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[Wax gourd tea] We sincerely invite you to join us

  • Industry Restaurant > drink
  • Total number of stores zero home
  • Investment amount 50000~100000 yuan
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Beijing
  • Date of establishment 1977-02-18
  • management model Distribution agency cooperation
  • Suitable for people Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies
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Introduction to the joining of winter melon tea

 Wax gourd tea

Advantages of joining winter melon tea

 Wax gourd tea

In recent years, the health care industry has developed very well, so it is also the industry that young partners who want to open stores will first consider. According to the relevant market research, many people have led a pretty good life after engaging in winter melon tea, which naturally attracted the attention of some franchisees. So, how about joining the winter melon tea? What are the marketing elements? For these two problems, I will introduce them as follows.

How about joining winter melon tea

Many people are inexperienced when opening stores, so it is very important to choose a reliable project, and the industry of winter melon tea is a very good choice. Because it is a kind of health care tea, which just caters to the current health care market, and it is relatively simple to operate. Even if it is inexperienced Xiaobai, it can easily realize self value, which is the main factor attracting the majority of franchisees. More importantly, its cost of opening stores is relatively low, and the speed of acquiring wealth is very fast, which is enough to show that its development space is relatively large.

What are the marketing elements of winter melon tea

1. Good product quality

In order to attract more consumers, the quality of products should be well controlled, so that customers who have bought once will visit again, so that as time goes by, the sales of products in stores will become more and more, thus bringing more unexpected gains to franchisees.

2. Service attitude should be up to standard

No matter what kind of store you are running, good service is the key. Because now you need to pay more attention to the service attitude of the store than the type and quality of products during the operation period, so you should spend more time on the service when you join the Winter Melon Tea, so that you can feel at home as much as possible. Such a store will operate more smoothly.

3. Store address should be selected

I believe many people know that no matter how good a brand is, it needs a good store to support it. So when choosing a store, we should consider some objective factors, such as the number of people in the store, the traffic environment, the rent of the store, etc., which need to be included, because they directly affect the subsequent operation of the store.

After reading the above, how about joining the winter melon tea? What are the marketing elements? We should have a general understanding of these two issues, and naturally hope that these can help those who want to open stores. Of course, there are many franchise brands of wax gourd tea. When making a choice, you should consider your own actual situation, such as your personal ability and economic strength. In general, winter melon tea is a project that can bring wealth to those who open stores.

Conditions for joining winter melon tea

1. Have full civil capacity and independently bear civil liability.
2. Recognize the company's business philosophy, have positive thinking habits, and sincere cooperation intention.
3. It has certain economic strength and qualified reputation foundation.
4. The store must be within the designated business area; The store should be located in a busy commercial street or large shopping mall.
5. Have the willingness and determination to obey and accept the requirements of the franchise system.
6. Qualified business reputation and business ethics.
7. Have strong enterprising spirit and basic concept of enterprise management.

Joining process of winter melon tea

1. Get in touch with the headquarters to get a preliminary understanding of the project.
2. Franchisees go to the headquarters to further investigate the project details, fill in the franchise application form, and provide the intended city and specific location of the franchise store.
3. The headquarters will send personnel to the specific location for investigation and evaluation, and discuss the specific shop with the franchisee, and the cost will be borne by the franchisee.
4. After both parties confirm that there is no objection, they will sign a formal franchise agreement, and the franchisee will pay the franchise fee and increase/increase fees according to the agreement.
5. The headquarters shall assist the franchisee in formulating the schedule for the early stage of opening.
6. Design the decoration of the store, recruit employees, and arrange trainers to conduct business training for franchisees and employees.
7. The headquarters formulates the opening promotion plan.
8. The franchisee shall handle the business license and other relevant certificates and formalities required for operation by itself.
9. All kinds of in store equipment are prepared and various technical commissioning is carried out.
10. The headquarters distributes the first batch of materials, and all the staff in the store are fully equipped.
11. The official opening, the headquarters follow up, and constantly put forward guidance and suggestions.

Wax gourd tea joining information

  • Brand name: White gourd tea
  • Suitable for: Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies
  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan
  • Regional authorization: Beijing
  • Brand establishment time: 1977-02-18
  • Development mode: Agent in distribution area Free agent area development
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to winter melon tea! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-29 18:26:49 From Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, China  49.71.233*
  • Want to know about the mode of joining

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to winter melon tea! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-27 18:41:01 From Tianjin  60.27.104*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 10w-15w。

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to winter melon tea! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-21 00:07:41 From Anyue County, Ziyang City, Sichuan Province  61.146.131*
  • I am interested in this project and want to know about it

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to winter melon tea! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-20 12:38:45 From Jiangsu Province  49.90.50*
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    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to winter melon tea! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-20 06:05:42 From Quyang County, Baoding City, Hebei Province  60.1.183*
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