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[Integrated cabinet] Integrated cabinet is invited to join

  • Industry Home Furnishing > cupboard
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 100000~200000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Chongqing
  • Date of establishment 2003-02-13
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to integrated cabinet joining

 Integrated cabinet joining
In the past ten years, Chongqing integrated cabinet has been committed to creating a home storage environment. The fields involved include kitchen, bedroom, hall, children's room, bathroom and other home spaces. The products cover cabinets, wardrobes, hall cabinets, bathroom cabinets, lockers and kitchen appliances, which can provide an overall home design scheme in a one-stop manner major Sex household enterprises.
The integrated cabinet has changed from major As a cabinet company, it gives priority to the introduction of the concept of integrated kitchen, bringing modern kitchens to families and leading the market trend. In the kitchen furniture market collectively referred to as the kitchen cabinet, the concept of "overall customization" and "intelligent cabinet" was first introduced into the integrated cabinet, transforming the outdated and inefficient kitchen into a second living room that can be enjoyed by the whole family, integrating modernization, beauty and comfort.
In the fierce competition of modern society, home is not only a space for family members to communicate with each other and live in harmony, but also a warm harbor for people to rest and supplement their energy. Being the place where people in the world yearn for home means that modern people can get real rest and happiness here.
Integrated cabinet takes "committed to creating a comfortable home environment" as the corporate philosophy.
Under this guidance, the integrated cabinet starts from the complex kitchen home design in the living room, and gradually expands to various living spaces such as the bedroom, living room, study, children's room, bathroom, etc., forming a development mode with integrated cabinet characteristics from a single product to peripheral products, from point to surface.
Integrated cabinet not only has the recognized excellent level in the field of cabinet, but also occupies an advanced position in the overall household design. In the future, the integrated cabinet will build an e-commerce system and business management innovation, improve the integrated competitiveness of the integrated cabinet, and strive to achieve the development vision of "a good brand with a good reputation for the whole household".

Advantages of integrated cabinet joining

 Integrated cabinet joining
Manufacturing advantages
Integrated cabinet was founded when the concept of "integrated kitchen" was just emerging. With the growth of the industry, it witnessed the whole process of cabinet and wardrobe products from people's resistance to acceptance, and also experienced the transition from workshop style factory to major The growth path of chemical production. Nowadays, integrated cabinet has advanced flexible production line equipment in the industry. The flexible production technology of personalized customization, standardization and large-scale manufacturing is the core competitiveness of integrated cabinet. Many domestic and foreign suppliers of raw materials and accessories are strategic partners of integrated cabinets.
Brand advantages
Integrated cabinet is committed to the research and development of cabinet and wardrobe products. Its solid wood product line and panel product line have considerable reputation in the industry. The integrated cabinet brand, which has been dedicated to the market since then, also has considerable influence in the industry.
In terms of brand building, integrated cabinet gives priority to the creation of image system. Both VI image and brand advertisement are valued by the headquarters, which makes dealers joining integrated cabinet get attention in the process of operation.
Channel advantages
Integrated cabinet focuses on channel operation and survival. For a long time, integrated cabinet does not aim to open more stores, but to survive dealers and improve their quality of life. Driven by this business philosophy, the integrated cabinet has a full set of scientific processes to support dealers from opening to later operation, so that dealers will not worry about joining.

Conditions for joining integrated cabinet

1. Natural person or enterprise legal person with independent capacity to bear civil liability.
2. Have a sense of responsibility and enterprise, be down-to-earth and enterprising, and be eager for wealth and success.
3. Have a certain amount of startup funds, and get the consent and support of family members. We are confident of common development and growth.
4. Recognize the brand management concept and brand culture, and have qualified entrepreneurial intention.
5. Accept the supervision and supervision of the company, abide by the brand operation specifications, and consciously maintain the brand reputation of "integrated cabinet".
6. Recognize the brand culture of "integrated cabinet" of the headquarters.
7. Have a strong desire to expand the cause, and highly agree with the business philosophy of integrated cabinet.

Integrated cabinet joining process

1. Franchisees can ask for the supporting materials of Yidu by mail or email for free.
2. Screening and evaluation of application partners.
3. Telephone and letter exchanges, in-depth communication with prospective partners, and closer distance between each other.
4. The company guides its partners to conduct market research and evaluation, and initially reaches cooperation intention.
5. Interested partners visit the head office.
6. Negotiate, sign the contract, and pay the first payment for goods.
7. The partner shall receive marketing training while signing the contract. Assign 2-3 technicians to learn the overall product technical training, sample production, etc.
8. Selection of cooperative store location and signing of lease contract.
9. The store decoration standard provided by the company takes the partner as the reference sample of store decoration design, and the specific standard is subject to the construction drawing of the legal person determined by the partner.
10. The market operates the first batch of purchase. If conditions permit, the headquarters will send personnel to provide on-site guidance and training.
11. Official opening.

Integrated cabinet joining information

  • Brand name: Integrated cabinet
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000
  • Regional authorization: Chongqing
  • Brand establishment time: 2003-02-13
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
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Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; Ten or twenty thousand.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the integrated cabinet! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-24 21:53:32 From Lincang City, Yunnan Province  60.161.167*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; The house is 60 square meters.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the integrated cabinet! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-24 04:43:23 From Xiangyuan County, Changzhi City, Shanxi Province  60.220.118*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 10000 or less.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the integrated cabinet! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-24 00:47:20 From Jiangsu Province  49.90.142*
  • I want to join in the town. How much does it cost

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the integrated cabinet! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-21 04:59:01 From Jilin  58.21.243*
  • Please contact me, I need to consult

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the integrated cabinet! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-18 10:29:02 From Beijing  49.7.6*
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