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Yuqifang Rhinitis Hall
  • Franchise industry:


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    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies Others

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    Franchise free chain others

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  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 10000~50000


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Yuqifang Rhinitis Hall Introduction to joining

 Yuqifang Rhinitis Hall joined Yuqifang Rhinitis Hall - a great doctor with great virtue and sincerity
Set off a trend for health
Correct treatment of rhinitis by wiping, stuffing and pressing
Whole store output, flexible operation, easy entrepreneurship

Shenzhen Yuqifang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is a biotechnology company integrating research and development of rhinitis products and market development. The secret recipe for rhinitis of Yuqi Prescription began in 219 BC with Zhao Tuo, the magistrate of Longchuan County in the Qin Dynasty, and later became the birthplace of the King of Nanyue. The ancient Lingnan is located in a mountainous area, where the culture of the Central Plains and Baiyue culture of the Qin Dynasty blend together. There are many herbs, which are recorded in the Records of Lingnan Herbal Medicine and Lingnan Materia Medica. The south of the Five Ridges is hot, a place with miasma, and nose pits frequently occur. The military doctor used herbal medicine to cure all diseases for the common people, soldiers and officers. The Hakka people who later lived here have inherited and used herbs for more than 2000 years.
During the reign of the King of Nanyue, the nostril herbal medicine passed from the imperial physician around Zhao Tuo. After thousands of years of circulation and continuous improvement, 48 herbs were refined, boiled, mixed with sesame oil, and then applied to the nasal cavity. Smell it to clear the nose, stop the nasal water, and quickly relieve headache and dizziness. Yuqi Prescription Rhinitis Ointment is just a collection of folk "legendary prescriptions", which are classified according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, to find out the commonness and individuality of various rhinitis in nasal mucus, and is made through repeated experiments. Yuqifang Rhinitis Hall joined
Shenzhen Yuqifang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. focuses on the market demand for nasal health care, advocates "green therapy" of traditional Chinese medicine, and does not inject, take medicine, or operate. It also spends a huge amount of money to improve the unique secret recipe of Yuqifang Rhinitis Ointment, and uses the current international advanced bioactive pharmaceutical technology to break through the bottlenecks of rhinitis, such as refractory rhinitis, recurrent rhinitis, etc, We have successfully developed a holistic combination therapy of rhinitis with Chinese characteristics, which is based on wiping, plugging and pressing the nasal cavity. The "green therapy of Chinese medicine" has brought good news to the majority of patients.
   At present, the company has four products+secret party:
   1. Kang Bi Ye: Sterilize and diminish inflammation, protect nasal mucosa Yuqifang Rhinitis Hall joined
   2. Rhinitis ointment: Detoxify and improve the symptoms of rhinitis Yuqifang Rhinitis Hall joined
   3. Nasal congestion pills: Go deep into the nasal focus, eliminate swelling and nodules, remove blood stasis and dredge the orifices, comprehensively go deep into the allergen and resolve the inflammation of purulent nasal mucus Yuqifang Rhinitis Hall joined
   4. Conditioning cream: Regulate the immune barrier of rhinitis, balance and repair. 5. Secret Recipe: It mainly solves nasal mucosa erosion, mucosal damage and nasal itching. Yuqifang Rhinitis Hall joined

Yuqifang Rhinitis Hall Franchise advantages

Yuqifang Rhinitis Hall:

1. Brand image support: unify the name of "Yuqifang Rhinitis Hall", the image design of the store, the interior decoration, the dress of the staff, and the advertising in the store.

2. Whole store output support: when you join Yuqifang Rhinitis Hall, the headquarters will give the whole store output support, from store construction to site selection, decoration, sales, promotion, etc., with one-stop guidance and support throughout the process, so that your store can operate faster and better.

3. Training plan: provide comprehensive and systematic training, including decoration, operation, advertising and sales.

4. Product R&D support: analyze market demand, develop new products, guide competitors and improve core competitiveness.

5. Market information support: the headquarters provides the franchise stores with market trends, commodity information and business opportunities.

6. Site selection and decoration support: the headquarters will assist franchisees in local market analysis, planning and store site selection.

7. Follow up service support: The headquarters has regular staff to follow up and guide your store and solve all kinds of problems you encounter in a timely manner.

What are the advantages of joining that make people so willing to join? Because this brand has many advantages in joining,

Advantages of joining Yuqifang Rhinitis Pavilion:

1. Whole store output: The company provides a series of services, including store opening and joining, store location, store products, store image, decoration style, salesperson training, product display, operation process, cashier system, financial analysis, logistics system, promotion mode, new product listing, advertising media support, after-sales service system, etc.

2. Brand resources: free use of huge brand resources, truly make the power of the brand deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

3. Regional protection: ensure that entrepreneurs can operate in their own businesses in corresponding regions, avoid adverse competition, and develop healthily and continuously.

4. Product research and development: The headquarters has rich experience in product research and development, so we don't have to worry about the products not keeping up with the market demand.

5. Site selection: easy site selection to support store establishment.

6. Unified price: the price is the same across the country, without price difference.

7. Post service: comprehensive after-sales and considerate service.

Whether in terms of support or in terms of the advantages of joining, there are qualified TCM recuperation projects that can be selected. Rhinitis patients are increasing. If you want to do a project and are very optimistic about the TCM recuperation industry, you can choose to join Yuqifang Rhinitis House. If you have insufficient experience or lack of technology, you can choose it, Because the headquarters will support you in all aspects, so that everyone can start a better business.

Yuqifang Rhinitis Hall Franchise conditions
Yuqifang Rhinitis Hall Franchise process

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  • What are the requirements of the county-level agent for the first payment

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Yuqifang Rhinitis Hall! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 10:09:36 From Jiangsu Province  49.94.139*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; More than 200 square meters.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Yuqifang Rhinitis Hall! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 08:11:51 From Jiangsu Province  49.94.156*
  • I want to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Yuqifang Rhinitis Hall! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 19:43:57 From Henan Province  42.236.210*
  • Take a look at the information

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Yuqifang Rhinitis Hall! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 12:13:46 From Lanzhou City, Gansu Province  42.90.91*
  • If I am interested, please contact me;

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Yuqifang Rhinitis Hall! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 08:38:15 From Gansu Province  42.90.95*
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