39.64.215*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; We are going to find a store with a total of about 120 stores.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the authentic spicy pot chain! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 07:09:44 From Jiangsu Yancheng [Telecom]  58.219.239*
  • If I am interested, please contact me;. 200000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the authentic spicy pot chain! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 10:23:09 From Henan [Unicom]  61.158.146*
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