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[Online Black Milk Tea] Online Black Milk Tea is sincerely invited to join

  • Industry Restaurant > drink
  • Total number of stores sixty-five home
  • Investment amount 100000~200000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Shanghai
  • Date of establishment 2016-01-13
  • management model Distribution agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to Online Black Milk Tea

 Online black milk tea joined
Drinks and drinks are indispensable on many occasions. China is a wine table culture country The demand of people is also growing. The beverage industry has developed rapidly, and many entrepreneurs want to join it. If you want to have a foothold in the beverage industry, it is important to choose a mature brand, and online black milk tea shop is a good choice. The main products of online black milk tea shop include milk tea. Online Black Milk Tea Store insists on brewing green healthy drinks with good quality and cheap price for consumers, and works hand in hand with customers to win wealth and create a better future. At present, the online black milk tea shop has opened 19 franchise stores in the market, and the performance of each store is still very impressive.
Online black milk tea ensure At the same time of quality drinks, new characteristic drinks are constantly developed according to seasonal changes. With the improvement of living standards, consumers' requirements for drinks are also constantly improving. When consuming milk tea, they all require taste first, service first, and health first! Net Black Milk Tea Leisure has now developed into a dynamic franchise cooperation brand. With the common goal of promoting the development of the food industry and achieving more commercial benefits for partners, the company pursues integrity, teamwork major With its own strong management and operation system and talent advantages China In large, medium and small cities. Net Black Milk Tea keeps up with the trend of fashion drinks at home and abroad with its new form of integration of self-developed traditional drinks and western drink culture! Leisure drinks not only provide healthy and fresh drinks for consumers, but also promote the healthy and natural concept of noble and slow life. Especially in schools and business streets, many young men and women will choose beverage stores to buy drinks.
Colorful drinks give people visual enjoyment! Drinks with pure and diversified tastes are very popular, and opening a drink cooperation meeting is a hot entrepreneurial project. Especially in schools and business streets, many young men and women will choose beverage stores to buy drinks. The cooperation of online black milk tea leisure drinks does not need a large store, and the taste is complete, providing cold and hot drinks in time to meet customer needs.

Advantages of online black milk tea

 Online black milk tea joined
1. Enjoy the right to use the brand, store image and product area. Your company will provide you with powerful market strategies and promotional projects. Joined the group to open stores, forming a chain effect, and the brand of online black milk tea is high; It is not a small business.
2. Designers design new products for each season, so that you won't worry about the slow update speed of products.
3. The headquarters of online black milk tea continuously imparts technology and new sales means free of charge for different markets to help franchisees obtain more benefits.
4. Lifelong education and continuous training. As long as you are the operator of online black milk tea, you can go back to the company headquarters for free training and learning at any time.
5. Follow up and assist in the whole process, provide consulting services for store selection before opening, decoration, good cooperation for opening, provide staff recruitment, training, promotion and other advisory planning, etc.
6. Online black milk tea has low joining costs, low early joining costs, and a strong chain system ensure The quality and price of raw materials will benefit more from franchisees, so they are sought after by many small and medium-sized franchisees. Net black milk tea is a very good brand, and business is booming!

Online black milk tea joining conditions

1. A natural or legal person with capacity for civil liability.
2. The brand and product of online black milk tea are highly recognized.
3. Operators need to have considerable financial strength for the early store rent, decoration, fixed equipment configuration, the first purchase and early market investment, publicity costs, and necessary working capital.
4. Self owned business premises and commercial area meet the lower requirements of the headquarters.
5. Able to accept the management of the company and comply with the company's operating systems.
6. Good personal reputation and good business ethics.
7. Be able to devote to the operation wholeheartedly, and have certain market sensitivity and marketing experience.

Online black milk tea joining process

1. Franchise information consultation
For franchisees who are interested in joining the black milk tea brand, you can check the relevant information on the website and leave your contact information for more detailed information about the updated joining policy.
2. Survey
Investigate the local market, go to the headquarters of online black milk tea for field investigation, and determine the intention to join.
3. Fill in the franchise application form
Fill in the franchise application form, and the headquarters will conduct a comprehensive review of all conditions of the franchisee.
4. Sign the contract
After both parties reach the transaction intention, they can sign the franchise contract and pay the relevant fees according to the franchise level.
5. Store location
Headquarters dispatch major People go to the place where the franchisee is located to help select a suitable store.
6. Shop design and decoration
Net Black Milk Tea Company designs decoration drawings and display drawings according to the situation of the store, and the franchisee carries out decoration and layout.
7. Operation training
The company headquarters will send major Our lecturers will give systematic training to franchisees.
8. Opening preparation
Determine the opening time, standard opening procedures, preparation of opening materials, and handling of opening licenses.
9. Grand opening
The headquarters went down to the store to supervise and guide the implementation of the opening plan, and the franchise store officially opened.

Online black milk tea joining information

  • Brand name: Net black milk tea
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000
  • Regional authorization: Shanghai
  • Brand establishment time: 2016-01-13
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
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Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • Want to know about the franchise fees

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to online black milk tea! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 23:49:08 From Liaoning Province  42.248.48*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Less than 50000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to online black milk tea! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 22:30:43 From Shicheng County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province  58.250.45*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 30 square meters.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to online black milk tea! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 19:12:03 From Jiangsu Province  49.95.154*
  • I want to join, please contact me as soon as possible, thank you

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to online black milk tea! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 06:39:51 From Shangcheng County, Xinyang City, Henan Province  42.230.243*
  • I want to join. If there is a suitable location in Beijing, please contact me quickly

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to online black milk tea! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-30 05:13:50 From Hangzhou  60.177.105*
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