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[Dry pot Maocai] We sincerely invite you to join us

  • Industry Restaurant > Maocai
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 100000~200000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Sichuan
  • Date of establishment 2009-06-18
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to Dry Pot Maocai

 Dry pot Maocai Franchise
Dry Pot Maocai Headquarter has adhered to the enterprise tenet of "quality first and user first" for many years, which has been highly praised by relevant functional departments and won the trust of consumers. Based on the core spirit of inheritance, creation, health and fashion, the Headquarter of Dry Pot Maocai, with a heart of gratitude to the society, constantly pursues the creation and good of the brand, so that the brand of Dry Pot Maocai can develop into a characteristic catering enterprise with more potential in Beijing and even in the whole country.
Based on the principle of "no discount on quality", the headquarters of Dry Pot Maocai has been highly sought after by white-collar workers, blue collar workers and surrounding residents. Direct stores and franchise stores are doing very well. Some stores even created a myth that month, fully verifying the market prospect of Dry Pot Maocai.
The Marketing and R&D Department of the Head Office of Dry Pot Maocai, in coordination with market demand, plans the combination of dishes and drinks, and specifies the corresponding commodity prices; According to market changes, determine the elimination and introduction of goods, and constantly carry out new product research and development and semi-finished product development to improve market competitiveness.
Dry pot Maocai is very common in the market, but there are very few special and unique cuisines. This is also relatively lacking in the market, so we should focus on the market space, carry out entrepreneurial research and development, and bring you trendy stew pot food. Once launched, dry pot is emerging, which is a fast and good market! Dry pot Maocai not only lies in the excellence of dishes, the cleanness and elegance of the environment, the intelligent selection of services, but also lies in the understanding, taste and art of food.
At present, people have very high requirements for food. Dry pot Maocai should not only be delicious, but also nutritious, and its taste should be fresh and unique, so that it can attract more consumers to spend. Many people want to open their own restaurants. If the choice is good, it is popular in the market, and its competitive strength is very strong, the business will be better, And realize their entrepreneurial dreams with the support of the headquarters, so entrepreneurs should join hands to start their own businesses. Dry pot Maocai has a unique process. Dry pot Maocai is mainly stewed. It uses more than ten kinds of fresh vegetables, together with the base oil, sauce and various medicinal materials to stew various kinds of meat, fish, seafood and other foods. However, its nutrition is completely intact, the juice is thick, tender and delicious. In addition to the high soup, it can also eat a variety of vegetables, meat and seafood, The aftertaste is meaningful.

Advantages of Dry Pot Maocai

 Dry pot Maocai Franchise
1. Dry pot Maocai brand has a national brand reputation, and franchisees can quickly copy the successful experience of brand operation after opening stores.
2. According to the change of market demand, we will constantly improve and adjust our products, develop new products and meet the needs of customers, so as to improve/increase the competitiveness of our products and establish ourselves in an invincible position.
3. The product R&D team and powerful product library in the headquarters can grasp the market changes and product life cycle in a standard way, and regularly promote new products, so that you can keep fresh and attractive forever.
4. The company has rich experience in store management and operation process training, provides strong support for the staff training of franchisees, and develops training courseware, implements the mode of combining theoretical knowledge with practical operation, and quickly trains qualified staff for franchisees.
5. Dry Pot Maocai has a number of franchise management teams, which can reduce the franchise of franchisees to a lower level and enable franchisees to achieve greater franchise operation. It avoids the high tuition fees paid by franchisees for blindly joining.
6. The company sends people to objectively evaluate the franchised entrepreneurs, so as to maintain a higher franchise operation rate for each franchisee.

Conditions for joining dry pot Maocai

1. A person with certain social experience and full behavioral ability.
2. Franchisees must recognize the brand culture of dry pot Maocai and its market positioning.
3. Franchisees should have a certain financial capacity and be able to bear all expenses in the process of store construction.
4. Having a suitable store in the local area can meet the daily operation of franchise stores.
5. Operate in accordance with the business model of the headquarters and recognize the management system of the headquarters.
6. Have business reputation and quality.
7. Have a sense of cooperation and business reputation.

Joining process of dry pot stewed vegetables

1. Preliminary negotiation
The franchise hotline or email shall be used to contact the Dry Pot Maocai Company for preliminary negotiation.
2. Visit
Visit the company's headquarters, mainly to visit the company's environment and store image. After the visit, both parties will have a detailed discussion on the situation.
3. Apply
If you are sure to join in Dry Pot Maocai and meet the conditions for joining in Dry Pot Maocai, you can apply to the headquarters for approval.
4. Contract signing
Sign the franchise authorization contract for franchise, and the franchise officially begins.
5. Store location
Before selecting the location of franchise stores, the dry pot Maocai brand analyzes and inspects the region where the franchise stores are located in order to select a better location for opening stores.
6. Decoration and store building
The company designs the decoration scheme according to the store conditions, confirms the drawings with the franchisee, and the franchisee carries out decoration.
7. Personnel training
Carry out practical training for the core post members of the franchise store to master the preparation, management and other skills of the franchise store.
8. Opening preparation
The headquarters provides opening publicity and promotion plans, and assists franchisees in formulating opening plans.
9. Franchise store operation
The franchise store will be officially opened on auspicious days.

Information of Dry Pot Maocai

  • Brand name: Braised Vegetables in Dry Pot
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000
  • Regional authorization: Sichuan
  • Brand establishment time: 2009-06-18
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
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Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • Want to know about joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to dry pot Maocai! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 12:25:40 From Hangzhou, Zhejiang  60.177.255*
  • Want to join us

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to dry pot Maocai! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 14:39:50 From Yantai City, Shandong Province  60.212.56*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 2。 Han.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to dry pot Maocai! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 00:54:55 From Feicheng City, Shandong Province  58.58.113*
  • I want to join, please contact me as soon as possible.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to dry pot Maocai! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 17:59:27 From Xupu County, Huaihua City, Hunan Province  42.49.144*
  • Can Heze of Shandong join us

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to dry pot Maocai! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 14:38:57 From Honggu District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province  42.91.77*
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