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[Huainan Beef Soup] Huainan Beef Soup is sincerely invited to join

  • Industry Restaurant > beef broth
  • Total number of stores one home
  • Investment amount 10000~50000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand
  • Date of establishment 2007-08-30
  • management model Free chain
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship
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Introduction to Huainan Beef Soup


Huainan beef soup is a well-known snack in Jiangsu, Henan, Shandong, Anhui and Shanghai. It is made of dozens of tonic herbs and bittern in a certain proportion through traditional processing and boiling. Huainan beef soup is boiled with fresh beef. The soup is mellow, delicious, spicy and has endless aftertaste. It is nutritious, delicious and nourishing.

Related introduction

Anhui famous food and Huainan unique food - Huainan beef soup is a well-known snack in Jiangsu, Henan, Shandong, Anhui and Shanghai. It is said that it originated from the secret recipe of imperial cuisine in the Qing Dynasty, and was created with the modern concept of "food for health".

Special flavor

The main and auxiliary materials are made of local specialties, which are high in nutrition, high in protein, high in heat energy, low in sugar and fat. The soup is mellow, delicious, spicy and has a long aftertaste.



In order to promote the standardization of the cooking technology of "Huainan beef soup", the local standards of technical specifications led by Huainan Quality Supervision Bureau have been approved by the committee composed of Huainan Quality Supervision, Commerce, Health, Agriculture Commission and other technical departments. The standard has been issued and has been delivered to beef soup operators in the city. The Beef Soup Chamber of Commerce is responsible for promoting the standard and conducting self-discipline supervision. Relevant personnel from Huainan Municipal Bureau of Quality Supervision introduced that the standard regulates the personnel, hygiene, production technology, quality, inspection rules and other fields in the production of beef soup, especially the main ingredients such as beef, beef bones must be taken from Dabie Mountain cattle, vermicelli, bean cakes, thousand pieces of beef The auxiliary materials such as coriander must meet the quality standards.

Registered trademark

In July 2011, with the approval of the Trademark Office of the State Administration of Industry and Commerce, the collective trademark of Huainan "Huainan Beef Soup" was successfully registered. The registration of a collective trademark can increase the awareness of Huainan beef soup brand creation, enhance the core competitiveness of regional brands, and create a regional specialty snack brand that is famous throughout the country. In order to make Huainan beef soup more standardized and hygienic, in 2007, Huainan Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision formulated a local standard for technical specifications for a specific dish - Huainan beef soup, which was examined and approved by a committee composed of Huainan Municipal Quality Supervision, Commerce, Health and Epidemic Prevention, Food and Drug Supervision, Agricultural Commission, Federation of Industry and Commerce and other professional and technical departments.

Huainan's folk culture, natural resources and eating habits naturally form the unique flavor of Huainan beef soup, which has formed its taste and value and become one of the characteristic snacks that foreign guests like to taste in Huainan.

Advantages of Huainan Beef Soup


Advantages of joining:

1. The brand culture is profound and the brand effect is prominent;

2. The franchise stores are diversified and suitable for different entrepreneurs;

3. The company specializes in the production of "Special Soup for Huainan Beef Soup", which is available on the website of "Special Soup for Huainan Beef Soup"

4. Zhang Zaidong, director of Huainan Beef Soup Research Institute, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and representative successor, personally trained and guided.

favoured policy:

① Free opening gift package for franchise (one CD of store VI system, letter of authorization and franchise authorization card)

② Franchised stores (no more than 3) enjoy special preferential policies.

③ Renewal discount. After the expiration of the franchise contract, if both parties voluntarily renew the contract, only the brand management fee of the franchised store will be charged.

④ In order to encourage and support college graduates and veterans to start their own businesses, those who have graduated or retired from the military in the past three years and choose to join in the operation of Huainan beef soup will enjoy the preferential scheme of "three exemptions and one half reduction": (free technical training at the Huainan beef soup production skills training base; free planning and design of the franchise stores and provide decoration plans; One technician and one manager will be sent for free to provide on-site guidance; Half of the franchise fee will be charged for the franchised stores).

Conditions for joining Huainan Beef Soup


1. Recognize the company's philosophy, with catering business experience is preferred;

2. Willing to develop with the company and obey the management of the headquarters;

3. The operation and management of the franchise store can be fully invested and can receive continuous improvement training;

4. The store area meets the franchise store type standard (standard store type, image store type, flagship store type);

5. Qualified local social relations and full understanding of local market environment;

6. Able to handle health permit, industrial and commercial license, tax registration certificate, etc.

Franchise limit: 3 years

Franchise fees: charged according to the type of franchise store (including trademark use, publicity and training)

Huainan Beef Soup Franchise Process

1. Call the franchise hotline to inquire about franchise matters and understand the brand characteristics.

2. Go to the successor's direct store to investigate, reach cooperation intention, sign the franchise contract, and pay the franchise fee.

3. Go to the successor's direct store technical training, combine theoretical learning with on-site teaching, and ensure that each franchisee operates in person, so that you can master the experience and management methods of opening a store.

4. Site selection and store opening, design and overall decoration of the store according to the decoration specifications of the headquarters.

5. The company sends people to guide the image building and hardware configuration of franchise stores; Consultation on technical and operational issues is available at any time.

6. The company does not try to purchase applicable equipment and raw materials on behalf of others to ensure practicality and cheapness, and directly supplies special soup materials for Huainan beef soup in strict accordance with the seasonal and regional water quality characteristics.

7. Franchise stores shall submit registration materials (copies of business licenses, etc.) to the headquarters for filing.

8. Franchise stores shall regularly report the operation to the headquarters.

Huainan Beef Soup Franchise Information

  • Brand name: Huainan Beef Soup
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship
  • Investment amount: 10000~50000
  • Regional authorization: no
  • Brand establishment time: 2007-08-30
  • Development mode: Single store franchise
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Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; Once lost, lost.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Huainan beef soup! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 12:15:15 From Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province  39.160.172*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; ************.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Huainan beef soup! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 09:54:54 From Shuyang County, Suqian City, Jiangsu Province  49.95.32*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 25-30W。

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Huainan beef soup! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 05:35:06 From Suqian City, Jiangsu Province  49.95.131*
  • There are franchisees in the region, does this conflict with my application

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Huainan beef soup! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 12:43:36 From Nantong City, Jiangsu Province  60.177.200*
  • Applicable conditions, franchise fee

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Huainan beef soup! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 00:21:14 From Jiangsu Province  49.78.36*
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