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[Highland barley cake] Highland barley cake is invited to join

  • Industry Restaurant > a pancake
  • Total number of stores one hundred and fifty home
  • Investment amount 100000~200000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Xining
  • Date of establishment 2013-06-13
  • management model Distribution agent Others
  • Suitable for people Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies
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Introduction to joining highland barley cake

 Barley cake joining

Advantages of joining highland barley cake

 Barley cake joining

When choosing entrepreneurship projects, more and more entrepreneurs choose snack bars. Now all kinds of snacks are popular and the consumer market is large. In addition, the snack bar is a small business project, and its opening is small. Highland barley cake is one of many snack items. So, how can you improve the revenue when opening a highland barley cake snack shop? This is an issue that entrepreneurs are very concerned about. Let's make a brief comment.

1、 The product feature is the attraction

To open a highland barley cake snack bar, in order to attract more consumers, the snack bar must have its own characteristics. Entrepreneurs can conduct market questionnaires to understand consumers' taste needs. After that, research on the taste of highland barley cake snacks will be carried out, and more flavors of highland barley cake will be introduced to form their own unique characteristics, so as to grasp the taste buds of consumers and base themselves on the consumer market.

2、 There is a mystery in accepting products

When running highland barley cake snack shops, entrepreneurs should not only sell highland barley cake as a snack. In the snack bar, various drinks can also be placed, such as yogurt, fruit juice, carbonated drinks, mineral water, etc. In addition, in summer, a refrigerator can be placed in the snack bar to sell various cold drinks. There is a big difference in the price of drinks. For example, entrepreneurs can earn more than half of two yuan for a bottle of mineral water. Co selling cold drinks can not only meet more needs of consumers, but also increase revenue.

3、 The package price is higher

Entrepreneurs can launch various set meal delicacies in highland barley cake snack shops and bundle them. Compared with a single snack, the set meal looks cost-effective, but the actual consumption price is higher, so entrepreneurs earn more. When combining highland barley cake snacks, entrepreneurs should calculate the cost and set the price in advance.

4、 Store location should be appropriate

When choosing a highland barley cake snack shop, it is necessary to select a site for the target customer group. Highland barley cake is a snack suitable for all ages, so the site selection is relatively flexible. Entrepreneurs should consider various factors comprehensively and choose stores with high cost performance, such as those near schools and food streets. The target customer group is concentrated and the customer source is stable, so the highland barley cake snack bar will have business.

5、 Promotion is indispensable

Entrepreneurs can use the leaflet to promote the brand of highland barley cake snack bar, or they can discount and promote sales to stimulate consumers' desire to buy.

How to increase revenue when opening highland barley cake snack bar? In the above, I introduced five ways to increase revenue. Entrepreneurs can try it according to the specific operating conditions of highland barley cake snack stores, which should be effective. Honesty is the foundation of highland barley cake snack shop, and entrepreneurs should treat customers sincerely. Only in this way can the snack bar develop in the long run and become bigger and stronger.

Conditions for joining highland barley cake

1. Natural person or enterprise legal person with civil liability capacity.
2. Have business reputation and personality.
3. Recognize and accept the company's business philosophy and brand value.
4. Have strong entrepreneurial spirit and service consciousness.
5. Have the ability to join in corresponding projects and sense of crisis.
6. Have a certain business philosophy. Please consult for details
7. Learn more about the project ->Message consultation ->Customer service acceptance ->Fill in the application form ->Review ->Review ->Sign the agent agreement ->Confirm the agent's identity.

Barley cake joining process

1. Franchise consultation.
2. Field investigation: Franchisees go to the headquarters for project investigation and business communication with headquarters staff.
3. Qualification review: the headquarters reviews the franchisees. Confirm the cooperation qualification of the franchisee.
4. Signing the contract: both parties confirm that there is no dispute about the investigation results and formally sign the contract.
5. Payment of fees: the franchisee shall pay relevant fees to the headquarters according to the selected franchise type.
6. Headquarters training: the headquarters arranges training for franchisees, and issues authorized bronze medals after passing the training.
7. Store decoration: the headquarters provides decoration guidance and design guidance for franchisees.
8. Opening: The headquarters continuously pays attention to the operation of the franchisee, and provides operation guidance and assistance.

Information on joining highland barley cake

  • Brand name: Highland barley cake
  • Suitable for: Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000
  • Regional authorization: Xining
  • Brand establishment time: 2013-06-13
  • Development mode: Franchise of single dealership Others
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bond: element
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to highland barley cake! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 10:35:37 From Anning, Kunming, Yunnan  60.160.27*
  • Want to join, want to consult

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to highland barley cake! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 07:11:16 From Xinjiang  49.114.85*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 100000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to highland barley cake! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 10:49:51 From Lvyuan District, Changchun City, Jilin Province  59.109.210*
  • I want to ask some conditions for joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to highland barley cake! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 21:50:46 From Anda City, Heilongjiang Province  43.225.208*
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    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to highland barley cake! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 18:19:25 From Gansu Province  42.94.18*
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