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[Roast Rabbit] Roast Rabbit is invited to join us

  • Industry Restaurant > barbecue
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 200000~500000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Beijing
  • Date of establishment 2014-05-16
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to Roast Rabbit

 Roast Rabbit
A few years ago, barbecue "masters" such as roast wings, roast pig hooves, roast chicken neck, roast oysters, roast leg of lamb, roast pigeons and so on came onto the scene one after another, and became very popular. However, the taste change of food lovers and the consumption demand for tasting fresh food have made these products no longer attractive. Barbecue needs another "rescue" product to "fill" and support. Roast rabbit has become a new favorite of barbecue by following the trend of catering popularity, grasping the consumer opportunity, making a grand debut, and becoming a new favorite of barbecue. All stores operating roasted rabbit are full of people waiting in line.
In the face of such huge market demand and potential for roasted rabbit, the franchise store with the ability to operate and create unique roasted rabbit is even basically blank. Many consumers' pent up desire for consumption is ready to emerge, and wealth and business opportunities are about to explode. Because of this, roasted rabbit is "rampant in the market" with the characteristics of simple operation, good taste, small entrepreneurship, fast and quick realization of the goal and profit. It has become the only choice for many catering operators and entrepreneurs to join in. Even more than once, in the company headquarters, two people competed for high prices to open stores in the same city. The rabbit roast was good, as can be seen.
There is no time to lose. If you also want to seize this rare opportunity of baking rabbits and make a big exhibition of "rabbits", you should act quickly. With the joining of baking rabbits, it only takes 10000 or 20000 yuan to start a business, which can double the normal operation in a summer and earn a year to two years of cash receipts from ordinary barbecue shops. What are you waiting for?
To make catering, feature is life. Roast rabbit inherits the authentic production technology of roasted rabbit from the original place of origin. From material selection to production, there is no one but high quality and high requirements, which is not comparable to ordinary market barbecue. The unique taste and beautiful shape of roasted rabbit can only be created by a number of special processes and special treatment techniques. With secret ingredients and old soup and red oil, the word "special" has just been created. On the basis of previous research, we developed and launched roasted rabbit products with five flavors, original flavor, spicy and cumin.
The headquarters only imparts skills and provides secret materials to the owners of franchise stores around the country, so that outsiders (including peers) can only view their appearance, not their essentials! Taste it, but don't know how to make it! The uniform core competitiveness and high technical confidentiality are enough to make the franchise store of roasted rabbit operate well and remain invincible.

Advantages of Roasted Rabbit

 Roast Rabbit
1. Brand image support
National unified image support, unified store image design, and unified configuration of product publicity materials.
2. Whole store output support
Headquarters supplies everything. One step support, to achieve a very fast speed into the market operation.
3. Free training support
Support the headquarter to have a large-scale, fully functional training base and a strong teaching staff, and be ready to provide free training for students all over the country at any time. Theoretical knowledge training, technical operation training, marketing strategy training, store management training, store management training, etc., lecturers will give lectures in person, and combine theory with practice until they learn.
4. Logistics distribution support
The company provides logistics distribution services, which can quickly realize the circulation of goods and meet the demand for goods at the front line of the market.
5. Media advertising support
National media advertising, including television, newspapers, radio, magazines, web portals, outdoor advertising and other forms, as well as the company's irregular national or regional publicity and planning activities.
6. Market operation support
The headquarters has a marketing planning team, has rich experience in marketing and operation, is familiar with consumer psychology, can continue marketing ideas, and develop a set of marketing and promotion programs to solve various problems in the business process.
7. Tracking service support
From signing a contract to opening a store to operation and management, the headquarters of "Roast Rabbit" will support the whole process, arrange personnel for fixed point and regular telephone guidance, and solve various problems in operation.
8. Site selection and decoration support
According to the market assessment, we will analyze the rent and the cost performance ratio of the customer source to select a suitable store location for you, and then the headquarters will make decoration renderings according to the area and pattern of the franchise store.
9. Regional protection support
Manage the headquarters to control the interests of franchisees in the franchise region, and do not develop a second one in the region agreed in the contract.

Joining conditions of roasted rabbit

1. Recognize the brand: have the confidence to fully promote the brand in the region, and strictly implement the company's branding strategy, policies, finance, etc.
2. Reputation: without any bad records, it has a certain influence in the region.
3. Capital: The franchisee shall have a working capital of more than 100000 yuan.
4. Qualifications: There are fixed business offices, business licenses and other certificates with legal personality.
5. Customers: rich customer resources or contacts in the region.
6. Operation: have certain product operation experience and strong market development ability.
7. Franchisees must be physically and mentally healthy.

Roast rabbit joining process

1、 Joining consultation: learn about joining matters from the company by means of network and telephone, or go directly to the company to have a detailed discussion with the personnel of the Investment Promotion Department. If necessary, the company can arrange to visit physical stores and the company's factory.
2、 Franchise application: the franchise application form of the company shall be filled in on the website of the franchisee company, or it can be filled in at the site of the company's Investment Promotion Department. The franchise headquarters shall evaluate and review the application form of the franchisee and confirm the franchise qualification of the franchisee.
3、 Signing the contract: both parties confirmed that the inspection results were correct, and formally signed the franchise contract through friendly negotiation, and paid relevant fees to the company.
4、 Store location selection: the franchisee will submit the pre selected stores to the company for evaluation, and the company will put forward suggestions for reference after analysis.
5、 Shop decoration: the company designs the decoration scheme and carries out decoration.
6、 Personnel recruitment: the franchisee should start to recruit employees when decorating. The company will go to the store for training two days before opening.
7、 Opening activity: when the franchise store opens, the headquarters sends major Personnel come to the store to assist the franchise store in opening and organize opening activities.
8、 Logistics distribution: the franchise headquarters will determine the order quantity according to the franchise scale and store size.
9、 Operation guidance: After the franchise store opens, the franchise headquarters will provide comprehensive guidance on store operation and management.

Roast rabbit joining information

  • Brand name: Roasted rabbit
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 200000~500000
  • Regional authorization: Beijing
  • Brand establishment time: 2014-05-16
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
Get more franchise fee information (we will keep it strictly confidential)
Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; Forty to fifty thousand.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the roast rabbit! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 09:14:10 From China  39.169.182*
  • The brand has a good reputation. I want to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the roast rabbit! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 15:32:17 From China  42.198.65*
  • Hello, how do you join us?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the roast rabbit! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 09:51:38 From China  49.221.30*
  • How much is the franchise fee

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the roast rabbit! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 08:41:59 From Hanyin County, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province  42.89.104*
  • How much is the franchise fee,

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the roast rabbit! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 19:07:27 From Liaoning Province  42.202.53*
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