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[Leisure Snacks] Welcome to join us

  • Industry Restaurant > Western-style food
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 50000~100000 yuan
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Beijing
  • Date of establishment 2015-06-17
  • management model Free chain
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship
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Introduction to joining leisure snacks

   Leisure snacks Leisure station, a collection of novel and ever-changing cool drink bar, magical and magical Korean romantic shabu and barbecue bar, brings consumers all kinds of amazing stimuli. It is also dynamic and static, with ice and fire mixed and unpredictable. It is a collection of new crystal bubble pot, crystal barbecue, crystal goo hot pot, new sharp shabu and barbecue bar, personalized cool drink, leisure simple meals, Japanese and Korean cuisine, hip hop delicious street snacks Yogurt bar, cooked food, handmade fancy ice cream bar, magic water bar, mini cocktail bar, flower tea bar, concept milk tea bar, cake dessert bar, jelly bar, fresh fruit drinks bar, creative coffee bar, men and women's cool drinks area, winter nourishing and health area, hundreds of magic foods in all seasons!!
Leisure station! How about joining a small leisure station? With its novel and unique creativity, the Leisure Station is popular all over the country once it is launched!
To market globally
The establishment of a small leisure station in 1992 resulted in great success, not only changing the original business model of the beverage industry, but also attracting many people who are interested in investing in and operating the beverage market to inquire about how to join. In 1997, the leisure station was officially opened to the public for joining. In 1999, the leisure station international chain business group began to focus on the development of the global market after its foothold in the Taiwan market, and entered Malaysia, Japan, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Brunei and other places, with more than 1500 stores in the world. In 2006, the new tea shop at the leisure station began to develop the market. Because of the global market, your alliance will be more supportive!
Cold and hot drinks chain franchise system brand
A dream practice group that constantly rewrites the history and ecology of drinks!
Early planned the business system of TAKEAMAY hot and cold drink franchise stores, and changed the ecology of the beverage outside zone! The store takes bright, comfortable and clean as its appeal, and its drinks are hygienic, good to drink, affordable, fast and convenient. It not only quenches thirst, but also sells drinks. It also reinterprets the food culture, which has formed a new drink popular culture in the world, becoming a brand of cold and hot drink chain franchise system.
(3) Brief introduction to the leisure station compound popular restaurant:
Leisure catering era
Follow the trend of fashion and take the Time Express. The catering form of each era has its profound social background. In today's mainland, urban economy has been given priority to development, and the living standard of urban people has gone beyond the era of eating for food. "Eating" has evolved into a comprehensive enjoyment: comfortable environment (leisure atmosphere, romantic hanging chair, elegant lighting, etc.); Elegant taste (diversified Chinese and Western meals, healthy drinks, etc.); Cultural atmosphere (fashion pictures, information magazines, pop music, etc.). In a large number of cities that still focus on traditional catering, "leisure catering" is emerging! In the 21st century, leisure catering will prevail in the world
EASYWAY, a world of leisure catering
The leisure station compound popular restaurant is a new generation of leisure catering in mainland China (combining food and leisure). In addition to providing exquisite meals and drinks: authentic Taiwan pearl milk tea, crispy fried chicken, fresh fruit juice, milk tea, coffee, iced products, scented tea, flavored fruit tea, refined noodles, Sichuan Hong Kong Taiwan hot pot, global snacks, Chinese and Western set meals, etc; It also provides the leisure environment that consumers like to talk about: trendy hanging chairs, fashionable murals, avant-garde decoration, information magazines, pop music, etc., creating a distinctive shop style.
Leisure station complex popular restaurant, a fashionable and popular space for dining, gathering, afternoon tea, reading, chatting, listening to music, leisure and emotional exchange.

