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[Sheep milk powder] Sheep milk powder is invited to join

  • Industry Mother, baby and child > Maternal and infant supplies
  • Total number of stores one hundred and forty-two home
  • Investment amount 50000~100000 yuan
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Changsha
  • Date of establishment 2013-10-08
  • management model Franchise of distribution agent
  • Suitable for people Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies
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Introduction to the joining of goat milk powder

 Sheep milk powder joining
Sheep Milk Powder Company adheres to the corporate ethics of operating products with reverence and parental feelings, making conscientious products, and selling pure goat milk. Relying on the technical support of the domestic dairy team, it provides good products for consumer customers and creates a benchmark brand of pure goat milk.
The franchise brand of goat milk powder comprehensively improves the health level of consumer customers, and it is its own responsibility to provide the whole world with noble and good products. The goat milk powder is produced in strict accordance with the standards, with its own rigorous and scientific technology and reliable quality. The goat milk powder series is a famous dairy research institution in Britain (Best) The Dairy Research Institute, based on the characteristics of the nutritional needs of the Orientals, specially developed and produced by PC Nurture Company, authorized Hunan Best Food Co., Ltd. to be responsible for the general distribution in the Asia Pacific region.
People used to buy milk powder for children in the past, but research shows that sheep milk powder products, with higher nutritional value, are very suitable for infants and young children to eat. Sheep milk powder, selected high-quality sheep milk, will bring good products to promote children's growth and development. Sheep milk powder investment, facing the country is hot! It is our responsibility to build a pure goat milk benchmark brand, comprehensively improve the health level of consumer customers, and provide noble and good products to all mankind. The "Sheep Milk Powder" brand operated by the company has its own process of goat milk powder, which is produced in strict accordance with the standards. Its own process is rigorous and scientific, and its quality is reliable.
1. Gold combination of whey protein and casein: the protein composition is more reasonable, and the baby's body is stronger.
2. The golden combination of compound prebiotics (galactooligosaccharides and fructooligosaccharides): the baby's intestines are more comfortable, digestion and absorption are more sufficient.
3. The golden combination of DHA and ARA: the brain develops more comprehensively, and the baby becomes more and more intelligent.
Goat milk export enterprises use export enterprise milk sources, which are reliable in quality.
Goat milk purity detector is used to detect goat milk in China, and the purity of goat milk has been improved/increased.
Main imported raw materials (desalted whey powder, lactose, whey protein, lactoferrin) are selected; Nucleotide, taurine, ARA, DHA, linoleic acid and choline are preferred, and the products have scientific and lean processes.

Advantages of goat milk powder joining

 Sheep milk powder joining
1. Advance payment of expenses: The cost of display materials and computer materials shall be advanced by the company, and no use fee will be charged if there is no breach of contract within the two-year cooperation period.
2. Return and replacement mechanism: the headquarters implements the return and replacement mechanism to relieve the franchisee's worries (note: return and replacement of commodities in the current season)
3. Cashier control: the commodity price is regulated uniformly by the headquarters, and the price difference is returned after the price reduction, so that the franchisee's cashier is controlled at about 35%.
4. Site selection evaluation: assist the franchisee to conduct field investigation on the selected store site, investigate buildings, business districts and customers, evaluate the possibility of opening a store, and help entrepreneurs make correct site selection decisions.
5. Decoration design: in order to ensure the unified and complete store image of Yangnanba Milk Powder, the company headquarters provides the franchise stores with decoration design drawings, shelf props production atlas, store SI visual image standards and hardware standards, and is responsible for answering, supervising and reviewing the decoration process.
6. Education and training: before opening the store, the headquarters will provide franchisees with corresponding courses for store managers and clerks, with a total time of 5-7 days; After opening the store, the headquarters will also offer corresponding education and training courses for employees according to the actual situation of the franchise store.
7. Marketing: The headquarters provides supporting catalogue product manuals, operation instruction manuals, and other promotional materials (POPs, image cards). At the same time, in order to promote the business performance of the franchise stores, the headquarters will also hold various promotional activities from time to time to improve the image and popularity of the stores.

Conditions for joining goat milk powder

1. The franchised entrepreneur and the operator are in good health.
2. Recognize the company's business and development philosophy.
3. Entrepreneurs need to have certain franchise ability and awareness.
4. Own business premises, and the business area meets the requirements of the headquarters.
5. Franchisees should have a sense of obedience and consciously cooperate with various national preferential activities launched by the headquarters.
6. Entrepreneurs need to have team spirit and be able to cooperate with other members.
7. Have a certain sense of resistance and have a basic concept of the market

Sheep milk powder joining process

1. Preliminary understanding
Read the franchise guide carefully, and ask the franchise consultant of the headquarters for any unclear points.
2. Field survey
Prospective customers visit the company to investigate products, brands and other aspects.
3. Franchise application
After the franchisee decides to join the company's brand, it can provide the company headquarters with a letter of intent to join, and submit the relevant identity statement for the company's review.
4. Contract signing
After qualification review, both parties formally signed the Franchise Contract, and the franchisee provided relevant explanatory materials according to the contract terms.
5. Store location
The headquarters sends professionals to the location of franchisees to help them select suitable stores.
6. Decoration of franchise stores
The headquarters provides unified interior plan design drawings, decoration renderings, water and electricity construction drawings, store signboard image drawings and other drawings for the franchisees to decorate.
7. Personnel training
In order to ensure better operation of the franchise store in the later period, the franchise store and its corresponding personnel need to go to the headquarters to participate in unified training.
8. Opening preparation
Handling business license; Help to design the store image, and assign special personnel to guide the store publicity.
9. Official opening
When everything is ready, it can be officially opened on the opening day.

Information on the joining of goat milk powder

  • Brand name: Sheep milk powder
  • Suitable for: Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies
  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan
  • Regional authorization: Changsha
  • Brand establishment time: 2013-10-08
  • Development mode: Agency in the distribution area Free agency
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Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; There is another one in Kunming.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to goat milk powder! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-09-22 20:36:21 From China  39.181.181*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 2000 square meters.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to goat milk powder! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-09-21 18:45:12 From China  39.188.118*
  • Please contact me as soon as possible.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to goat milk powder! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-09-19 05:12:30 From Lanshan District, Linyi City, Shandong Province  39.67.143*
  • Add WeChat to learn about the project.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to goat milk powder! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-09-16 00:42:24 From Hexi, Changsha, Hunan  58.44.234*
  • From 0 to operating budget

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to goat milk powder! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-09-12 18:08:08 From Chaoyang District of Beijing City  61.148.243*
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