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[Maternal and infant products] Maternal and infant products are invited to join us

  • Industry Mother, baby and child > Maternal and infant supplies
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 100000~200000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Hebei
  • Date of establishment 2002-07-18
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to joining of mother baby products

 Joining in of mother and baby products
Maternal and infant products is an advanced chain retail enterprise in the infant and child industry, which mainly sells products and services for pregnant women and babies aged 0-6 years. The products operated by Sunshine Baby Pregnancy and Baby Store include 16 categories of mother and baby products, including milk powder, complementary food, nutrition, diapers, daily use series, washing and nursing series, baby clothes, baby shoes, baby carriages, baby beds, toys, bedding, gifts, maternal supplies, books, audio-video, small household appliances, etc., and has cooperated with more than 530 well-known baby and baby brands around the country, It has maintained the supply of mother and baby products from the headquarters to the franchise stores, reduced the level by level price increase links of commodity intermediate agents, and enabled the franchise stores to achieve revenue generation.
Maternal and infant products are quite comprehensive and can help every franchisee to easily make satisfactory achievements in the maternal and infant training industry. As a well-known brand in the industry, mother and baby products have different series of course products, and have won many brand honors in the industry with the advantages of full range, variety and novel style. Maternal and infant products have a strong brand effect, and the reputation is supreme. Choosing to join can quickly gain the recognition of consumers with the help of the brand. Adhering to the brand development line of mother baby products, we can give priority to equipment and win with products, and make satisfactory achievements. Maternal and infant products have advanced production equipment and a vast production base. The scope of supply covers the whole country. The production capacity and product quality are unquestionable.
Service advantages: Maternal and infant products can provide franchisees with "support when opening stores, and support when opening stores" services. In addition to the corresponding discounts, the mother and baby product headquarters will also provide dealers with detailed decoration drawings and store decoration guidance, as well as promotional activities that can cater to the consumption environment around the store, and improve/increase the store size. Maternal and infant products provide the franchisees with supporting services that have no foundation to start. The contents can cover all links such as store location, store decoration, store staff decoration, design and installation services and after-sales services. Not only that, mother and baby products will also give dealers comprehensive and systematic training and guidance, so that franchisees can easily eliminate their worries.

Advantages of joining mother baby products

 Joining in of mother and baby products
Market advantages of mother and baby products:
Modern people are more and more advocating themselves, pursuing spiritual freedom, and yearning for a place where their hearts can be relaxed for a moment to savor their inner stories.
From site selection to opening marketing, the headquarters supports:
Site selection assessment
The headquarter of mother and baby products has ten years of experience in chain stores, and has assigned special personnel to investigate the store location environment, evaluate the customer flow, and evaluate the competitive market.
Standardization system training
Service standard of mother baby products store, self owned process of product technology, material purchase, sales and inventory management training, cashier system, store opening process, and marketing activities.
Standard store design
Free 3D renderings and construction drawings are provided for franchise stores of mother and baby products, and the store image is consistent with that of the headquarters.
Store opening support
When opening, the headquarters of mother and baby products will assign an operation teacher to help the franchise store with store support, and help the franchise store with work arrangement and training during opening.
Continuous new product update
Product update improves/increases the market competitiveness of mother and baby products, and promotes the sticky consumption of consumers.
One to one customer service
One to one customer service return visit every half month, the franchise stores raised problems, and the mother baby product headquarters analyzed the problems and put forward suggestions.
Timely logistics distribution
Full time logistics distribution center. The full-time team of the logistics distribution center of the headquarters of mother and baby products provides the franchise stores with goods in a timely manner.

Conditions for joining mother baby products

1. Fashion miracle makes your entrepreneurial dream set sail successfully.
2. I and my family are healthy and have enthusiasm and enthusiasm for the industry.
3. Recognize and accept the business philosophy and model of the project of mother and baby products, and be interested in creating franchisees.
4. Provide legal ID card so that the headquarters can establish true files.
5. Implement and comply with the operation and management systems of the project.
6. Natural persons with independent legal personality or strong economic strength.
7. Have qualified cooperation awareness and qualified business reputation.

Franchise process of mother baby products

1. The proposed franchisee shall fill in the Franchise Application Form according to the company's specifications, fill in his own basic information, attach relevant copies, fax or submit to the company's headquarters
2. After receiving the above forms and copies, the head office will conduct preliminary review and reply within three working days.
3. After the preliminary review, both parties signed the Letter of Intent for Franchise, and the company will send investigators to the camp of the proposed franchisee for examination.
4. Evaluate the business environment, staffing, equipment and facilities of the proposed franchisee in many aspects, and notify the evaluation results within 5 working days after the examination.
5. The proposed franchisee can pay the relevant fees agreed in the agreement directly to the head office in cash or transfer to the head office account.
6. The headquarters of the company provides franchising qualification authorization and franchising chain management system training to the franchisees, and provides VI design samples and promotional materials to the proposed franchisees.
7. The proposed franchisee shall decorate and decorate its business premises according to the requirements of the company, and provide unified dressing and etiquette training for its staff.
8. The head office shall assign special personnel to inspect the proposed franchisee before opening.
9. After the opening inspection is qualified, the franchisee is officially listed for operation.

Information on joining mother and baby products

  • Brand name: Maternal and baby products
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000
  • Regional authorization: Hebei
  • Brand establishment time: 2002-07-18
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
Get more franchise fee information (we will keep it strictly confidential)
Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • Want to know about the joining conditions, project budget and specific contract information

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to mother baby products! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 20:24:37 From Yiwu, Zhejiang  39.183.144*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 200000 to 300000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to mother baby products! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 02:31:27 From Jiande, Zhejiang  49.94.65*
  • Ask the headquarters if Taizhou can join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to mother baby products! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 13:31:35 From Jinshan District, Shanghai  61.173.194*
  • Please leave a message for me immediately. I'm in a hurry~~

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to mother baby products! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 05:05:53 From Shandong Province  39.91.13*
  • How can you join in, including recycling

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to mother baby products! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 05:31:09 From Jiangsu Province  49.90.18*
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