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[Software] Software is invited to join

  • Industry New industry > Software
  • Total number of stores one hundred and fifty home
  • Investment amount 50000~100000 yuan
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Shijiazhuang
  • Date of establishment 2003-10-09
  • management model Agency franchise cooperation
  • Suitable for people Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies
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Introduction to software franchise

 Software franchise
Mobile payment has gone deep into our lives. Just take a smart phone when you go out, and you can easily consume in multiple businesses. Mobile payment has also become a golden opportunity for many Internet entrepreneurs to become rich.
Software Product Introduction
As a high-tech company in the era of mobile Internet, software products integrate the newer Internet information technology, self created resource integration platform and the more fashionable "Internet+" concept to create a set of exclusive "software+" O2O service mode, and drive the online datalization of future business services, The software can help partners at all levels to promote information matching, reduce costs, quickly reach customers and increase turnover.
As a registered brand of information, software is a professional O2O marketing service platform integrating third-party mobile payment, new media marketing system and resource integration. From mobile payment to activity operation, software provides businesses with six levels of services and support to ensure that each business can really play with resources after holding hands with the software, and achieve a win-win situation for businesses, customers, and operators in the ecosystem.
Operation advantages Franchise mode enables you to operate in the region and ensure that your brand use right in the region is not infringed. A good team full of enthusiasm and professionalism can not only accurately make market analysis and planning, ensure the successful introduction of the brand, but also provide a series of supervision and management training, so that you can get on track in the short term.
We provide equipment and software to support hybrid payment, which can easily help merchants solve online and offline payment and collection business. The software also provides various types of electronic card vouchers and physical gifts every month to help merchants do operational activities and promote transaction flow growth (what's more, the software's card voucher interactive marketing can bring you unexpected additional business).
Now entering the mobile payment market, the software can lead you to quickly gain a foothold, share resources, and connect online and offline consumption. Millions of franchise opportunities are waiting for you to grasp!

Advantages of software franchise

 Software franchise
The system training operation provides you with 360 degree three-dimensional brand operation course training, making you an industry.
Technicians with better core technology will provide you with training on the production technology of core products, so that you can have the core technology with uniform advantages.
The site selection team guided the investigation, selected Youjia store location, and increased/increased the number of consumers.
The decoration guide provides a complete identification CD of the brand image so that your store terminal decoration can be standardized.
Operating hundreds of operation teams across the country will provide you with the whole process tracking service of level follow-up operation and comprehensive support for operation.
The better planning team of the Marketing Planning Brand Center provides you with planning support for holiday business promotion activities, and the store promotion is even better.
The online ordering platform developed by the logistics distribution logistics center realizes the timely ordering of materials, and the logistics distribution cost and speed are more superior.
Marketing advantages Marketing advantages: a good team full of enthusiasm and professionalism can not only accurately make market analysis planning, ensure the successful introduction of the brand, but also provide a series of supervision and management training, so that you can get on track in the short term.
The logistics advantage has a professional logistics distribution system and newer storage equipment, which improves/increases the speed of goods distribution and improves the market competitiveness of the company and franchisees.
The group has strong backing and strong financial strength.
The hardware advantage company provides a professional pos system, so that you can know the purchase, sales and inventory situation at any time, allowing you to manage the inventory more scientifically and reasonably.

Software joining conditions

1. A natural person who has the capacity to independently bear civil liability or an enterprise legal person who independently bears civil liability.
2. Relevant business experience is preferred.
3. Having good moral quality and dedication to social health undertakings.
4. Having a strong entrepreneurial spirit.
5. Able to identify with the company's business philosophy and model.
6. Having a certain economic foundation.
7. Those who can abide by the company's operation and management policies and can maintain the company and brand image.
8. Have a strong desire to seek knowledge and join in the industry, and have qualified reputation.

Software franchise process

1. Get in touch with the headquarters to get a preliminary understanding of the project.
2. Franchisees go to the headquarters to further investigate the project details, fill in the franchise application form, and provide the intended city and specific location of the franchise store.
3. The headquarters will send personnel to the specific location for investigation and evaluation, and discuss the specific shop with the franchisee, and the cost will be borne by the franchisee.
4. After both parties confirm that there is no objection, they will sign a formal franchise agreement, and the franchisee will pay the franchise fee and increase/increase fees according to the agreement.
5. The headquarters shall assist the franchisee in formulating the schedule for the early stage of opening.
6. Design the decoration of the store, recruit employees, and arrange trainers to conduct business training for franchisees and employees.
7. The headquarters formulates the opening promotion plan.
8. The franchisee shall handle the business license and other relevant certificates and formalities required for operation by itself.
9. All kinds of in store equipment are prepared and various technical commissioning is carried out.
10. The headquarters distributes the first batch of materials, and all the staff in the store are fully equipped.
11. The official opening, the headquarters follow up, and constantly put forward guidance and suggestions.

Software franchise information

  • Brand name: Software
  • Suitable for: Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies
  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan
  • Regional authorization: Shijiazhuang
  • Brand establishment time: 2003-10-09
  • Development mode: Agency in the distribution area Free agency
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Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • Want to know about the brand WeChat chat without calling

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the software! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 10:44:30 From China  39.190.236*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 450000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the software! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 08:29:13 From Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province  60.180.50*
  • I would like to ask about your joining fees and requirements

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the software! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 20:10:21 From Jiading District, Shanghai  58.39.175*
  • Please send me the detailed investment plan and information.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the software! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 23:59:44 From Shanghai  58.38.88*
  • Conveniently add me to WeChat

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the software! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 12:30:47 From Xilinhot, Xilingol League, Inner Mongolia  60.31.128*
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