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[Roasted steamed buns] Roasted steamed buns are invited to join us

  • Industry Restaurant > barbecue
  • Total number of stores one home
  • Investment amount 10000~50000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Guangdong
  • Date of establishment 2008-08-21
  • management model Cooperation, free chain, direct sale, others
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship, on-the-job investment in existing companies, additional projects for graduates, entrepreneurship, others
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Introduction to Roasted Steamed Buns

 Baked steamed bread Global Food, a classic brand dedicated to bringing food to the world! Global Food, a national enterprise dedicated to introducing world food! Global cuisine is good at bringing home the strengths of many families. In 2008, the gourmet of the group company brought Korean baked buns to Global Food, and added the production characteristics of Chinese food to create a big mouth show food with baked buns, a unique, low-cost and high cash product. Let the "Big Mouth Show" brand not only be full of exotic interests, but also complete the company's "eating is traveling" cultural heritage. Global Food always insists on moving forward side by side with all partners, constantly cooperating and developing, creating career value, sharing the spirit of cooperation, and experiencing the happiness of success! Under the guidance of global food, this Korean Wave will not only create a trend of food fashion, but also produce a group of business elites!
Brand culture, win-win 2008 brand victory! Big mouth show, focus on trends, pioneer life! Create a gourmet journey with no destination! Values: create value and win-win wealth Food changes life!
The steamed bread with big mouth is crisp and refreshing, delicious and nutritious. It is a kind of delicious snack. The variety of steamed bread with big mouth is changeable: it integrates the essence of traditional steamed bread and western pastry bread, and transforms into rosette type, spiral type, bread type, cheese cake type. It combines Chinese and western styles, and combines two swords.
Based on the traditional steamed bread, Dazuixiu baked steamed bread is a unique food that absorbs the technology of Korean baked steamed bread and combines the essence of western food. Its shape is changeable and attractive, its color is pleasing to people's eyes, its taste is delicate and smooth, its taste is delicate and fragrant, its outside is burnt and crisp, its inside is soft and refreshing, its salty, sweet, spicy and tasteful, its taste can be adjusted by people, and it can be eaten all the time. It is not only a staple food, but also a leisure food with rich nutrition, suitable for all ages all the year round.
The shape of the steamed bun with big mouth is changeable: the steamed bun takes off its heavy coat, turns around in a fashionable and beautiful way, and becomes dexterous, delicate, light and lovely. The taste of the big mouth show steamed bread is changeable: overturn the tradition to create a variety of tastes, with crisp outside and soft inside. There are many flavors of the steamed bread: traditional steamed bread flavor, fruit flavor, salty onion, sweet cream, strange spicy, cheese flavor.
The color of Dazhouxiu steamed bread is changeable: no pigment is added, the ingredients are made and processed, and the colors bloom in your mouth: wheat white, bread gold, taro purple, corn yellow, mint green... The nutrition and health of Dazhouxiu steamed bread are changeable: low sugar, high calcium, rich in crude fiber, vegetable protein, low fat Low calorie type... make full use of the nutritional value combination of cereals and miscellaneous grains to achieve the coexistence of delicious food and health.
The delicious and nutritious steamed bread with big mouth is suitable for young and old people. It has a broad market prospect and huge development space. The investment promotion for the big mouth show steamed bread is in progress, and we look forward to your participation to create wealth and a better life!

Advantages of baking steamed bread

 Baked steamed bread 1) Site selection support: In the early stage, the instructor of the headquarters of Dazui Xiu Roasted Steamed Bun will provide site selection assessment, shop analysis and inspection, check your store and prepare a profit and loss statement in advance.
2) Technical support: regular quality control, difficult and miscellaneous problems, customer conflicts, any problem only needs to call the headquarters, and the headquarters immediately assigns special personnel to help solve it.
3) Advertising training: do online publicity to increase popularity, so that more people can understand the characteristics of the product. Franchise stores just need to simply understand and wait for customers.
4) Marketing training: opening marketing, festival marketing, new product listing, membership system, WeChat marketing and other promotional means will make your business even better.
5) After sales training: The headquarters of Dazui Xiu Baked Steamed Bun sent special personnel to train equipment installation, arrange finance, bar management, network printing, and on-site supervision.
6) Business analysis: After the franchisee selects the store, Dazui Xiu Baked Steamed Bun will quickly learn about the business circle near the store, test the flow of people, and prepare the profit and loss statement in advance before opening the store.
7) Training support: after cooperation, the head of the headquarters will conduct various trainings for the store staff to learn the supporting facilities and a series of core technologies.
8) Opening guidance.
9) Decoration support: arrange the scale on site, provide structural drawings, renderings and decoration drawings, and the headquarters will make accurate decoration construction drawings for you after you are satisfied with them.

Roasted steamed bread joining information

  • Brand name: Baked Steamed Bread
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship, on-the-job investment in existing companies, additional projects for graduates, entrepreneurship, others
  • Investment amount: 10000~50000
  • Regional authorization: Guangdong
  • Brand establishment time: 2008-08-21
  • Development mode: Agent in distribution area Free agent in regional development Secondary licensing Others
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User consultation

  • If you are interested in opening a store, please send me information or call me.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to baking steamed bread! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 23:08:00 From China  39.158.239*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 150000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to baking steamed bread! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 12:13:03 From xuhui district  58.34.120*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; A dozen square meters.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to baking steamed bread! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 22:52:07 From Ji'an City, Ji'an Prefecture, Jiangxi Province  58.38.46*
  • I want to see your electronic data

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to baking steamed bread! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 01:34:42 From Gansu Province  42.90.211*
  • Request information

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to baking steamed bread! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-29 14:57:54 From Mao Tanchang Town, Jin'an District, Lu'an City, Anhui Province  60.173.138*
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