Advantages of joining leisure snacks

   Leisure snacks 1. Brand advantages
After joining, you can obtain the authorization of the leisure station. The strong brand influence of the leisure station will bring you more consumers and make your franchise store more competitive.
2. Product advantages
Leisure stations have many varieties and a wide range of categories. They operate hundreds of varieties, which can meet the unique preferences of different consumers, let consumers get what they need, and attract more consumer groups.
3. Technical advantages
The small leisure station has strong technical force. Every year, it will launch new products, which are deeply loved by consumers, and keep your store competitive in the market forever.
4. Training advantages
The headquarters of the leisure station is responsible for each franchisee, insists on one-on-one training and teaching, and improves/increases that all churches can open stores independently.
5. Service advantages
The team members of the leisure station are professionals from various industries, who can provide you with process services such as franchise exchange, contract signing, site selection suggestions, decoration guidance, equipment installation, operation guidance, marketing and publicity, and solve your problems in opening a store.
6. Franchise advantages
You don't need to invest too much in joining a small leisure station. You can operate normally in just one or two years, and joining has its own characteristics.
Support for joining small leisure stations:
1. Brand image support
Standardized corporate image of "leisure station" and unified brand publicity.
2. Whole store output support
Leisure station has rich experience in sales chain. After joining, you can get support from the whole store, which can not only reduce your entrepreneurial pressure, but also improve entrepreneurial stability.
3. Free training support
In order to manage a brand well, necessary training is indispensable. Although practice is very important, if you do not understand the brand, no matter how much practice is also a failure. Therefore, the headquarters will carry out systematic training for entrepreneurs so that you can master the essentials of opening a store.
4. Logistics distribution support
The company provides logistics and distribution services to improve/increase the ability to quickly and effectively realize the circulation of goods and meet the demand for goods at the front line of the market.
5. Media advertising support
Necessary publicity is very important. In modern society, if you want to let more people know your brand, you must do professional advertising to make everyone refreshing. The advertising of small leisure stations implements strong advertising efforts, and the Marketing Department introduces different advertising marketing plans at different stages of the company's development.
6. Market operation support
The headquarters has a marketing planning team composed of marketing, has rich experience in marketing and operation, is familiar with consumer psychology, can constantly create marketing ideas, develop a set of marketing and promotion programs, to help entrepreneurs solve various problems in the business process.
7. Tracking service support
The franchise stores shall be subject to the system of designated person and designated store, regular tour supervision, and the hotline, professional website and mailbox shall be opened to solve the practical problems in franchise store operation, so as to improve the core competitiveness and market share of franchise stores and solve the worries of entrepreneurs.
8. Site selection and decoration support
According to the market assessment, we will analyze the rent and the cost performance ratio of the customer source to select a suitable store location for you, and then the headquarters will make decoration renderings according to the area and pattern of the franchise store.
9. Regional protection support
The management headquarters controls the franchise region to support the interests of franchisees, and does not develop a second one in the region agreed in the contract.

Conditions for joining leisure snacks

① Have a certain business background and industry sales experience, be familiar with the local market and have rich contacts
② Have certain economic entity and franchise strength, and have qualified reputation.
③ With enthusiasm for product sales, dedication, dedication and progress.
④ Understand and trust enterprises, and reach consensus on business philosophy and development ideas.
⑤ Have a correct understanding and full mental preparation for the duality of joining and interests.

Leisure snacks joining process

1. Fill in the Franchise Application Form A: The franchisee fills in the Franchise Application Form (Annex 1) and submits it to the headquarters of the company for review.
2. Company review A: After receiving the application form, the headquarters will review the specific situation and conditions of the franchisee. B: After examination and notification to the applicant, the fee can be paid and signed.
3. Pay franchise fee and increase/increase

Information on joining leisure snacks

  • Brand name: Leisure snacks
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship
  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan
  • Regional authorization: Beijing
  • Brand establishment time: 2015-06-17
  • Development mode: Single store franchise
Get more franchise fee information (we will keep it strictly confidential)
Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • Want to join, interested

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to leisure snacks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-26 19:27:18 From Xinjiang Turpan [Telecom]  49.117.220*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Twenty thousand.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to leisure snacks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-25 17:40:18 From Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province  39.158.139*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Less than 50000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to leisure snacks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-22 04:12:18 From Nankang District, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province  39.177.147*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 150000 to 200000.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to leisure snacks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-19 05:51:48 From Lili Town, Wujiang, Suzhou, Jiangsu  49.75.128*
  • How to join, how much is the cost, and what are the specific requirements?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to leisure snacks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-18 17:03:56 From Guangzhou, Guangdong Province  58.62.167*
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