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[Steamed Stone Pot Fish] Joined by Yunnan Steamed Stone Pot Fish

  • Industry Restaurant > Chinese food
  • Total number of stores one hundred and fifty home
  • Investment amount More than 1 million
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Yunnan
  • Date of establishment 1998-05-09
  • management model Other direct sales of agency cooperation
  • Suitable for people Free Entrepreneurship Graduates Entrepreneurship Others
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Introduction to the joining of steam stone pot fish

 Joined by Steamed Stone Pot Fish

   Joined by Steamed Stone Pot Fish Project Details
Yunnan Steamed Stone Pot Fish, originated in Yunnan, has always been popular for its delicious food and distinctive regional characteristics, attracting diners from all over the country and becoming a representative of Yunnan cuisine. With the increasingly obvious chain trend of the catering industry, Yunnan steam stone pot fish is gradually moving towards the whole country, which is not only popular with consumers, but also brings new opportunities for catering operators to become rich.
Yunnan Steamed Stone Pot Fish is delicious, nutritious and healthy. Its special recipe is popular with consumers. It has made a remarkable statement and won many honors. Since its operation, Yunnan Steamed Stone Pot Fish has been praised by the local government, consumer media and many other units for many times, and has been awarded honorary titles by the Cooking Association, such as Chinese Famous Hot Pot, Chinese Famous Catering Store, Qualified Catering Unit, and Franchise Trustworthy Enterprise.
It is expected that a trustworthy catering brand will win many praises depending on its extraordinary quality. Yunnan steam stone pot fish has been developed for many years and has been widely recognized by consumers. It has huge market demand and has won a series of praises, reflecting its competitive advantages from the side, and businesses are supported to start businesses. Yunnan Steamed Stone Pot Fish has been praised by the local government, consumer media and many other units for many times, and has been awarded the honorary titles of Chinese Famous Hot Pot, Chinese Famous Restaurant and Qualified Catering Unit by the Cooking Association.
As a famous delicacy, Yunnan Steamed Stone Pot Fish has not only conquered the majority of consumers with its delicious taste, but also its health and nutrition quality has been recognized and has many competitive advantages. In terms of business, Yunnan Steamed Stone Pot Fish is also very advanced and has a standardized operation process, which provides a model for businesses to start businesses, making it easier to open stores.

Advantages of joining steam stone pot fish

 Joined by Steamed Stone Pot Fish

   Joined by Steamed Stone Pot Fish advantage
1、 Stone pot
Yunnan steam stone pot fish is made of Lishan stone in Dali, Yunnan, which is rich in various trace elements needed by human body. The whole stone pot is elaborately made. It is very rosy, and it is also a beautiful handicraft. The trace elements such as iron and zinc on the pot are clearly visible.
2、 Fish
Yunnan Steamed Stone Pot Fish uses fish species less than six meters deep from the Yangtze River, and red and white fennel are the main raw materials. Its meat is delicate, and its bones are free of random thorns. It is white as soup colored milk when stewed, and its taste is as mellow as dry milk. The ancients have a nutritional proverb: those with four legs are inferior to those with two legs, those with two legs are inferior to those with one leg (fungi), and those with one leg are inferior to those without legs (fish).
3、 Bacteria
Yunnan mountains have good water and humid air, providing a hotbed for fungus growth. Yunnan steam stone pot fish has also developed a series of fish stew pots using fungus as food. Fungi have sterilization and anti-inflammatory effects, such as: wild mushroom stewed fish, cordyceps flower stewed fish and other series of varieties, for all kinds of people to ask and choose.
4、 Snacks
Yunnan steam stone pot fish also has special instant boiled food ingredients. While enjoying delicious fish soup, you can also taste snacks from all over Yunnan, as well as local dishes and specialties in Yunnan, such as Yunnan copper pot rice, cross bridge rice noodles, hand-made taro flour, baba and other snacks, as well as Yunnan homemade fruit wine, plum wine, wild vegetable wine, sugarcane wine, mountain mushroom wine, Orange wine and other health nourishing liquors.
5、 Quick
With the accelerated pace of life, people's requirements for food speed are gradually increasing. 160 ° high temperature steam is used in the production of Yunnan steam stone pot fish. It only takes about 15 minutes for a live fish to be peeled to the table, and a pot of delicious food is ready for you to taste.
6、 Fresh
The whole process of a fish from weighing to peeling to cooking is operated by the service personnel of Yunnan steam stone pot fish in front of your eyes, and the fresh and visible food makes you qualified.
7、 Decoration
The decoration style of Yunnan Steam Stone Pot Fish Franchise Store is nationalized, highlighting national customs, spraying national costumes, national hanging decorations, embellishment of bamboo and wood structures, and straw hat lighting on the bar. After entering the store, a sense of Yunnan customs will come to your face, making you feel the elegance and quiet of Yunnan mountains and waters in the glitz of metropolis.
8、 Sauce
There are more than 20 kinds of ethnic sauces, which can be prepared according to individual tastes while eating fish. The diversity of tastes of Yunnan steam stone pot fish can make you feel the charm and mystery of Yunnan cuisine. The varieties are: mushroom flavored sauce, fresh pepper sauce, and fungus made sauce. Tastes: Five Spices, Maotai, Spicy, Slightly Spicy, Spicy, Light Spicy, etc.

Conditions for joining Steamed Stone Pot Fish

   steam Stone pot fish joining condition
1. Franchisees can independently bear legal responsibilities and have the qualification of general taxpayers.
2. It has the ability to join in in line with the size of the store.
3. Self owned store or leased store: the lease term is not less than 3 years, and the area is recommended to be more than 150 square meters, which is a first-hand house.
4. If a store is established in partnership, the franchisee must be the controlling party or have the right to make decisions on operation and management.
5. With entrepreneurial spirit and keen on catering service industry.
6. Agree with the value concept of the steam stone pot fish franchise company, have qualified contract spirit, and be able to faithfully perform the franchise contract.

Franchise process of steam stone pot fish

   Joined by Steamed Stone Pot Fish technological process
Consult and understand the cooperation intention of both parties, and fill in the franchise application form
Analyze the market and issue the market evaluation plan
Sign a franchise agreement to pay for brand improvement/increase
Prepare the opening schedule
Opening planning and publicity, store decoration
Acceptance and obtaining the opening permit
Operation training, purchase of goods and materials
Grand Opening
Follow up guidance for later operation

Joining information of steam stone pot fish

  • Brand name: Steamed Fish in Stone Pot
  • Suitable for: Free Entrepreneurship Graduates Entrepreneurship Others
  • Investment amount: More than 1 million
  • Regional authorization: Yunnan
  • Brand establishment time: 1998-05-09
  • Development mode: Distribution Others
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bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • Does the headquarters need to come to the store for a field visit?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to steam stone pot fish! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 07:34:45 From Inner Mongolia Alashan League [Unicom]  58.18.87*
  • Intention to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to steam stone pot fish! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-28 12:15:56 From Liaoning Province  42.249.7*
  • Want to know the franchise information

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to steam stone pot fish! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-26 23:34:55 From Jiangsu Province  49.90.179*
  • Particularly interested

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to steam stone pot fish! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-23 21:26:10 From Kaifeng City, Henan Province  61.158.147*
  • Sincere cooperation

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to steam stone pot fish! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-22 21:13:03 From Guangzhou, Guangdong Province  59.41.145*
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