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[Milk biscuits] Milk biscuits are invited to join us

  • Industry food > Snacks
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 100000~200000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Beijing
  • Date of establishment 2012-03-06
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to joining milk biscuits

 Milk biscuit joining
The head office of milk biscuits distributes and wholesales pure imported goods, imported food and daily necessities, which are popular in the consumer market. The company enjoys a high position among consumers. The company has established long-term and stable cooperative relations with many retailers and agents. The pure imported products, imported food and daily necessities of milk biscuits are complete in variety and reasonable in price. Milk biscuits have strong strength. They respect credit, abide by contracts, improve/increase product quality, and win the trust of customers with the principle of multi variety business characteristics and strive to reduce costs and sell more. Milk biscuits, a rare leisure food industry in China, has gradually expanded and flourished. Even in the years of deep economic crisis, leisure food has suffered little impact. The demand of Chinese people for leisure food has also shown a rapid growth momentum, with an annual growth rate of 20%
Milk biscuit is a comprehensive food brand integrating production, marketing and research. It has been established for 17 years since 1995. Milk biscuits adhere to product quality, creation and development, strictly control the quality, and have established a complete set of R&D, production and inspection processes. With good quality, it has successfully built a "milk biscuit" leisure food brand
The variety of milk biscuit food is refined and diverse. There are Chinese traditional cakes, moon cakes, leisure food, fried goods, candy, birthday cake, etc. The company has developed a series of sugar free cakes adhering to the principles of hygiene, health, and delicacy, changing consumers' image of traditional food rich in sugar
Milk biscuit dry inherits the tradition with a pious attitude, but also forge ahead with determination, seeking innovation and change, not impatient, hard work, and strive to reproduce the beauty of Chinese snacks. Teachers should not become the swan song in our age because of their years of experience and dedicated research day after day.
There are eight flavors in the trial package of milk biscuits, including cheese sandwich, caramel almond, grape cream puff, coconut oatmeal, cranberry cookies, matcha cookies, chocolate cookies, Brittany cakes. Whether it's breakfast, afternoon tea, or leisure time at night, you may be hungry, or you may just need to relax your nerves. A few hand-made biscuits, or creamy, or crisp and delicious, plus a cup of hot jam to brew tea, the delicious enjoyment makes you feel lucky.

Advantages of joining milk biscuits

 Milk biscuit joining
1. Brand advantages
You can use the intellectual property rights of milk biscuits within the scope of authorization of milk biscuits. Including: domain name, logo, name, trademark and other legitimate business activities, highlighting that your franchise store is a national chain store, which is a symbol of your strength and also a support for consumer trust.
2. Product advantages
There are many varieties of milk biscuits, with a wide range of categories. There are hundreds of varieties of milk biscuits, which can meet the unique preferences of different consumers, let consumers get what they need, and thus attract more consumer groups.
3. Technical advantages
The veteran technical team of milk biscuits has supported the technology, continuously improved, integrated and upgraded, and created a more extraordinary brand image beyond the peers.
4. Training advantages
Milk biscuits gather a group of high-quality, highly capable and highly educated talents to provide you and your franchise stores with major Systematic training.
5. Service advantages
Follow up the whole process from store location, decoration, opening to daily operation, and implement unified standards with the company's direct stores.
6. Franchise advantages
The joining of milk biscuits is small and fast. As long as it is properly managed, it can help you operate quickly and normally.

Conditions for joining milk biscuits

1. The business reputation is qualified, the contract and agreement signed by both parties can be conscientiously performed, and the firm belief in long-term cooperation is strong.
2. It has advanced brand marketing concept and can reach a consensus with the company's marketing concept.
3. The professional ethics of not operating fake goods, not dumping or fleeing goods, operating in good faith, mutual benefit and common development.
4. Powerful, capable and well-organized major Team, able to improve/increase the sales target in the region.
5. It has strong economic strength and can meet the operating capital required by the market to ensure Product demand and economic benefits in peak sales season.
6. It has smooth storage and transportation capacity, which not only makes the inventory turnover reasonable, but also can deliver the products in time.

Milk biscuit joining process

1. Consulting franchise policy
If you want to inquire about the details of joining, you can leave your basic information, or you can communicate with the online customer service online.
2. Investigation stage
Investigate the situation and development trend of the local consumer market.
3. Determine intention
Fully understand and agree with the operation and management mode of milk biscuits, determine the intention of joining, and apply to the headquarters for joining.
4. Sign the contract
Sign the franchise contract and authorize the relevant certificates of the franchisee.
5. Site selection and store construction
Look for stores that meet the lower requirements of the headquarters, with good location and moderate area.
6. Decoration construction
Franchisees need to discuss with the company headquarters to design a suitable and unique decoration style, and then carry out decoration construction.
7. Operation training
The company headquarters will send major Our lecturers will give systematic training to franchisees.
8. Opening preparation
On the eve of opening, the headquarters of the company will accompany the franchisees to complete various preparations for opening, so that the franchisees can save worry and effort.
9. Opening operation
The headquarters will continue to pay attention to the operation of the franchisees and give them operational guidance and assistance.

Milk biscuit joining information

  • Brand name: Milk biscuit
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000
  • Regional authorization: Beijing
  • Brand establishment time: 2012-03-06
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
Get more franchise fee information (we will keep it strictly confidential)
Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • Want to know about the mode of joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to milk biscuits! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-19 13:41:00 From Shandong Province  39.85.255*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 40000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to milk biscuits! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 15:20:18 From Shandong Heze [Unicom]  39.81.12*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 20000.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to milk biscuits! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 16:28:39 From Benxi City, Liaoning Province  42.177.224*
  • How do you join in

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to milk biscuits! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 22:54:24 From Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province  58.219.231*
  • Quite interested in this product

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to milk biscuits! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 19:17:56 From Gansu [Telecom]  42.90.95*
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