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[T-shirt] T-shirt is invited to join us

  • Industry Clothes & Accessories > leisure time
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 100000~200000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Guangdong
  • Date of establishment 2008-06-14
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to Tee Joining

 Tee joining
T-shirt is usually made of cotton, which has the advantages of breathability, softness, comfort, coolness, sweat absorption, heat dissipation, etc. Therefore, if you want to buy T-shirts, you should choose T-shirts. It is also called T-shaped shirt. At first, it was underwear. In fact, it was a lapel half necked shirt. Later, it developed into outerwear, including T-shirts and T-shirts. There are different opinions about the origin of the name of the T-shirt. One is that the Olympic T-shirt was worn by the dock workers unloading tea in Annapolis, Maryland, the United States in the 17th century. People abbreviate "tea" to "T", and call this shirt T-Shirt, that is, T-shirt; The second is that in the 17th century, British sailors were ordered to add short sleeves on their vests to cover their armpits to avoid being unsightly; Another saying is that the sleeve and upper body form a "T" shape, that is, the garment is a T-shaped suture collar, hence the name. In 1913, the United States Navy required sailors to wear short sleeved white sweaters with crew collars under their work clothes, one of the reasons for which was to cover the sailors' thick chest hair.
T-shirts are made of a wide range of materials, including cotton, linen, wool, silk, chemical fiber and their blended fabrics. Linen or linen cotton blended fabrics are preferred, with the advantages of breathability, softness, comfort, coolness, sweat absorption, heat dissipation, etc. T-shirts are often knitwear, but due to the changing needs of consumers, the design and production are also increasingly renovated. Therefore, T-shirts made of woven fabrics have also come to the market, becoming new members of the T-shirt family. This kind of T-shirt often uses rib collar or rib sleeve, rib hem, and is decorated with machine embroidery and trademark, which not only reflects the ingenuity of the clothing designer, but also makes the T-shirt unique and adds clothing beauty. Among the woven T-shirt fabrics, silk fabrics with the characteristics of light, soft and smooth are preferred, which are particularly comfortable to wear close to the skin. T-shirts made of polyester silk or washed nylon silk like silk, supplemented by inlay, add special style and artistic charm to the T-shirts, which are loved by young men and women. In addition, there are Fuchun textiles interwoven with rayon and rayon, peach skin polyester silk imitations with special treatment, real silk and silk fabrics washed with warp yarn are the ideal fabrics for T-shirts, and cheap cotton fabrics have become the favorite of T-shirt fabrics. It has the characteristics of natural and easy wearing, sweat absorption, breathability, no allergic reaction to the skin, and comfortable wearing. It accounts for a large proportion of T-shirts, meeting people's psychological requirements of returning to nature and advocating nature.

Advantages of Tee Joining

 Tee joining
1. Enjoy the right to use the registered trademark of T-shirt and the VI vision system of the enterprise;
2. Provide free image design (shop decoration renderings, plane design drawings) for franchised stores and shopping malls for partners;
3. For ensure In the business circle of franchise stores, other "T-shirt" brand clothing discount stores will not be approved within a certain range;
Provide consultation, guidance and training for T-shirt brand discount clothing, and assist franchisees in local market analysis, franchise planning and store location selection;
5. The operation and management training of various franchised stores enables your employees to become sales experts in a short period of time, creating unexpected benefits for you;
T-shirt brand discount clothing provides a complete brand operation plan and publicity and promotion planning. The company plans national and local brand publicity and promotion activities, including television, newspapers, outdoor media, model shows, investment fairs, etc., to increase popularity;
7. High quality and low price one-stop supply, without any intermediate links, leaving considerable cashier space for the franchise store;
Unified and fast logistics distribution and perfect return and replacement system completely solve the problems of franchisees;
The regional general agent of T-shirt brand discount clothing has the right to operate and develop secondary distributors.

Tee joining conditions

1. Natural or legal person with full civil capacity;
2. If the applicant is a natural person, he or she must be over 18 years old, have high school education or above, be healthy, and have entrepreneurial aspirations;
3. Have certain business background and experience;
4. Be familiar with the local market environment and consumption demand.

Tee joining process

1. Cooperation consultation: As long as there is an intention to join, you can consult by telephone, fax, online message, or you can visit the headquarters for investigation.
2. Franchise store site selection: the headquarters of those who want to join will send people to contact you, conduct a detailed investigation and analysis of the area applied by the applicant, and provide a reference for the business location.
3. Reply to the applicant's review: the headquarters will send staff to take the market environment, consumption and the applicant's own conditions in the city where the applicant is located as a reference, and make an assessment and review of the franchise budget, operating expense budget, turnover, franchise operation and business potential, and then give a reply to seek further cooperation.
4. Payment of fees: In order to facilitate more benign cooperation in the future, the headquarters will collect the increase/increase of goods collection in the form of deposit. It shall be returned immediately after the contract is terminated.
5. Signing: Those who have the conditions for cooperation can sign a brand management contract with the headquarters. If you are not convenient to come to the headquarters, our company can also send a special person to handle the signing and related procedures with you in person.
6. Shop decoration: After the contract is signed, the headquarters will send a special person to provide the franchisee with the decoration design scheme for free, and implement it in a timely manner.
7. Personnel training: the franchisee needs to send personnel to the headquarters for induction training, and the costs incurred shall be borne by the franchisee itself.
8. Preparation for opening: make opening planning and publicity, and the company will also assign corresponding personnel to provide on-site guidance. Franchisees must arrange stores and display goods according to the training requirements of the headquarters, and start opening on a certain day.
9. Follow up service: After the opening, the headquarters will provide new marketing guidance programs in a timely manner, and provide business guidance to stores irregularly.

Tee joining information

  • Brand name: T-shirt
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000
  • Regional authorization: Guangdong
  • Brand establishment time: 2008-06-14
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
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bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the T-shirt! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 21:00:57 From Asia Pacific  43.242.152*
  • Consulting agent

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the T-shirt! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 21:46:39 From Hami, Xinjiang  49.112.40*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Within 20w.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the T-shirt! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 19:49:46 From Shandong Province  39.91.108*
  • I think this project is good. Please contact me as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the T-shirt! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 01:15:41 From Anshan City, Liaoning Province  60.17.160*
  • After ordering takeout, I want to consult about joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the T-shirt! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-30 14:54:12 From Huizhou City, Guangdong Province  59.33.195*
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