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[Health Care Club] Welcome to join the health care club

  • Industry Healthcare > health preservation
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 200000~500000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Beijing
  • Date of establishment 2008-06-12
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to joining the Health Club

 Joined in health care club
The health industry ushered in a golden period of development, and the market competition in the health industry was becoming increasingly fierce. Although the health care club, as the top brand in the market, had developed rapidly and expanded steadily every year, it did not make all the leaders and employees of the health care club proud and relaxed, and it has contributed to the long-term development of the health care club and its agent franchisees, The Health Club has formulated a very comprehensive development strategic plan.
For the interior of the health care club, the health care club will introduce leading talents, speed up the cultivation of talents and the construction of talent echelon, divide the work functions of each department, establish a management service team of 1000 people, and provide more timely and good services for the franchised agents. For the health industry market, the health care clubs will gradually increase the publicity and advertising investment in various regions to let everyone know about the health care clubs, so that health care physiotherapy and patients with pain can more trust the health care clubs, win market reputation, and let the franchise agents across the country have more market competitiveness and development potential.
At the same time, in order to keep up with the pace of the market, the Health Club will also increase its product research and development efforts, hire domestic TCM consultants, and develop more advanced health physiotherapy products, so that consumers can enjoy better and the franchised agents can have more. In Famian, the Health Care Club will also cooperate with Internet enterprises to gradually improve the experience of terminal consumers, establish a sound business model for store operation, and make it easier for new and old franchisees to open stores without worry.
We will always put the franchised agents at the top of the health care club. We believe that in the next five years, ten years, or even longer, a large number of franchised agents will grow together with the health care club, to benefit human health and contribute to the construction! The Health and Wellness Club is based on the combination of traditional Chinese medicine culture and modern science and technology, with the mission of promoting new health concepts; The purpose is to serve the cause of human health; With the spirit of independent creation and honest management, more people, more families, more convenient, more affordable to enjoy the physical and mental health brought by TCM physiotherapy and products!

Advantages of Health Club

 Joined in health care club
1. Site selection support
Give advice and guidance according to the preselected store location of the franchised agent, so that you can choose the right one with less money.
2. Image support
Provide store decoration design, provide unified door head, background plate, cultural frame, business card, etc., highlight the traditional Chinese medicine health culture and major Image.
3. Brand support
Provide brand authorization and authorization certificate, and provide brand promotional videos, product manuals, materials, etc. and electronic materials to all franchisees.
4. Advertising support
The health club will carry out unified brand publicity, and put the local channel media advertising according to the specific situation of the market.
5. Opening support
According to different market scales and local customs, the Health Club will provide planning support for marketing activities before and during the opening of the store, and strive to have a certain influence within a certain range and expand customers.
6. Personnel support
Provide a comprehensive staff management system for personnel recruitment, post allocation, salary formulation, daily management, etc.
7. Technical support
Provide store equipment, product use and maintenance training, muscle loosening massage technique training, free technical advice, support and guidance for difficult problems.
8. Regional protection
Strictly implement business circle protection for all regions, and agents enjoy the agency priority and renewal priority of newly opened markets.
9. Service support
The Health Club has a customer service center and a customer service phone number to timely understand the needs and problems of the co agent franchisee, and regularly visit the store for supervision.

Conditions for joining the Health Club

① Have a certain business background and industry sales experience, be familiar with the local market and have rich contacts.
② Have certain economic entity and franchise strength, and have qualified reputation.
③ With enthusiasm for product sales, dedication, dedication and progress.
④ Understand and trust enterprises, and reach consensus on business philosophy and development ideas.
⑤ Have a correct understanding and full mental preparation for the duality of joining and interests.

Franchise process of health club

1. Those who are interested in joining the company can call for free to understand the joining situation of the company.
2. After understanding, interested parties can apply for joining qualification to the company orally or in writing.
3. The company will evaluate and analyze the basic information of the applicant and determine the franchise qualification of the applicant.
4. Sign the Agreement of Franchise Intent with the franchisee.
5. The company will provide the franchisees with systematic site selection suggestions and site selection evaluation, and cooperate with the franchisees to conduct research and planning on the specific market environment.
6. After determining the franchise region, the headquarters will formally sign the Chain Franchise Contract with the franchisee, clearly specifying the rights and obligations of both parties, and creating qualified space and conditions for future win-win cooperation between both parties.
7. After signing the franchise contract, the franchise store will begin to decorate the store and recruit staff. The company will uniformly design the decoration of the franchise store and assist in the recruitment of staff according to the size of the franchise store.
8. While renovating the store, we will conduct systematic training for the new recruits of the store, and communicate and organize the store to purchase raw materials and related products.
9. Upon completion of decoration, the company will review the decoration of the store accordingly, make full preparations for opening, select the appropriate opening time, and do a good job in opening planning.
10. After the grand opening, the head office will provide full tracking services to establish a qualified store image for franchisees.

Join information of health club

  • Brand name: Health Club
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 200000~500000
  • Regional authorization: Beijing
  • Brand establishment time: 2008-06-12
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
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Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • Can I join in the community? I'm in Longhu, Zhengzhou

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the Health Club! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 05:57:28 From Huozhou City, Shanxi Province  60.221.44*
  • If you want to join us, please contact us as soon as possible!

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the Health Club! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 07:50:08 From Xiangshui County, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province  58.219.232*
  • If you want to join, contact as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the Health Club! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 23:54:53 From Jiangsu [Telecom]  49.95.216*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 500000 yuan. Xinghua City.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the Health Club! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 16:45:11 From Hengyang City, Hunan Province  42.48.230*
  • After drinking, I want to do it in my hometown, because there is no supply here

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the Health Club! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 23:18:15 From Shiqiao Town, Ningling County, Shangqiu City, Henan Province  61.158.146*
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