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[Pot Catering] Pot Catering is invited to join

  • Industry Restaurant > Chinese food
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 50000~100000 yuan
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Shandong
  • Date of establishment 2010-04-10
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to Joining Pot Catering

 Pot catering franchise
Pot stewing soup for fast food and nutritious food in pot catering is made by using the traditional folk method of stewing soup, using the pot as a utensil, carefully matching dishes, and slowly simmering with charcoal fire. The production method is traditional, and the taste meets the needs of modern people. The simmering soup for fast food and nutritious food in earthen pot catering is made of Chinese herbal medicine as raw materials, and is refined according to scientific self owned technology and traditional secret recipe. It has the results of strengthening the body, nourishing yin and beauty, promoting blood circulation and qi, and strengthening the brain and eliminating wind. It is a green food suitable for all ages. The pottery pot series dishes operated by the company are all independently researched and developed by the headquarters. Ecological, natural, healthy, delicious and fashionable dishes are exclusive to the market, and the flavor is unique. Pot catering is nutritious and healthy, with mellow taste, and has a feeling of returning to nature; Concealed with the way of longevity, it is a good health tonic with the result of beauty, beauty and nourishing. The earthen pot catering has followed a hundred years of manufacturing technology, taking its essence, and created a unique feature fast food, which has promoted the development of the catering industry.
The cost of crock catering is very low. It only takes tens of thousands of dollars to open a shop, and it will not be a problem to make profits in the short term. Inheriting the ancient craft, it is made of refined food and purified water, and then placed on six sides of the fire with hard charcoal as the fuel to be heated, which improves/increases the health and hygiene of food while also locking the ingredients.
Manufacturing/refining material bags. Each material bag is a top secret health care process, which is strictly protected and can not be copied by anyone! There is no chef in the earthen pot catering; No standardized kitchen, saving a lot of space; No experience is needed, foolproof operation, one can learn.
There are powerful enterprises behind the tile catering brand, which has unique advantages in development. It is committed to providing consumers with crock snacks, crock stewed soup, crock nutritious fast food, etc., with a variety of varieties, which can meet the needs of most consumers, and the market is constantly praised. In addition, it has also expanded a number of franchise stores in the market, and every business is good. If you want to further expand the market, please do not have this great opportunity to join us!

Advantages of Joining Pot Catering

 Pot catering franchise
1. National characteristics, build a reputation brand. The earthen pot catering has followed a hundred years of production technology, taking its essence and creating a unique style of special fast food, which has promoted the development of society.
2. It is nutritious and delicious, nourishing and nourishing. Pot catering is nutritious, healthy, delicious, mellow, and has a feeling of returning to nature; Pot stewing soup, which implies the way of longevity, has the result of beauty and beauty nourishing, and can be used as a good health tonic.
3. The unique characteristic signboard, the making of pot stewed soup, inherits the ancient craft practice. The pot is refined with food and purified water, and then placed on the fire with hard charcoal as the fuel to be heated on six sides. This not only improves/increases the health of food, but also improves/increases the nutrition of food.
4. The joining cost is low and the profit is fast. The startup of the earthen pot catering is very small, which only needs tens of thousands of dollars. It will be profitable in the short term.
5. Unique secret recipe, the industry's monopoly pot catering has its own manufacturing/refined material package, which greatly improves/increases the number of franchisees.
6. Convenient and fast, clean without a chef; No standardized kitchen, saving a lot of space; No experience is needed, foolproof operation, one can learn.
7. The market potential is great, the domestic catering market is stable, and the fast pot catering just caters to the rapid development of the social rhythm, opening up new development space.

Conditions for Joining Pot Catering

1. Franchisees need to be legal persons or natural persons with legal qualifications, and have a strong brand awareness. On the basis of recognizing the brand operation concept, they should consciously maintain the brand image.
2. The economic strength of the franchisee should be stronger than that of the business project. The plan of joining a single store should also be included. At the same time, the franchisee should have its own store. It is better to meet the requirements of the headquarters.
3. Franchisees can well obey the management of the project headquarters, are willing to work with the headquarters to achieve future success, have good reputation and credit level, have certain management ability and social resources, and can not be less enterprising.

Joining Process of Pot Catering

1、 Franchise consultation: Franchisees send phone calls and online messages to the headquarters major The consultant consults on relevant cooperation matters and asks for relevant materials.
2、 Field investigation: Franchisees visit the headquarters for field project investigation, and communicate with the headquarters consultants to solve questions.
3、 Qualification application: the headquarters reviews the franchisee and confirms the cooperation qualification of the franchisee.
4、 Signing the contract: both parties confirm that there is no dispute about the investigation results and formally sign the contract.
5、 Payment of fees: the franchisee shall pay the corresponding fees to the headquarters according to the selected type.
6、 Headquarters training: the headquarters arranges technical training for franchisees, and issues authorized bronze medals after passing the training.
7、 Site selection and decoration: the franchisee shall decorate the store according to the unified design scheme provided by the headquarters, and notify the headquarters of delivery one week in advance.
8、 Good luck in opening: the headquarters distributes the opening gifts and production equipment, all products and personnel are in place, and the opening is good luck.
9、 After sales service: After the opening of the chain store, the headquarters will provide new product research and development and business guidance services to the franchisees irregularly.

Joining Information of Pot Catering

  • Brand name: Pot catering
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan
  • Regional authorization: Shandong
  • Brand establishment time: 2010-04-10
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
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bond: element
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  • How to represent and join

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to crock catering! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 17:49:06 From Beijing, China  42.203.129*
  • Want to try

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to crock catering! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 00:29:46 From Shangluo City, Shaanxi Province  39.181.218*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 300000 to 400000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to crock catering! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 14:54:05 From Shandong Province  39.81.165*
  • I want to join the agency and hope to cooperate

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to crock catering! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 14:34:19 From Heze City, Shandong Province  39.82.201*
  • Franchise scheme

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to crock catering! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 10:36:42 From Wuhan, Hubei Province  59.174.86*
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