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[Sorghum liquor] Sorghum liquor is invited to join

  • Industry Wine > Liquor and Spirits
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 100000~200000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Jiangsu
  • Date of establishment 2012-02-09
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to joining sorghum liquor

 Joined in by sorghum liquor
Nowadays, people's quality of life is constantly improving, and consumers' requirements for the quality of goods are also getting higher and higher. Therefore, it is more important for entrepreneurs who want to start businesses to choose a brand favored by consumers! Liquor has always been an industry that attracts consumers' attention. As a leader in the industry, sorghum liquor has always been the favorite of consumers for its products, including liquor, and its brand degree and market share rank in the forefront of the industry. It is a good brand that many entrepreneurs are eager to join. For you who want to make huge profits, sorghum liquor is a very good choice! I believe you will use your bright eyes to see our strength and make your wise choice.
The "sorghum liquor" bulk liquor chain under the headquarters of sorghum liquor is a franchise chain with the center radiating across the country. Through unremitting efforts, it has continued to develop and grow. Nearly 100 "sorghum liquor" chain stores have spread across more than 30 provinces, cities and autonomous regions in the country. The headquarters of sorghum liquor pursues the quality oriented quality policy and implements the "quality based, honesty based" With the mission of "inheriting the traditional ancient brewing technology and promoting the Chinese brewing culture", the company has always adhered to the business philosophy of "honesty as the foundation and creation as the soul", adhered to the road of quality, brand and development, strictly controlled the quality in the selection of materials, adopted unique proprietary processes, and launched four major series and more than 30 varieties of superior quality, mainly fragrance type Mainly Luzhou flavor and Maotai flavor.
Outstanding quality lies in creation. Over the years, sorghum liquor has always paid attention to the changes in market demand, constantly improved its quality and variety, focused on the updating of products, and made great efforts to meet the needs of the market and consumers.
Nowadays, more and more people want to join the sorghum liquor brand, but do you know enough about the brand? How can we create more wealth if we do not make adequate preparations for entrepreneurship? Therefore, if you want to join sorghum liquor, please come to know the detailed joining information!

Advantages of joining sorghum liquor

 Joined in by sorghum liquor
1. Brand advantages
The sorghum liquor brand has a high recognition in the industry, and more and more franchise stores have a great brand competitive advantage in the industry.
2. Product advantages
The sorghum liquor headquarters owns major Our R&D team has repeatedly tested all product categories. We pay attention to various factors in the development. The headquarters keeps on producing new products, which makes it easy to earn money.
3. Technical advantages
Relying on the powerful scientific and technological development force, sorghum liquor has always maintained a strong advantage in the industry in terms of product technology, service standards, etc. With preemptive technology, enterprises can continuously develop newer, better and more suitable products and instruments, ensure Entrepreneurs always take the lead in the market.
4. Training advantages
The sorghum liquor headquarters has established a major Our training team will provide various training support for franchisees, including boss training, designer training, store manager training, shopping guide training, community promotion training, etc., to help franchisees improve their sales team and management ability.
5. Service advantages
Regularly and irregularly supervise and guide franchisees to open stores, so that all sales outlets can carry out business activities in strict accordance with the unified standards and norms of the headquarters, ensure Product quality talent ensure Stable and rising sales.
6. Entrepreneurship advantages
Joining in the sorghum liquor business is small and profitable. As long as it is properly managed, it can help you quickly make profits.

Conditions for joining sorghum liquor

1. Have the spirit of challenge and have the courage to start their own business.
2. Love liquor culture and have certain market operation ideas and experience.
3. Opening capital budget.
4. Recognize the chain monopoly form of sorghum liquor, abide by the market rules and management system of sorghum liquor, and maintain the brand reputation of red sorghum folk liquor.
5. Abide by laws and disciplines, pay taxes according to regulations, and have no bad behavior and performance. The joining of sorghum liquor is free of the joining fee, free of charge, and free of charge for shop decoration, unified market, unified service, unified price, free training of sales personnel, and free planning of market promotion activities.

Joining process of sorghum liquor

1. Understand the joining requirements, conduct target market research, and submit the intention consultation application for joining:
A. Log in to join the chain store, download the joining application form and the plan of the member store, and submit them after completing the details.
B. Fax the joining application form and joining plan.
C. Contact by phone, ask for the joining form or plan, and confirm by fax.
2. After receiving the application, the head office of sorghum liquor will analyze the cooperation qualification.
3. Both parties prepare various documents: sign the letter of intent/contract of the membership store.
4. The headquarters will issue a feasible implementation plan to guide the location of stores. The applicant will pay the brand usage fee and grant the headquarters a bronze medal for franchise authorization.
5. The headquarters can arrange specialists to visit the market on the spot, and can also arrange to attend pre opening training to determine the opening date.
6. Opening preparation: store cabinet decoration design, commodity mix planning, preparation of distribution scheme, design of opening publicity, and formulation of excellent opening incentive scheme.
7. After the goods are delivered, the store manager, salesperson and other specialists shall be dispatched to the franchise store according to the needs of the member store to make preparations before opening. Taiwan Kaoliang Liquor Bulk Liquor Headquarters will arrange specialists to guide the opening work, equipment installation and commissioning, do a good job of opening layout, commodity display, POP layout and other work inside and outside the store, and improve/increase the number of stores to open smoothly.
8. After opening: commodity supply and various business guidance. Timely supply of goods, ensure Arrival within 2 to 10 days in China.

Information on joining sorghum liquor

  • Brand name: Sorghum liquor
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000
  • Regional authorization: Jiangsu
  • Brand establishment time: 2012-02-09
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
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User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; 200000 offline stores.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to sorghum liquor! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 16:04:38 From China  49.221.30*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 800 square meters.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to sorghum liquor! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-28 08:53:13 From Chengdu, Sichuan  49.71.207*
  • Can you check the goods first

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to sorghum liquor! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-25 23:53:39 From Shanxi Yuncheng  60.222.140*
  • Very interested in consulting

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to sorghum liquor! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-22 19:46:49 From Jiangsu Province  49.70.238*
  • Very interested in joining, some questions you want to answer? What does the following mean? I feel I don't know what to say (My qq:)

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to sorghum liquor! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-22 17:00:09 From Zengcheng, Guangzhou, Guangdong  61.140.241*
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