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[Fruit and Vegetable Drinks] Welcome to join us

  • Industry Restaurant > drink
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 50000~100000 yuan
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Zhejiang
  • Date of establishment 2017-07-21
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to vegetable and fruit drinks

 Joining in vegetable and fruit drinks
The strong brand reputation of vegetable and fruit drinks will surely bring you a steady stream of consumers, create a considerable franchise cashier, and it is right to choose vegetable and fruit drinks for entrepreneurial franchise! You can't miss a good project that attracts money. We present you with a detailed introduction to the joining of vegetable and fruit drinks.
Vegetable and fruit drinks reject harmful additives and use fresh milk as raw materials. The use of harmful additives is also prohibited in vegetable and fruit drinks. All of them use fresh milk as raw materials. As long as consumers taste them, they can clearly feel the differences between vegetable and fruit drinks. Only fresh milk can bring consumers such drinks with fresh taste and delicious enjoyment.
Vegetable and fruit drinks are a healthy leisure food brand, with real British flavor, good raw materials, fresh milk, carefully proportioned to create a good drink with silky taste! Fruit and vegetable drinks have healthy taste, adhering to the concept of green and healthy nutrition.
A glass of fruit and vegetable drinks will light up the light in your heart and lead you to the end of your dream. With a cup of Baimeixiang, you can enjoy your happiness and love. People love drinks, but on the market, an average of 100000 people have a dessert beverage store. Healthy and healthy drinks, both men and women, old and young, love to drink fruit and vegetable drinks. The four seasons are peak seasons!
Fruit and vegetable drinks and colorful drinks wrapped in fog are in front of us. No one can resist its temptation, attract countless people to consume, and become popular in the beverage market. Drinks are such a mysterious brand, creating countless surprises, attracting countless consumers, and creating infinite for franchisees.
Fruit and vegetable drinks are not only welcomed by consumers, but also become the gospel of entrepreneurs. Find a small or large store near Qingqing Campus, a pedestrian street with a large crowd, and a warm and romantic cinema. With the help of the headquarters, open a store of your own, which is very low. A small vegetable and fruit drink shop, achieving the goal is totally beyond your imagination.

Advantages of vegetable and fruit drinks

 Joining in vegetable and fruit drinks
1. We never have to block the pace of customers with high prices. Breaking the conventional price strategy has gathered more popularity and interests for our partners!
2. It has a complete franchise system and follows the international franchise model. It provides franchisees with a variety of franchise options, from company assisted site selection to unified decoration of restaurants, free franchise training, regular promotional activities, etc Create different joining service platform in each link
3. With the strong financial strength of the company's headquarters, the company adopts the "futures" type of large-scale purchase of raw materials to reduce product costs.
4. Wuhan has the logistics advantage of Tongheng in nine provinces. More than 10000 square meters of logistics warehouses deliver materials to all parts of the country every day, ensure Timeliness of logistics distribution, ensure The normal operation of stores is the first beverage brand in the industry that bears logistics costs for franchisees.
5. There are brands with product R&D rooms in upstream raw material manufacturers, unique domestic brands with self built beverage studios and R&D bases, regular visits to the industry at home and abroad, and strong product packaging planning teams.
6. With rich practical management experience, we have formulated a sound and successful business strategy for each franchise industry major The attitude of the franchisee knows that the franchisee owner selects the store, forms a perfect design specification for the store image, and guides the whole construction process.
7. The brand elite promotion team integrates popular Internet resources, has long been a strong propaganda offensive, firmly controls the focus of the target consumer groups, and strives to build a new generation of fashionable catering brands with modern marketing mode and Internet thinking.
8. Provide powerful advertising support and flexible marketing strategies for the franchised owners, and specify the overall publicity strategy according to the market development stages and industry conditions in different periods.

Conditions for joining vegetable and fruit drinks

1. Submit enterprise information, including: business license, tax registration, legal person code certificate, operator ID card.
2. Understand, trust and identify with the company's brand, and reach consensus on business philosophy and development ideas.
3. Good capital operation and sales accounting ability.
4. The store must be within the designated business area; The store should be located in a busy commercial street or large shopping mall.
5. Obey the unified brand management of the Investment Promotion Headquarters and actively maintain the company image.
6. Have good business reputation and personal quality.
7. Be down-to-earth, hardworking and never give up.

Joining process of vegetable and fruit drinks

1. Consultation: Franchisees can learn the details of vegetable and fruit drinks on the Internet, or call the headquarters directly for consultation.
2. Intention communication between both parties: it is a process of mutual selection to understand the conditions, judgment, evaluation and review required for the joining of vegetable and fruit drinks, and to judge whether you are suitable for joining or acting as an agent of vegetable and fruit drinks related projects.
3. Fill in the application: submit the intention consultation application for joining, and the headquarters will evaluate the cooperation qualification after receiving the application.
4. Contract signing: After the approval of the headquarters, the franchise contract can be formally signed.
5. Site selection and store construction: the headquarters will provide corresponding supporting facilities for store site selection major Site selection scheme, ensure The partner selects the superior store location.
6. Decoration of franchise stores: the headquarters provides unified interior plane design drawings and decoration renderings, water and electricity construction drawings, shop signboard image drawings and other drawings for the decoration of franchise stores.
7. Pre opening training: in accordance with the management mode of vegetable and fruit drinks, the headquarters will assist you in the pre opening training, including systematic training on product knowledge+equipment operation+daily store management+business philosophy+actual sales skills for store operators.
8. Preparation for opening: dispatched by the headquarters major People enter the franchise store, assist in system commissioning, opening publicity and other work, and make good preparations for opening.
9. Opening operation: dispatched by the headquarters of vegetable and fruit drinks major Supervise the franchise store to help the franchise store operate smoothly. The headquarters will also provide irregular tour service in the later period to solve various problems in franchise operation.

Information of vegetable and fruit drinks

  • Brand name: Vegetable and fruit drinks
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan
  • Regional authorization: Zhejiang
  • Brand establishment time: 2017-07-21
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
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Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 90000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to fruit and vegetable drinks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 18:54:04 From Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province  60.222.120*
  • I want to join, please send me the details.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to fruit and vegetable drinks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 15:48:45 From Qingdao, Shandong Province  61.156.119*
  • Be specific

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to fruit and vegetable drinks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 10:16:46 From Handan City, Hebei Province  60.5.80*
  • Franchise scheme

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to fruit and vegetable drinks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 08:27:04 From Guangzhou, Guangdong Province  61.140.75*
  • This project is very good. Please contact me for details as soon as possible.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to fruit and vegetable drinks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 01:38:58 From Bengbu City, Anhui Province  60.170.23*
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