It's better to open a picture book library by yourself or join in

2022-06-23 11:50:17 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

Many entrepreneurs are struggling with this problem. This little editor will take you to sort it out for reference only!

  • Brand name: Long Face Uncle Art Gallery
  • Industry: education > Fine Arts
  • Number of stores: 100
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan

Many entrepreneurs are struggling with this problem. This little editor will take you to sort it out for reference only!

As we all know, the two child and three child policies are also open now. According to the calculation of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, it is expected that in the next 5 to 10 years, the number of births in China will remain at a high level every year. The basic consumption of each family is nothing more than: food, clothing, housing and transportation.

As children grow up, they need more than these things, such as early education, interest classes, picture books, art learning, and so on. Consumption is also scary. Fortunately, the economic level of young people today can keep up, and the education of children is not lax.

Statistics show that in 2021, children's projects will become popular franchises.

So, is it better to join or create a picture book library? A friend of the owner of the museum who once made up a small story answered this question, She answered realistically: "With the support of the brand, consumers and the society will easily accept and recognize it, and the brand company will also provide nanny like services and opening training, a series of activities and enrollment plans from scientific site selection to purchase picture books, materials, store decoration, training, later opening, course pricing, monthly activities, home classes, employee management, performance appraisal, etc Alliance advantage is much stronger than self fighting alone. Although there is a franchise fee, it is really convenient and can reduce detours.

The editor also asked the entrepreneurial friends who did not want to join and wanted to create their own business. They thought that the joining fee was high, ranging from more than 50000 to more than 40000; There are too many picture book brands on the market, and they are afraid of being cheated, and the provided activity scheme is not workable, and so on;

Based on what the two entrepreneurs mentioned above, I think what they said is not without road, but we should clear our eyes, go to the company for field investigation before joining, and we must have direct stores to provide mature services to the franchisees. Participating brand picture book libraries can move forward based on their previous experience. As novices, they can choose to join, consult more stores, observe the fees and services, etc., and we can't let go of good brands~

The one that Xiaobian is familiar with is the Nanjing Insect Discovery Picture Book Aesthetics Museum. The nanny service will solve your problems every minute. The direct marketing model has started for more than ten years. There are few direct marketing models in the industry. Many franchisees are joined by parents. The children are very good in the picture book library. After joining, they return home to open the library. What attracts franchisees is picture book literacy and nature education courses. At present, the courses have been upgraded to the era of 5.0 and are no longer in the traditional form of borrowing picture books.

For the current post-80s and post-90s parents, how can parents be willing to pay? Courses are very important. Integrate multiple courses such as picture book literacy, natural cultivation, logical thinking, picture book reading, writing and drawing, and create a diversified picture book library for children, so that parents are willing to pay the bill and continue the course; Bug Bug has found many years of practical experience to stabilize the interests of franchisees and maintain their image. Hundreds of franchisees in China have not only good after-sales service attitude but also professional service. After sales is led by the director of the direct store, which is no longer the traditional image of after-sales customer service. They really help franchisees and do a good job! Make it bigger! Be strong! Can open a branch in the local area! Friends who want to join can consult. Their family limits the number of franchises every year. The consultation is free. It's not bad for you to consult. Insect discovery will make you like it~

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