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[Washing machine brand] Washing machine brand is invited to join

  • Industry household electrical appliances > Washing machine
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 100000~200000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Beijing
  • Date of establishment 2006-02-11
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to washing machine brand joining

 Washing machine brand joining
The pursuit of comfortable, intelligent and convenient living conditions is a very fashionable thing at present, so the washing machine brand is loved by many consumers. On the premise of this, the constantly improved and upgraded washing machine brand appears in the broad market, which brings a sense of convenient use. With the high support of customers, businesses in all stores can experience a bright future in business!
The washing machine brand relies on the strength of the company and has a place in the home appliance service market. Whether in the production link, or in the installation and service of the washing machine brand“ security ”As the main consideration, it makes consumers use it smoothly. In addition, the washing machine brand, adhering to the attitude of providing good service, will consider practicality and functionality in the design concept, so as to upgrade the product structure, performance and other aspects, and present better products to the public.
Since there will be certain requirements for the installation environment during the use process, businesses should also consider whether the location is stable when displaying products to avoid damaging the appearance or performance of the washing machine brand. In general, the headquarters of the washing machine brand will assist in arranging relevant matters for the display of products that need to be purchased in various stores, so that when consumers enter the store, they can see the products placed in the store at a glance, and then become a "fan" of the brand.
Nowadays, people are optimistic about the products that can bring convenient use. Under the stimulus of economic level, they will also be willing to try some new products. The existence of the washing machine brand has met the needs of many people. It can make people wash clothes while having a certain entertainment nature. With the increase of customers, businesses can see a prospect of growing business from the sales status of washing machine brands.

Advantages of washing machine brand joining

 Washing machine brand joining
One stop franchise support: for those who cooperate with this project, the washing machine brand headquarters will give major We have also carefully assisted the franchisees in opening publicity, marketing activities and many other details of planning, bringing "one-stop" support to friends who want to grasp the business opportunities, so that they can easily open stores in the household appliances industry.
Leapfrogging design concept: washing machine brand has a batch of major We have a design team that has been honed and tested in the home appliance service market, has rich experience, and can also absorb fashion elements. With the help of the "leap forward" design concept, the headquarters of the washing machine brand can create excellent service quality in cooperation with the franchisee.
Brand maintenance: For a washing machine brand that is convenient to use and can be intelligently controlled, focusing on the expression of details of each product, it is naturally necessary to do a good job in maintenance and fine craft that can produce quality goods. With proper publicity and promotion, the prospect will make participants feel bright.
Abundant installation team: After a long-term extension, the washing machine brand company has workers who can assist in the installation, and experienced installation engineers who can provide on-site installation services. In this way, consumers will naturally become more loyal supporters of this brand project when they feel the service is intimate.
Perfect after-sales service: many entrepreneurs ignore the comparison of after-sales service when comparing projects, which is naturally undesirable. The washing machine brand will improve the after-sales service system for franchisees. In addition, within the specified warranty scope, if the equipment is damaged by non-human factors, the headquarters will repair it free of charge.

Conditions for joining washing machine brands

1. Comply with the relevant provisions of laws and regulations, and have independent legal person or natural person qualifications.
2. The service consciousness strongly identifies with and accepts the franchise mode and the corporate culture concept advocated by the company, and can accept and comply with the system operation specifications.
3. Have a strong brand awareness and a healthy, frank attitude of cooperation, be honest and have no bad habits, and voluntarily accept training from the headquarters.
4. Have enough strength to join, comply with the company's relevant policies, and have entrepreneurial enthusiasm to join the laundry industry.
5. The franchised entrepreneurs can operate in person or assign special personnel to manage if their health is qualified.

Washing machine brand joining process

1. Franchise consultation: Franchisees send phone calls, faxes and online messages to the headquarters major Franchise consultants of;
2. Field investigation: Franchisees visit the headquarters for project investigation and business communication with headquarters staff;
3. Qualification review: the headquarters reviews the franchisees. Confirm the cooperation qualification of the franchisee;
4. Signing the contract: both parties confirm that there is no dispute about the investigation results and formally sign the contract;
5. Payment of fees: the franchisee shall pay relevant fees to the headquarters according to the selected franchise type;
6. Headquarters training: the headquarters arranges technical training for franchisees, and issues authorized bronze medals after passing the training;
7. Store decoration: the headquarters provides decoration guidance and design guidance for franchisees;
8. Opening: The headquarters continuously pays attention to the operation of the franchisee, and provides operation guidance and assistance.

Brand joining information of washing machine

  • Brand name: Washing machine brand
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000
  • Regional authorization: Beijing
  • Brand establishment time: 2006-02-11
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
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Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • How do you do it? how much

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the washing machine brand! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 13:29:40 From Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China  49.94.92*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 30000/40000.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the washing machine brand! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 11:00:41 From Taihe County, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province  39.176.224*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 10~20w.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the washing machine brand! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 00:08:51 From Jiangsu Province  49.95.134*
  • Investigation items

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the washing machine brand! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 01:00:53 From Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province  59.42.82*
  • What does a franchise agent need?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the washing machine brand! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 19:33:02 From Gansu Province  42.89.74*
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