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[Hotel Apartment] Hotel Apartment is invited to join

  • Industry hotel > Apartment Hotel
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount More than 1 million
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Sichuan
  • Date of establishment 2011-07-07
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to hotel apartment franchise

 Hotel apartment joining
The so-called hotel apartment, in short, is a hotel suite set inside the hotel in the form of apartment. The distinctive features of this kind of apartment are: first, it is similar to an apartment, with a home layout and good It has living function, including hall, bedroom, kitchen and toilet; Second, it is equipped with a full set of furniture and home appliances, which can provide guests with major Services, such as indoor cleaning, bed sheet replacement and some business services.
The hotel apartment has both the privacy and living atmosphere of the apartment and the hotel good Environment and major Therefore, the emergence of hotel apartments has attracted a large number of consumers' attention and welcome. Some developers have developed hotel style apartments on the basis of hotel apartments, while others are ready to move. In this case, the analysis of the market supply and demand of hotel apartments and their future prospects has extremely important reference significance and value for both the development and operation of hotel apartments and the development of serviced apartments.
Hotel apartment is a kind of apartment that not only absorbs the better service function and management mode of star hotels, but also absorbs some characteristics of residential and office buildings; Hotel apartments, a comprehensive property that can both live and work, have quietly risen. It is reported that the structure and design of hotel apartments are different from ordinary residential buildings. The hotel apartment needs complete facilities, which can provide a star hotel style living environment and property management hotel apartment for the housing, meaning "hotel style service and apartment style management". The great feature of choosing hotel style apartment is that it is free and convenient, and the price is relatively low. You can get various hotel style services at any time, such as washing clothes, changing sheets, etc. The public facilities of general serviced apartments are similar to hotels, so the identity and style of residents can also be highlighted. Hotel style apartment, which means "hotel style service and apartment style management", is a pure service apartment rising in Asia that only provides services without any hotel operation. Generally speaking, it is an apartment house that provides hotel butler service, but it is actually a residence. It is generally a house with independent property rights and comprehensive suites including kitchen and bathroom. The building provides hotel style business services, cleaning services, property management and lease management. Entrepreneur can not only use it for self occupancy like buying ordinary residence, but also rent it out by building in the form of hotel. Therefore, the serviced apartments not only absorb the service functions and management models of star hotels, but also absorb the characteristics of office buildings in the information age good As a comprehensive property management concept, it can provide targeted business services such as secretary, information, translation, etc., integrating multiple functions such as residence, hotel, club, etc.

Advantages of hotel apartment franchise

 Hotel apartment joining
Low price and flexible entrepreneurship
Apartment hotels are generally small apartments with an area of about 50 m2, and the overall price is particularly low, so many people will be attracted to the funds for rent back. In terms of space, it is also flexible to consider the diversification when dividing the design. Compared with traditional apartments, it has great flexibility. Therefore, the low cost and flexible operation make many partners interested, and the preliminary work preparation will not be too complicated.
Simple management
Apartment management is generally very simple. It can be easily done for all supporting facilities, employees, or all aspects of property management. For many entrepreneurs, management is relatively simple, and they don't need to spend more time to learn, so they can speed up the pace of success.
High customer satisfaction
Apartment hotels use a kind of hotel service, but the management of apartments will be free and convenient for customers to use, and the price is relatively low, so they can enjoy a kind of hotel service at any time. Whether it's daily reception or laundry or changing all the facilities of the bed sheets to a hotel like service, then the residents will always feel that they can spend less money and enjoy more intimate services. In this way, it will be more widely recognized in the market, so that everyone's demand for this place is growing.
Great future prospects
In the future, the quality of life of people will continue to increase, and the opportunities for young friends to travel will also increase. If possible, they will be able to choose a hotel with high cost performance for themselves. Apartment hotel is a good choice for people to travel and live in because of its affordable price and good service. Therefore, the future development prospects are particularly great. If you join now, you will have advantages and can occupy the market as soon as possible.

Hotel apartment joining conditions

(1) Hotel apartment franchisees must have legal or natural persons with legal qualifications.
(2) Hotel apartment franchises need to have certain management and marketing capabilities.
(3) Hotel apartment franchise needs to have franchise properties and funds that meet the company's requirements.
(4) Hotel apartment franchises should be willing to acknowledge the franchise articles, perform the franchise contract, and pay relevant fees on schedule; Agree to accept the building decoration scheme for additional construction and reconstruction provided by the company; Obey the leadership of the company and implement the unified operation and management mode.

Hotel apartment joining process

1. Telephone application.
2. Select the pre leased store.
3. Draw the business distribution map and fax it to the company.
4. The company conducts preliminary review.
5. The regional manager conducts market research and determines the store location.
6. Sign the franchise contract.
7. The regional manager guides the decoration of the franchise store according to the unified image of the company.
8. The company distributes shelves, goods and related opening supplies.
9. The regional manager shall conduct pre opening store operation training and make preparations before opening.
10. The regional manager assists in the opening.
11. Regular training and guidance to improve performance.

Hotel apartment joining information

  • Brand name: Hotel apartment
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: More than 1 million
  • Regional authorization: Sichuan
  • Brand establishment time: 2011-07-07
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
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Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; 600000-800000.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the hotel apartment! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 14:23:04 From Baita Town, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province  60.183.66*
  • I am interested in this project, please contact me

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the hotel apartment! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 09:39:47 From Ordos, Inner Mongolia  61.138.84*
  • How to join and what support does the company have

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the hotel apartment! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 03:10:34 From Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province [Telecom]  59.52.115*
  • How much is the franchise fee? Can we learn from it

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the hotel apartment! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 08:29:59 From Enshi Prefecture, Hubei Province  58.52.234*
  • Please contact me as soon as possible, thank you

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the hotel apartment! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 06:01:55 From Heilongjiang Province  42.101.108*
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