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[Chinese furniture] Chinese furniture is invited to join us

  • Industry furniture > Integrated furniture
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 200000~500000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Shanghai
  • Date of establishment 2004-06-15
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to Joining of Chinese Furniture

 Joined by Chinese furniture
Chinese furniture is a major The manufacturer of cabinet, wardrobe, shoe cabinet, wine cabinet, tatami and other customized products for the whole house. Since its establishment, the company has combined the actual needs of consumers at home and abroad with its R&D and design products, based on the principle of trendy, practical and beautiful, with a people-oriented commission and quality major The corporate culture system of science and technology priority provides consumers with high-quality and inexpensive products. The company has a perfect pre-sales, sales and after-sales service system to provide customers with quality services throughout the process.
Since the establishment of the company, the Chinese style furniture system has taken "details make quality, service makes brand" as its business principle, and "integrity, responsibility, creation, win-win" as its corporate culture. At the same time, it has established the differentiation of products and brands, implemented the marketing and creation of concepts, technologies, and management mechanisms, and constantly extended the brand quality of "Chinese style furniture system", focusing on "Chinese style furniture" Brand promotion and management, and committed to the creators and cultural communicators of products in the whole house customization field.
As a family major We have always adhered to the principles of original design, original factory production, original factory delivery, and after-sales warranty card direct mail from the headquarters, ensure Every customer is an original Chinese furniture factory, original high-quality products, fully supporting the interests of consumers.
Chinese style furniture has flexible operation mode, high product quality, excellent construction technology and strong service support. Based on management informatization, guided by comprehensive customer satisfaction, and extended by the strategic idea of customization integration, the concept of "romantic and refined life, Chinese furniture system" has pushed the whole house customization to a new field of customized home furnishing. Take "environmental protection" as the production concept; The business philosophy is to create value for customers; With the enterprise goal of "becoming bigger, stronger, and with good reputation", we will make unremitting efforts to establish a "Chinese style" brand and make it go further.

Advantages of joining Chinese furniture

 Joined by Chinese furniture
1. Cashier space advantage: At present, there is a large supply of furniture in China, and Chinese furniture is particularly popular among many types of furniture. This is a survey result worth thinking about. With the rising quality of life, people's consumption has increased, which provides qualified market development space for brands.
2. Quality improvement/added advantages: Chinese furniture is one of the domestic quality manufacturers, which manufactures comfortable and high-quality household products according to the highest standards in the industry. The raw materials are supplied from designated sources, and the products have good reputation and high quality. Brand ownership major And a good designer team, the enterprise has many years of business experience, excellent design and exquisite production technology won the praise of the majority of people inside and outside the industry.
3. Advantages of product richness: a wide range of product styles are available for selection, and the quality of products surprises consumers, making them beautiful and practical. In terms of competitiveness, it is not inferior to that of the industry other The furniture brand is very helpful to improve the cashier of the franchisee. At the same time, the powerful design department of the enterprise follows the trend to launch new creative products, not lagging behind any enterprise.
4. Brand reputation advantage: In a few short years of development in the market, Chinese furniture has been loved and trusted by customers. High reputation and quality improvement/increase are all reasons for customers to constantly choose brand consumption. Customer recognition is the key factor for an enterprise to base itself on the market, so it has also made the brand famous in the industry.

Conditions for joining Chinese furniture

1. Entrepreneur must be a legal person or natural person with civil performance capacity, and must be at least 18 years old.
2. Entrepreneurs must agree with the business philosophy and business model of Chinese furniture brands.
3. The source of funds is legal, with qualified fund credit, and do not engage in activities that violate the law or undermine social morality.
4. It has legal business premises and is decorated according to the unique design style and technical requirements.
5. Voluntarily abide by and accept the services, operation and management of Chinese furniture.
6. Franchisees must have a strong sense of dedication, responsibility and qualified personal business reputation.

Franchise process of Chinese furniture

1. Franchise application
Enquiry by telephone and letter, and visit the headquarters of Chinese furniture. Interested parties fill in the application form for joining and submit it to the headquarters, which will give a clear reply after review.
2. Sign a contract
Both parties signed a formal franchise contract. The headquarters of Chinese style furniture intended to join paid the contract price, and the headquarters handled the letter of authorization for the franchisee and issued the authorization plaque.
3. Store preparation
The head office of Chinese style furniture is responsible for the guidance and unified standard store decoration and layout.
4. Opening guidance
The headquarters of Chinese style furniture provides guidance and suggestions on on-site recruitment and training, staffing and positioning, handling of business procedures, management and management system of franchisees.
5. Logistics distribution
Chinese furniture headquarters major Our logistics partners will deliver our products to your designated place in time.
6. Official opening
Chinese style furniture headquarters will send major Supervisors visit to guide the goods to be put on the counter and provide major The pre opening advertising campaign and sales promotion program. After the opening, the after-sales service and marketing guidance of the headquarters followed closely, and the remote monitoring system was used to track the dynamics in real time.

Chinese style furniture franchise information

  • Brand name: Chinese furniture
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 200000~500000
  • Regional authorization: Shanghai
  • Brand establishment time: 2004-06-15
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
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bond: element
management expense: element

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Chinese furniture! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 18:32:16 From China  39.168.156*
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Chinese furniture! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 18:59:28 From China  39.168.195*
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Chinese furniture! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 15:33:11 From Qingdao, Shandong Province  49.223.88*
  • I want to know more about the conditions of joining, please contact me!

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Chinese furniture! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 01:38:06 From Jiangsu Province  49.66.213*
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Chinese furniture! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 03:16:06 From Shangqiu, Henan  42.239.162*
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