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[Little Toban] Little Toban is sincerely invited to join

  • Industry education > Early education
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 100000~200000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Guangdong
  • Date of establishment 2006-10-13
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to joining small kindergarten

 Joined by small kindergarten
Now, as long as the small Toban is to improve its brand and influence, its franchise value is undoubtedly. Many franchisees have found a lot of room for development, because the cost of small day care classes is relatively high in the market now, so children must understand their preferences before signing up. If children don't like it, don't force it. After all, good interests are good teachers. This makes the small kindergarten products become a hot franchise project. In the education market, we will see some products that are more curious to explore. These products are not only rejected by others, but also received a lot of curiosity from people. The small kindergarten is mainly developed by scientific research, to avoid spending high prices, but children have not learned anything. This is also a reminder for parents and friends, Small day care classes are also kindergartens that children like to go to. Now, the performance of children is very impressive.
Many parents want their children to attend early education classes, which can help them grow up quickly and develop their children's character during play. Therefore, small kindergarten is a very popular industry. Many entrepreneurs want to ask: Is small kindergarten worth starting a business? Where should we start?
1、 Is it worth undertaking
At present, early education classes are very worthwhile for entrepreneurship, because the policy of two children and three children is gradually liberalized, and more and more families have children at home. Many parents have no education experience, and they don't know how to start with their children's intellectual development and character development. Letting children go to small nursery classes can ease their time and energy, and also let children play happily and get comfort, It is widely praised in the market, so small Toban is very popular.
2、 Where to start
1. Make full market research
If you are interested in opening a small kindergarten, you can start from the following aspects. In terms of classroom setting, you can carry out market research to see how the small kindergarten's normal work and rest, as well as the normal planning of curriculum building, teacher recruitment, etc. are, and learn from the experience of the market. Now many small kindergarten brands can help children form normal living habits, and learn the essence from courses and various daily routines.
2. Brand promotion
If you want to operate small day care classes, you can also start with brand promotion. Now, the choice of small day care classes is diversified. If you want to attract parents' attention in small day care classes, you must promote them in publicity. It is necessary for mothers to really see the charm, purpose and characteristics of the small kindergarten, and feel the atmosphere of the small kindergarten, so that mothers and babies can participate together.

Advantages of small kindergarten joining

 Joined by small kindergarten
The comprehensive three child policy has been liberalized. Every year, there are tens of millions of newborns. The trusteeship education of children has brought demand. Many parents are busy with their work and have no time to take care of their children, but their children's education does not want to fall behind, so many parents will let their children major In this way, we can avoid unreliable intergenerational education. Many entrepreneurs have taken a fancy to the market opportunities of small TOSHI, and want to know whether there are many advantages for small TOSHI to join?
1. If you join the chain small kindergarten, first of all, the company headquarters will have many years of practical experience, successful store opening experience, and rich teaching experience. Be able to assist franchisees in entrepreneurship and other matters. The company will also have enrollment policies that can provide enrollment plans for franchisees.
  2、 major And follow the characteristics of children's psychological growth. The company will have major The teaching team can follow the characteristics of children's psychological growth and develop a scientific and reasonable teaching plan.
3. Age based textbooks. Children are young and their receptivity is weak, so the company has developed age-specific textbooks, which can develop different teaching programs according to the growth characteristics of children.
4. There is a big gap in the market. Small and medium-sized Toban has become popular in large cities, but in third tier cities or small cities, small Toban has a large market vacancy and low market saturation. When joining, you need to have a keen vision, be able to identify the market and improve the success of entrepreneurship.

Joining conditions of small kindergarten

1. Must have a strong brand awareness, understand the reputation and loyalty of the small Toban brand, identify with the corporate culture and brand value of the small Toban company, and understand the brand advantages of joining the small Toban.
2. Franchisees should recognize the brand concept and business philosophy, and unify the business awareness with the headquarters to develop together.
3. It has certain economic strength and qualified reputation foundation.
4. Having a legitimate business site and a geographical location in a prosperous business circle is conducive to the growth of customer resources.
5. Able to accept the unified management mode of the headquarters and actively participate in the technical upgrading training of the headquarters.
6. Have certain business management ability and qualified business reputation.
7. Have qualified service consciousness, be kind, enthusiastic and sincere.

Joining process of small shift

1. Consultation
Browse the website, telephone consultation, e-mail, send materials and other ways to understand your concerns, and the company will arrange a franchise consultant to serve you.
2. Field visit
The potential franchisees went to the headquarters of the small kindergarten for field investigation and detailed communication with the personnel of the headquarters of the company.
3. Franchise application
If the franchisee has no objection to the small Toban brand, it can fill in the Franchise Application Form.
4. Sign the franchise contract
After confirming the intention to join in cooperation, provide legal explanation materials, sign the join in contract and pay relevant fees.
5. Determine the store location
Determine the store location, and the headquarters comprehensively analyzes the feasibility of the selected business district.
6. Shop decoration
The staff of the headquarters will measure the store and design the decoration drawings for the store. The franchisee will decorate according to the decoration drawings.
7. Series training
The headquarters will provide systematic training and technical training to improve/increase franchisees' core skills in opening stores.
8. Opening preparation
Begin to prepare for business, handle business license and relevant procedures.
9. Official opening
According to the opening plan, carry out pre opening inspection, hold the opening ceremony, and officially open the door to welcome guests.

Joining information of small kindergarten

  • Brand name: Little Toban
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000
  • Regional authorization: Guangdong
  • Brand establishment time: 2006-10-13
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
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Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; Ten to thirty thousand.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the small kindergarten! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 12:17:02 From Yunnan Province  42.243.243*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 35 rooms do not know how many to cast.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the small kindergarten! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-30 09:32:21 From Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province  49.80.226*
  • I want to do WeChat business,

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the small kindergarten! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-28 20:50:37 From Suzhou, Jiangsu Province  58.209.23*
  • Please call back

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the small kindergarten! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-23 22:44:30 From Jilin Changchun [Unicom]  58.244.130*
  • Add WeChat Thank you

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the small kindergarten! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-18 17:17:18 From Yiyang City, Hunan Province  61.186.66*
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