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[Carbonated beverage] Carbonated beverage is invited to join

  • Industry Restaurant > drink
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 50000~100000 yuan
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Henan
  • Date of establishment 2013-05-10
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to Carbonated Beverage Franchise

 Carbonated beverage franchise
Many people pay more attention to the prospect of product retail industry. There are many types of products sold in the retail industry, and many people also have their own fixed agent product types. Fruit flavored carbonated beverage agent has become a promising agent project for many agents. How about a fruity carbonated beverage agent? If you understand clearly, you may also make a more correct choice. In order to let customers know more information, let's share it with you next.
1、 There is a market for fruity carbonated drinks
Fruity drinks are used in many occasions, and can be used in banquet occasions. Most carbonated beverage agents have their own types of drinks. In addition, there are many types of fruit drinks, including various probiotic fermented fruit juice. These products help the intestinal health and are more suitable for the elderly and children to choose, strengthening the spleen and appetizing the stomach. There are also some fruits of various flavors, which can make various fruit juices taste sour, delicious and sweet. Various fruit flavored drinks have different specifications and sizes, which can be suitable for more banquet occasions, can be used to entertain guests, and bring you more healthy and nutritious fruit juice drinks. Rich vitamins are more conducive to health.
In addition to being suitable for entertaining guests, it is also selected by many families. Most children love these products very much and are suitable for children's daily drinking. The price is very affordable, and there are many brand products and different flavors to choose from. It can be selected according to children's preferences to meet their daily requirements for healthy nutrition products. It is convenient to carry, and the price is very affordable, which is favored by many parents.
2、 Wide sales channels
After the agency sales of fruit drinks, there will be wider sales channels. Everyone knows that any brand convenience store or supermarket can buy the products they want to choose. Most fruit drinks have more stable and fixed sales channels. It can be launched to major convenience stores, private stores or supermarkets. These are marketing channels and sales venues.
3、 There are many kinds of agents
The fruity flavor investment promotion agent can choose many brands, and can choose any brand agent with market prospect and good reputation who is interested in it. In the process of selecting brand agents, you should know whether the types of brand agents you choose are complete.
How about the agency of fruit flavored carbonated drinks? After the introduction of the above aspects, you should also be able to understand the relevant situation of fruit drinks and make the right choice, which will be more helpful for your future operation. In the process of selecting investment promotion agents, you should pay attention to brand selection, find out whether there is a market for the drinks you represent, and meet your consumption needs.

Advantages of carbonated drinks

 Carbonated beverage franchise
1. On site assistance for opening helps to prepare the progress of opening preparations, and assists in planning opening publicity and promotion activities.
On site assistance in all preparations before the opening until the official opening.
2. After the opening of a chain store with continuous operation guidance, the company's supervisor will conduct an irregular assessment of the franchise store in terms of price, product quality, service level, environmental health, etc., and continue to provide operation guidance to help improve restaurant management and improve performance. Let each chain store have a real sense of belonging.
3. Strong advertising support includes advertisements on mainstream media such as CCTV, billboard advertisements, bus advertisements, etc., until they are widely known by people, women and children.
4. Five unifications, Wandian as one unified image, unified management mode, unified food taste, unified standardized operating procedures, unified decoration and equipment standards.
5. The tax is low, and the tax policy of the clean cashier shop is flexible. Generally, the tax is fixed. The tax is low, the cashier is easy to use, and the cashier is clean, which is popular among the general public.
6. Stable taste: the process solves the stability of taste, and the taste is consistent every time!
7. High operating rate: products sold at low cost!
8. Flexible pricing: Free pricing when joining different regions!
9. The delicious food is famous all over the world, and the regional characteristics have infected the national market. Sales popularity and popularity are rising.

Conditions for joining carbonated drinks

1. The applicant must be at least 18 years old and can bear independent civil liability.
2. Physically and psychologically healthy, able to deal with entrepreneurship and achieve goals normally.
3. Agree with the franchise mode and business philosophy, and are willing to devote themselves to the clothing industry.
4. Have sufficient capital strength to meet the requirements of capital entrepreneurship before and after.
5. Have certain operation and management ability.
6. Be able to abide by the confidentiality agreement of the company and not disclose the details of the company to competitors.

Carbonated beverage joining process

1. Intention consultation: multi aspect consultation, understanding of franchise policies, entrepreneurship and operation, etc.
2. Field investigation: go to the headquarters to investigate the project and have face-to-face communication with the headquarters staff.
3. Entrepreneurship application: At this time, if you have a strong interest in opening a store, you should pay the increase/increase fund.
4. Qualification review: the headquarters inspects and reviews the application for joining, reviews the entrepreneurs, and the head office evaluates and submits the entrepreneurial operation analysis.
5. Cooperation signing: Both parties prepare various documents and sign the letter of intent/contract for joining.
6. Store decoration: The headquarters provides decoration guidance and design guidance for entrepreneurs.
7. Preparation for opening the store: the corresponding staff of the headquarters will contact with the staff recruitment and training of your store.
8. Goods distribution: The headquarters uses its own powerful logistics to transport materials for you.
9. Trial operation: start trial operation and do some promotion activities.
10. Official business: After the trial business, the customer source began to stabilize gradually and the business officially started.
11. After sales service: The headquarters will follow up and guide you regularly after your opening.

Carbonated beverage franchise information

  • Brand name: Carbonated drinks
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan
  • Regional authorization: Henan
  • Brand establishment time: 2013-05-10
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
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Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

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  • Always looking for joining

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to carbonated drinks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 14:42:04 From Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, China  49.211.134*
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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to carbonated drinks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 07:03:51 From Xinjiang  49.118.186*
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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to carbonated drinks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 21:21:21 From Xiangyang, Hubei  42.198.172*
  • Understanding the Company

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to carbonated drinks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-27 08:47:22 From Wuhan, Hubei Province  59.173.77*
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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to carbonated drinks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-23 14:55:21 From Chaohu City, Hefei City, Anhui Province  60.173.248*
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