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Snack and leisure
  • Franchise expenses 200000~500000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Industry classification Food and snack food
  • Entrepreneurs Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • corporate name Snack and leisure
  • Date of establishment 2001-04-04
  • Number of stores one hundred
  • Company address Chongwen District, Beijing
Consultation franchise discount
Good joining prospect
Low joining cost
Headquarters support many
Snack leisure franchise fees
Estimated franchise cost: 200000~500000 yuan

Introduction to Snack and Leisure Joining
 Snack leisure alliance
Snack leisure is the food that people eat in their leisure and rest time. The appropriate explanation is that they eat and play food. The main categories are: fried nuts, biscuits and cakes, jujube products, candy cheese, dried beans, candied fruits, dried fruits, puffed food, candy, sour corner cakes, fish series, meat food, tea brewing, etc. With the improvement of living standards, snacks and leisure have always been popular among the people. Snack and leisure are gradually becoming the daily necessities of the people. With the development of economy and the improvement of consumption level, consumers' demand for the quantity and quality of snacks and leisure is growing.
Snack leisure is the food that people eat in their leisure and rest time. The appropriate explanation is that they eat and play food. The main categories are: nuts, jujube products, preserved fruit, dried fruit, puffed food, candy, fish series, meat food, etc. With the improvement of living standards, snacks and leisure have always been popular among the people. Snack and leisure are gradually becoming the daily necessities of the people. With the development of economy and the improvement of consumption level, consumers' demand for the quantity and quality of snacks and leisure is growing. With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the snack leisure consumption pattern, which was originally based on food and clothing, has gradually shifted to the personalized direction of flavor, nutrition, enjoyment and even function. Especially with the continuous expansion of the market, the snack and leisure market began to develop rapidly, and presented a rare busy scene.
With the prosperity of snack and leisure consumption, more and more people have focused on health and nutrition. The current snack and leisure manufacturers are promoting that snack and leisure can become part of a healthy and balanced diet. Low calorie, low-fat and low sugar snack and leisure will be the mainstream of new product development in the future. With the development of the leisure food industry and the improvement of people's living standards, snack leisure has begun to close to people's lives.
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Tips for investment expenses
  • Franchise fee
    The brand holder grants the intangible assets of the enterprise brand, such as intellectual property rights (including invention, patent, trademark copyright), organizational management assets, market assets and human assets, to the franchisee in the form of Taitong. The franchisee engages in business activities under the unified business model according to the provisions of Taitong, and pays certain fees to the brand holder.
  • bond
    Guarantee fund provided to the seller of technology brand according to relevant regulations. Note: The essential difference between the franchise fee and the security deposit is that all the certificates are agreed to be returned to the investor when they are due, but the franchise fee cannot be repaid. Once joining and paying the joining fee, the fee will no longer belong to the investor.
  • Investment amount
    Investment fund refers to all the funds needed for opening a store. Note: The difference between the investment amount and the franchise fee is that the investment amount includes the franchise fee, which is only a part of the total investment.
  • Brand usage fee
    Brand usage fee, also called trademark usage fee, refers to the licensing fee for intangible assets such as special trademarks, trade names, brands, etc. It may not necessarily be the commodities of franchisees or dealers, but it can be publicized by the brands of merchants.
  • Franchise royalty
    Franchise fees refer to the fees paid by franchise stores to use the trademark of the headquarters and enjoy the goodwill rank. This is a continuous charge. As long as franchise stores continue to use the trademark of the headquarters, they must pay regularly.
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