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[Breakfast Chain Store] Welcome to join the breakfast chain store

  • Industry Restaurant > Fast Food
  • Total number of stores forty home
  • Investment amount 50000~100000 yuan
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Guangdong
  • Date of establishment 2019-11-27
  • management model Direct sale of agency free chain
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship On job investment Graduate entrepreneurship
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Introduction to joining breakfast chain stores

 Join in the breakfast chain
Breakfast chain stores can win the favor of diners, which is normal in advance. After all, food is the most important thing for people. Eating well in the morning will be very energetic. As a Chinese food industry, it has always been very popular, and has also been a food system with strong development strength. The corresponding demand market is huge, which can enable friends who operate stores to obtain rich.
Due to the quality support and considerate daily service, the turnover is very surprising. The price of breakfast chain stores is usually not very high, but the nutritional value is very high, including steamed stuffed buns, steamed buns, porridge, fried dough sticks, soybean milk, etc., which meet different dietary needs, and customers flow frequently. In particular, some customers who are interested in pursuing diversified food will have high requirements for the morning food, and will naturally show a willingness to spend money on the food they like.
The diversified products and services of breakfast chain stores have won the favor of diners. In every city, they will be fully displayed every morning when they wake up. With the help of this service concept that can take into account various needs, the local mass customer groups become satisfied. In the process of opening stores and doing business, appropriate publicity can also play a role in stimulating the improvement of consumption potential, so that the chain stores will get a large number of customers and customers at a faster speed.
Adhering to the concept of bringing healthy food services to food lovers, the operator has made efforts in all aspects to provide healthy and delicious food for customers and friends on the basis of their own ability, and has done a good job in scientific nutrition value allocation. With the development of the market, all breakfast chain stores will have more stringent standards when creating and developing products. On this basis, the daily business value will be improved and the marketing of various commodities will be strengthened.

Advantages of joining breakfast chain stores

 Join in the breakfast chain
1. There are a lot of people eating breakfast. In the case of opening a store, customers need not worry. The headquarters will assist in market research in combination with the current franchise region, and then analyze where it would be better to open a store. Because the store is properly located, it will help attract customers in the future. Usually, it is better to do this kind of catering business in university town, residential communities, subway entrances and other places.
2. The image of any store is very important, so friends who open a breakfast franchise store will get guidance on decoration. The scheme given by the headquarters, after design, can make people feel very comfortable in many details. At the same time, it will also grasp the practical efficiency of the space and will not waste area.
3. In order to be able to cope with the "enemy situation", the project party will often send people to analyze the business conditions of various places at different times. The problems encountered by entrepreneurs can be put forward in time, and the staff will take measures to deal with them and provide corresponding solutions. Moreover, the training guidance will also be in place to make the management of the store more scientific and convenient.
4. As partners of breakfast projects in different places, the product structure of sales will change. We will make a survey in advance to understand the people's eating habits and consumption ability. In addition, on the basis of affordable prices, most people can buy some goods, which will be very helpful for bringing business income to the store.
5. The popularity is strong, which makes the breakfast business better, but it can't stagnate. If you are interested in making a career in the catering industry, you can explore the existing franchise environment. The headquarters will assist you in the whole process and support you in the after-sales system. In this way, if there is a change in demand, both products and management can be adjusted in time to keep the daily business situation on the bright side.

Conditions for joining breakfast chain stores

1. Legal citizens with full civil capacity voluntarily join the breakfast chain store.
2. With good psychological quality and strong financial strength, the fund is more than 100000 yuan.
3. There are 30-100 square meters of regular stores that meet the company's site selection criteria (see the attached table for site selection criteria) and have been approved by the company.
4. Follow the franchisor's business scope, strictly follow the franchisor's product production procedures, improve/increase product quality, and maintain brand reputation.
5. Follow the VI visual identification system set up by the company and decorate according to unified design specifications. The Franchisor is responsible for the whole project.
6. Provide reasonable suggestions and opinions.

Franchise process of breakfast chain store

1. Project consultation
Various ways or channels have a general and comprehensive understanding of the project.
2. Site visit
Take my ID card to the company's site for visit, inspection and negotiation to understand the specific matters of project cooperation.
3. Franchise application
Get the Franchise Application Form from the headquarters of the breakfast chain store, fill in the franchise application, or apply online.
4. Sign the contract
The franchisee who meets the headquarters' franchise qualification can sign a franchise contract.
5. Store location
Relevant site selection information shall be submitted to the company by mail or fax for preliminary review of the store and the local market.
6. Arrange construction
The company designs decoration drawings for franchisee stores free of charge and arranges construction after confirmation by both parties.
7. Headquarters training
The headquarters of breakfast chain stores will receive store operation knowledge such as product knowledge, management knowledge, and operation skills, and the smart candidates need to go to the headquarters to receive corresponding training.
8. Opening preparation
The franchise headquarters of breakfast chain stores shall provide publicity plans and pre opening planning, and make preparations for opening.
9. Official opening
Open on auspicious days.

Franchise information of breakfast chain store

  • Brand name: Breakfast chain
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship On job investment Graduate entrepreneurship
  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan
  • Regional authorization: Guangdong
  • Brand establishment time: 2019-11-27
  • Development mode: Regional agent Free agent Regional development
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Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; The storefront is about 500 square meters.

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the breakfast chain! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 09:45:09 From China  49.222.181*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 40。

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the breakfast chain! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 20:15:20 From Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province [Telecom]  60.183.178*
  • I'm interested in this I want to join

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the breakfast chain! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 04:24:44 From Tianjin  60.24.108*
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    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the breakfast chain! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 04:59:30 From Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province  49.69.198*
  • Phone WeChat synchronization, please add WeChat. thank you

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the breakfast chain! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 06:31:56 From Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province  59.60.145*
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