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[Freshly ground soymilk machine] Freshly ground soymilk machine is invited to join us

  • Industry household electrical appliances > small home appliances
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 100000~200000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Beijing
  • Date of establishment 2007-11-22
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to the joining of freshly ground soymilk machine

 Joined in by freshly ground soymilk machine
The freshly ground soymilk machine, also known as commercial soymilk machine, has the characteristics of reliability, fast energy saving, small footprint, simple operation and inferior quality. The production process is fully automated. It can also produce a variety of healthy and fashionable drinks with different colors, such as mung bean soymilk, cereal soymilk, protein fresh vegetables, mung bean peanuts, walnuts, lilies, red dates, etc., which is very suitable for Chinese hotels, catering hotels, beverage stores, enterprise restaurants It is used by military restaurants, schools, kindergartens and other units.
When it comes to soymilk, many people are familiar with it. Everyone can make fresh soymilk by hand, but the Jiuyang soymilk model is limited to families. The advent of the current soymilk grinder has changed the traditional mode of soymilk production for thousands of years. Processed cooked soybeans are used, and they can be consumed in only one and a half minutes after being ground on the spot. The flavor is strong, without separation of dregs and milk, It does not destroy the original nutrition of soybeans. It has a delicate taste, fresh color and delicious taste. It is the original color of soybeans and retains the original flavor of soymilk. It has become a food drink for many people.
The soymilk produced by the domestic existing soymilk grinder is in the original color of soya bean, maintaining the original flavor of soya bean milk, and has become a food drink for many people. Using healthy and green beans with balanced nutrition and good taste as the basic materials, we have developed and produced more than 20 kinds of soybean milk of various flavor series. With its delicious nutrition, green health and extraordinary taste, it has won the favor and popularity of consumers, and set off a consumption upsurge and life philosophy of "a cup of fresh soybean milk, and" keeping healthy every day ", And then led to a new upsurge of small business and wealth creation.
Polishing is more delicate and the concentration of soymilk is higher
There are 120 serrations on the head of the high-speed rotating six piece double leather knife set, which can grind the beans more finely
Soybean milk is homogeneous, emulsified and has high nutritional value
When the machine is polished, the knife set drives the water flow to form a high-speed vortex at a high speed of 28000-38000 revolutions per minute, which vibrates and grinds the soybean milk, weakening the surface tension of the liquid, making various nutrients more soluble with water, achieving good homogenization and emulsification effects, and easier to digest and absorb
"Refined soybean milk" is original and tastes pure
The knife set of the freshly ground soymilk machine is made of 304 # stainless steel, and uses the same pulping principle as the hacksaw, maintaining the original flavor and pure taste of the "freshly ground soymilk". Compared with the soymilk produced by the traditional "grinding wheel" old machine, the production process of the "freshly ground soymilk" is simple, easy to understand, and more beneficial to health.

Advantages of Joining in the Field Ground Soybean Milk Machine

 Joined in by freshly ground soymilk machine
1. Flexible marketing plan
It has not only the overall marketing plan of the brand, but also a practical full set of marketing assistance and store management plans for individual stores, ensure Franchise operation.
  2、 major Process Services for
Every link has major The staff shall provide corresponding help and guidance, whether it is the search for the store or the decoration of the store, we will provide major Personnel, mature scheme, and strive for win-win.
  3、 major Support of sex management and store supervision
Perfect store management report and major Operation supervision, ensure Product quality and unique market operation support.
4. Assessment scheme for star rated stores
Scientific five-star store assessment enables good stores and good franchisees to obtain more substantial preferential treatment and policy support of the company.
5. Media advertising
Advertisements are customized according to the actual situation of each store, and brand publicity is carried out from the network, plane, television and other media to continuously strengthen the brand value.
6. Equipment supplier
Customize the equipment according to the actual situation of the store.
7. Powerful product development
High frequency of product updates, strong ability to create, large R&D team, with strong R&D ability.

Conditions for joining in the field ground soymilk machine

1. Hold a legal resident ID card or business license.
2. A natural person or enterprise legal person who independently bears civil liability.
3. Fully agree with the business philosophy of the enterprise, and be enthusiastic.
4. Agree with the management and system of the soybean milk mill.
5. Have enough funds to open franchise stores, and have the ability to join and resist.
6. There is a suitable business site and a certain business management ability.
7. Willing to consciously maintain the brand image of "freshly ground soymilk machine".

Franchise process of freshly ground soymilk machine

1. Request information
Contact the customer service of the website, communicate directly with the franchisee and ask for relevant information.
2. Market research
Before deciding to join, the franchisee must do a good job in market research, which includes the following aspects: ① investigate whether the local market is saturated with the same type of brand market. ② Investigate whether there are franchise stores of the same brand in the local market.
3. Franchise application
Fill in the application form for joining, and introduce in detail your joining budget, the market situation of the region you intend to join, etc.
4. Sign franchise contract
After determining the final intention of joining, you can start to sign a joining contract with the headquarters.
5. Assist in store location selection
Headquarters will dispatch major People assist franchisees to find suitable stores.
6. Shop decoration
After selecting a suitable store, the franchisee also needs to decorate the store according to the unified decoration style of the headquarters. Franchise stores can use the unified trademark and brand image of the brand to better attract customers by virtue of brand.
7. Series training
Headquarters gives major Systematic training and technical training to improve/increase franchisees' ability to master the core skills of opening stores.
8. Opening preparation
Run stores and carry out opening publicity activities.
9. Opening
At the opening ceremony of the store, the person in charge of sales regularly guides the business in the store.

Franchise information of freshly ground soymilk machine

  • Brand name: Freshly ground soymilk machine
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000
  • Regional authorization: Beijing
  • Brand establishment time: 2007-11-22
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
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Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • Want to open in Shanghai

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the freshly ground soymilk machine! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 20:33:07 From China  39.188.235*
  • Has Urumqi joined in?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the freshly ground soymilk machine! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 08:14:37 From Shandong Province  39.81.230*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 90 flat area.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the freshly ground soymilk machine! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 23:50:44 From Jiangsu [Telecom]  49.94.21*
  • I want to know about the company's business model and conditions for joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the freshly ground soymilk machine! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 05:07:41 From Raohe County, Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province  39.183.142*
  • Very emotional

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the freshly ground soymilk machine! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-30 01:22:48 From Anshun City, Guizhou Province [Unicom]  58.16.106*
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