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[Coffee Western Food] Coffee Western Food is invited to join us

  • Industry Restaurant > coffee shop
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 100000~200000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Shanghai
  • Date of establishment 2006-05-18
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to Coffee and Western Food

 Coffee and western food
Coffee and western food, you can enjoy the good time in the afternoon. Humanistic, quiet, elegant, chic, mellow and warm, you can relax and enjoy life in a coffee restaurant. Coffee restaurants, cafes and book bars. Coffee Western Food is committed to creating a spiritual habitat for street corner coffee and book culture. Will you suddenly appear at the coffee shop on the corner.
Coffee and western food seem to come to a corner of a small town in Europe; Mediterranean culture infiltrates every detail of coffee shops; The aroma of coffee and the taste of books will make you linger with thoughts and taste; Cultural and romantic coffee and western food! Characteristics and humanity are the highlights and competitive advantages of western coffee, and the customer adhesion of western coffee far exceeds other Any commercial coffee shop.
Coffee and western food are like walking into oil paintings full of strong emotions and strong fantasy temperament. Books, colorful murals, blue printed cloth in the south of the Yangtze River, Tibetan magic tools, ancient pottery, kerosene lamps, ancient bronze bars, old radios, green flowers in glass bottles, people sitting in a corner of the cloth sofa... All these combine loneliness and harmony, cold and warmth, elegance and novelty.
Coffee and Western Food This is a gathering place for some like-minded artists; Let the guests who travel in foreign countries find a sense of belonging and identity in their hearts. What's more, it attracts ordinary people who are struggling outside the troubled time. After sitting quietly for a few hours, they suddenly feel quiet and disinterested for thousands of years.
Fragrant coffee, refreshing and pleasant scented tea, refreshing wine, intoxicated in the fragrance of books, tea fragrance overflows, fragrance is striking, leisure, whispering... Enjoy the relaxation and comfort from coffee and western food, experience the elegance of life, and pursue the brilliant dream.
After a long period of market research, it is found that the life of Chinese people is becoming more and more westernized, laying the foundation for the development of coffee shops. At present, most cafes in the market are commercial cafes, which can only provide a place to chat and talk, and do not make people pause. The big coffee shop lacks individuality and cultural precipitation. Apart from basic magazines, there are no other books to read, and the furnishings are single and stereotyped. Moreover, commercial coffee shops often cover an area of thousands of square meters. If there are few people, they will feel empty and lonely, without warmth.

Advantages of joining coffee and western food

 Coffee and western food
1. Enjoy the right to use the brand trademark and shop name of coffee and western food for free, issue the trademark use license, a full set of brand image VIS system, and unified store decoration design CIS scheme.
2. During the preparation period for the opening of the new store, the headquarters will have a specially assigned person to provide advice and consultation on the project site selection, and provide support for the design of the store decoration scheme, so as to unify the store image.
3. The head office of coffee and western food will assign trainers to visit the front-line stores of the franchisee's market to guide and conduct training on product knowledge, store operation process and sales skills, so that the franchisee and sales personnel can flexibly master and skillfully use them.
4. The raw materials of the franchise store are supplied by the supplier designated by the head office, and a small part of the materials are specified by the headquarters, and the franchisee purchases them locally; The distribution of raw materials shall be ordered weekly or monthly according to the distance between the franchise store and the headquarters and the inventory demand. The relevant logistics management and transportation costs shall be borne by the franchisee.
5. The head office of coffee and western food will use the Internet, television, newspapers, magazines and other media to carry out advertising and publicity in different time and across different regions, so as to improve the brand in a relatively short time, enhance product competitiveness and market share, make consumers accept and recognize it, and expand the space of franchise stores.
6. Coffee and western food can send special personnel to assist the franchisee in managing the daily business activities of the store until the franchisee can operate independently.
7. In the later stage of operation, the headquarters will provide diversified business models and reliable operation services, so that both consumers and franchisees can experience intimate services.

Conditions for joining coffee and western food

1. Recognize the brand corporate culture, understand and support the business philosophy of coffee and western food brands.
2. Volunteer to join the management system of coffee and western food brands and accept the management mode of coffee and western food franchise.
3. It has certain financial strength and can meet the start-up capital requirements of cooperative stores.
4. I am willing to devote myself to coffee and western food as my career.
5. Accept the unified management mode of the headquarters, and actively participate in the technical upgrading and training of the headquarters.
6. Have a strong sense of teamwork, be able to get along with people in harmony, and focus on coordination.
7. The area of independent stores shall not be less than 400 square meters.
8. There shall be no less than ten independent parking spaces.
9. Accept the franchise and operation management articles of the headquarters.

Coffee Western Food Franchise Process

1. Before joining ensure For a detailed understanding, including brand information, franchise policies, etc., you can find relevant information on the Internet, or call for consultation or visit the headquarters directly.
2. Visit the headquarters for investigation, project introduction, training base investigation, consultation and question answering.
3. The entrepreneur explains his/her intention to join, and submits it to the headquarters for approval.
4. According to the proposed business management and development plan, both parties formally signed the franchise contract.
5. Headquarters will dispatch major People assist franchisees to find suitable stores.
6. Provide store layout design drawing, provide store image design specification draft, and send relevant personnel to inspect and accept the decoration of the store on site.
7. Provide various trainings for franchisees.
8. The headquarters assists the franchisee in formulating the opening plan, preparing for the opening ceremony, and preparing for the opening.
9. The headquarter assists the franchisee in opening, and gives operation guidance and assistance. After the official operation, the headquarter provides technical support and guidance such as store opening skills and promotion plans.

Coffee and western food joining information

  • Brand name: Coffee Western Food
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000
  • Regional authorization: Shanghai
  • Brand establishment time: 2006-05-18
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
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Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • consultation

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to coffee and western food! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 03:58:08 From China  39.188.0*
  • Want to open in Dongguan Songshan Lake

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to coffee and western food! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 19:18:37 From Nanchang County, Jiangxi Province  49.211.155*
  • Want to try

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to coffee and western food! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 01:57:19 From Jiangsu Province  49.94.40*
  • Process, expense

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to coffee and western food! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 03:30:00 From Huangshi City, Hubei Province  58.54.82*
  • Add a WeChat note about the brand or contact after 6:00.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to coffee and western food! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 07:38:06 From Gansu Province  42.91.169*
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