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[Wedding service] We sincerely invite you to join us

  • Industry service > Wedding celebration
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 200000~500000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Hubei
  • Date of establishment 2011-05-05
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to wedding services

 Wedding service joining
Whether it is a wedding or a wedding or engagement celebration, wedding services can provide major The wedding design and ceremony. Wedding service, using major And creative achievements of their own fame, become a hot venture in the market to join the project!
Marriage is a great event, and wedding is unforgettable in life. So everyone wants their wedding to be special. Wedding service, focusing on wedding for many years, enjoys a good reputation. With more than 50 chain stores, it has strong strength, bringing the newlyweds creative wedding and wealth to franchisees.
Wedding Service Fashion Classic Creative Workshop creates a wedding medium by combining many design elements, such as graphics, colors, flower art, lighting, etc., to grasp the modern and extraordinary aesthetic trend and experimental exploration of modern wedding art under the trend of international popular design.
Create a beautiful wedding ceremony, wedding services, a happy career, and a market for all the newcomers to become a leading brand in the industry, which is deeply sought after and loved. Wedding service, an entrepreneurial project recognized by the franchisees!
Over the years, the wedding service has created a digital wedding consultant and on-site wedding supervisor of "wedding service coordination"; Wedding service adheres to the wedding butler system, focusing on planning, design and on-site implementation; All along, "wedding services" care about communication and quality; Here, you can always find wedding planners who match your taste and professional wedding service personnel for each project; Wedding service is for the newlyweds to form their own wedding service team, and each detail is communicated with you in detail by people.
When you come to the wedding service hand in hand, we will start from the perspective of "love, family, friendship" as the main line, and use high-level wedding services to reduce the burden of preparing for your wedding, optimize the wedding plan, make every detail of your wedding better, so that you can easily enjoy the sweet moments of life. It is the great wish of the wedding service dress club to help you have a wedding that you are satisfied with, your parents are satisfied with, and your relatives and friends are envious of.

Advantages of wedding services

 Wedding service joining
1. High success ---- Wedding service was founded in, and has been in the forefront of popularity in the wedding industry for several years. It has a qualified brand in the hearts of consumers. Franchisees can enjoy brand influence in chain operation, reduce purchase costs, sales costs and competition, so it is a wise choice to join in wedding service.
2. Brand advantage ---- Franchisees can share the brand and reputation formed by long-term operation efforts of licensors at a lower cost, thus effectively promoting sales.
3. The advantage of large cash register space ---- direct supply from the headquarters enables chain operators to enjoy the preferential price of low-cost purchase and improve payment And the speed of sales, so as to improve the relatively large cashier space.
4. Short learning curve ---- The authorizer has spent years of time and money to establish a successful business management and marketing management model. The franchisee can learn the management experience and knowledge of the successful person in a very short time and at a very small cost, and take fewer detours on the road to success.
5. Service support ---- Franchisees can enjoy the comprehensive services provided by authorizers at a very low cost, while the chain operation system is more standardized by the headquarters to make the service more efficient major Change.
6. Advertising support - all franchisees can enjoy various advertising support provided by the headquarters from time to time, such as TV advertising, magazines and newspapers.

Conditions for joining the wedding service

1. At least 18 years old, with the ability to independently assume franchise and civil liability.
2. The wedding service brand and business philosophy are highly recognized.
3. Entrepreneurs need to have certain franchise ability and awareness.
4. There is a venue suitable for operating wedding services.
5. Obey the unified brand management of the Investment Promotion Headquarters and actively maintain the company image.
6. There are market development ideas and operation skills, brand marketing concepts, qualified business reputation, and loyalty to the brand.
7. Be honest and trustworthy, and have qualified personal qualities.

Wedding service joining process

1. Cognition brand
Browse the wedding service franchise information online or call the wedding service franchise headquarters, and have a corresponding understanding of brand strength and franchise policy.
2. Customer inspection
The customer made an appointment with the company for a detailed inspection.
3. Franchise application
To have a preliminary understanding of the project, the franchisee can apply for joining, and the headquarters will review the entrepreneurs. Confirm the cooperation qualification of entrepreneurs.
4. Sign the contract
Sign the franchise contract and authorize the relevant certificates of the franchisee.
5. Store site selection
Consumption analysis, traffic environment analysis, competitor analysis, passenger flow analysis.
6. Unified decoration
The wedding service provides the franchise store with an overall design and decoration scheme, and the franchisee carries out decoration.
7. Headquarters training
The training department provides comprehensive and systematic training for franchise stores.
8. Opening planning
The opening manager formulates the opening plan, guides the opening work in the whole process, and ensure Preparation and delivery of opening materials.
9. Opening operation
Dispatch operation supervisors to conduct on-site opening guidance, conduct coaching operations, track opening operations and provide advice.

Wedding service joining information

  • Brand name: Wedding Services
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 200000~500000
  • Regional authorization: Hubei
  • Brand establishment time: 2011-05-05
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
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User consultation

  • How to join and how much is the joining fee

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the wedding service! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 13:09:48 From Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China  60.186.193*
  • How to join and where to learn technology

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to wedding services! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 18:15:02 From Hebei District  60.24.148*
  • I don't know how the sales volume is,

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to wedding services! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 09:31:00 From Jiujiang City  39.168.142*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; More than 200000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to wedding services! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 04:18:26 From Nanjing, Jiangsu Province  49.94.44*
  • Understand the brand and intend to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to wedding services! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 06:19:55 From Jiangsu Province  49.94.133*
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