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[Seafood Self service Barbecue Shabu] Seafood Self service Barbecue Shabu Shabu is invited to join

  • Industry Restaurant > barbecue
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 200000~500000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Guangdong
  • Date of establishment 2016-04-14
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to Seafood Self service Barbecue Shabu Shabu Pot

 Seafood Self service Barbecue Hot Pot Franchise
Seafood buffet barbecue shabu shabu pot is a leisure cafeteria, integrating a variety of barbecue methods. With elegant dining environment, low-key and luxurious atmosphere, soft lighting, and comfortable space design, eating in seafood buffet barbecue shabu shabu shabu pot is like being in a food bazaar, surrounded by various delicacies. Cold dishes, hot dishes, seafood, barbecues, daily dishes, bacon, fruits, vegetables, desserts, can be said to have everything. And during the business period, the supply is basically continuous. If it is less, it will be supplemented in time, and the service is up to standard. The dishes are rich and meet the needs of consumers.
The seafood buffet barbecue shabu shabu pan baked meat is delicate, and it also gathers the Brazilian brazilian grill, Japanese teppanyaki, Beijing roast duck and other special barbecues, supplemented by exquisite and trendy stalls, which are concentrated in western food characteristics. The fashionable and simple decoration, elegant environment and romantic music in modern cities will create a beautiful and relaxed dining atmosphere for you. Anshan Seafood Buffet Barbecue Shabu Shabu Restaurant is a good place for you to relieve work pressure and eat happily.
The seafood buffet barbecue shabu shabu pot originated from the Korean teppanyaki style. On the basis of retaining the characteristics of teppanyaki, it uses a variety of cooking techniques. Each ingredient is carefully selected, each process is carefully carved, and multiple checks are pursued to achieve the quality of one in a hundred in the industry. The seafood self-service barbecue shabu shabu pot is made according to the traditional manufacturing process with modern catering elements, which makes the product style: spicy, hot, fresh, fragrant, sweet, good taste, real color, fragrance, and taste. The taste is appetizing, and the aftertaste is endless.
Seafood self-service barbecue shabu shabu pot, delicious barbecue, hot market, Korean barbecue is more popular with consumers. The seafood buffet barbecue shabu shabu pot is more delicious, fashionable and nutritious, and popular with consumers. The market is hot, and it has become a dark horse in the catering market. With the hot catering market and huge revenue space, the seafood self-service barbecue shabu shabu shabu pot franchise project is worth joining, which is a good opportunity to become rich.

Advantages of Seafood Self service Barbecue Shabu Shabu Pot

 Seafood Self service Barbecue Hot Pot Franchise
Cost advantage: The headquarters of seafood self-service barbecue shabu shabu shabu pot has a unified product supplier and standardized procurement, which can not only strictly maintain the product quality, but also reduce the cost of shao to a greater extent, so that the majority of league stores can enjoy greater product cost advantages and achieve better success.
Experience advantage: Seafood self-service barbecue shabu shabu pot headquarters adopt The successful experience accumulated by self operation and franchise for many years has been updated or copied, so that franchisees can avoid detours and save exploration time.
Advantages: once the franchisee has determined the location of the store, it can report to the company major The market evaluation personnel of.
Technical advantages: franchise stores will enjoy major Unified technical training. Franchisees can accept technical training and operation management guidance from the headquarters system, or apply to the company for dispatching major For on-site training of technicians, the training fee is free.
Statistical advantages: once the franchise store opens, the headquarters will assist the franchisee to establish a standard accounting system to reduce operating costs, reduce waste and facilitate management.
Advertising advantages: according to the different regional consumption environment, the company develops different advertising plans for franchisees and tracks the operation of stores, so as to provide timely advertising design, planning and creativity for stores.
Advantage of new products: In order to meet the market demand and improve the market competitiveness of the store, the R&D Department of the company has taken advantage of the information edge of the Hong Kong branch, combined with market changes, to constantly launch new products, so that customers have more delicious choices, and bring more products with strong revenue to the store.

Conditions for joining seafood self-service barbecue shabu shabu pot

1. Legal persons with legal qualifications other Economic organizations, individual businesses or natural persons.
2. With good Service awareness and communication ability, team spirit, law-abiding good And goodwill.
3. With good We have a strong sense of brand operation and promotion, a strong sense of pressure resistance and ability, and agree with the franchise chain system of the brand.
4. Aspiring to engage in the catering industry, identify with the brand's corporate culture and business model, strictly abide by and implement the brand's franchise operation manual, and fully maintain the brand good Reputation and image.
5. The business site is ideal, meets the area requirements, and is approved by both parties.
6. Operators should have sufficient financial strength, and will determine different regional business areas and investment requirements according to the economic situation, consumption capacity, market demand, etc. of the local market.

Joining process of seafood self-service barbecue shabu shabu pot

1. Project consultation: Franchisee calls or adopt Ask the headquarter company of seafood self-service barbecue shabu shabu shabu pan for relevant matters, ask for relevant information, and make all preparations before joining;
2. Visit to the store: Franchisees visit the headquarters or branch of Seafood Self service Barbecue shabu shabu shabu pot Company to further exchange specific matters about joining, deepen mutual understanding during this period, and lay a foundation for smooth cooperation in the future good Foundation of;
3. Headquarters audit: the headquarters conducts qualification audit and evaluation on the materials provided in the franchise, confirms the franchise cooperation qualification, grants franchise privileges to the franchisee, and the franchisee shall ensure The submitted materials are authentic and accepted the comprehensive review of the headquarters;
4. Signing by both parties: both parties confirm that there is no dispute about the investigation results, and formally sign the franchise contract. During this period, the franchisee needs to pay the specified franchise fees, and then can prepare decoration, training and other steps;
5. Official opening: The headquarters provides a plan for opening activities to help the franchisees to open and operate smoothly. In case of any problems in the subsequent operation, the franchisees can seek help from the headquarters of seafood self-service barbecue shabu shabu shabu pan.

Seafood self-service barbecue shabu shabu pan joining information

  • Brand name: Seafood buffet barbecue shabu shabu pan
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 200000~500000
  • Regional authorization: Guangdong
  • Brand establishment time: 2016-04-14
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
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  • If I am interested, please contact me; About twenty.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the seafood buffet BBQ shabu shabu pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 09:22:55 From Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province  60.185.179*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Two million yuan.

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the seafood buffet BBQ shabu shabu pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 07:21:39 From Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province  59.53.223*
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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the seafood buffet BBQ shabu shabu pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 03:32:01 From Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province [Telecom]  49.66.97*
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    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the seafood buffet BBQ shabu shabu pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 16:36:31 From Jiangsu Province  49.95.56*
  • Contact me~

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the seafood buffet BBQ shabu shabu pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 08:24:29 From Luoyang City, Henan Province [Unicom]  42.228.228*
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