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[Hair ornaments and headwear] Hair ornaments and headwear are invited to join us

  • Industry Clothes & Accessories > ornaments
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 100000~200000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Shanghai
  • Date of establishment 2010-06-09
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to the joining of hair accessories and headwear

 Joined in hairdressing and headwear
Hair accessories and headwear include cutting-edge fashion elements, with advanced design style and brilliant style features, to create a deep and gorgeous, popular and classic, beautiful and fashionable, hot and eye-catching style of accessories, firmly locking the eyes of urban men and women. Hair accessories and headwear grasp the new trend of Korean jewelry market. The product design is novel and personalized, which is different from popular jewelry stores. Pure Korean products, tens of thousands of varieties, more than 20 series, are produced and updated every day, with reliable quality. In the next five years, the number of hairdressing and headwear outlets nationwide will reach 2000, and the number of outlets will achieve the goal of service convenience. At the same time, the preparatory work before listing was completed. Later, hair accessories and headwear integrated social resources and people of insight to achieve the corporate mission of "promoting hair accessories culture and shaping women's image", and strive to create a first-class overall brand!
With abundant funds and management advantages, hair accessories and headwear have trained and translated the grasp of fashion trends, fashion consumption and women's psychology for many years, provided advanced business models, technical support and perfect training for the majority of franchisees, imparted free image design knowledge, designed free hairstyles, popular hair coiling and makeup services, and the company has a new guiding, experiential and marketing model, It has brought a successful store opening mode and new market space for franchisees everywhere. The company continues to open franchised chain stores with unified image and standardized service throughout the country. The company has a young and promising hair accessories development team, a market pioneer and a complete domestic marketing network.
Hair accessories and headwear join in. The jewelry industry is a sunrise industry. The small jewelry market has unlimited business opportunities. Starting from women's consumption psychology, hair accessories and headwear are fashionable and popular with consumers. In today's society, women's taste and quality of life are making a qualitative leap. Consumers advocate human nature and fashion, constantly shape personality and charm, and more advocate culture and customs. They infiltrate culture and customs into jewelry, and feel different pleasure when wearing jewelry. Hair accessories and headwear are what modern women pursue.

Advantages of joining hairwear and headwear

 Joined in hairdressing and headwear
1. The headquarters implements the unified management mode and unified publicity form, which is easy to receive the ideal brand effect and can effectively improve the market operation efficiency of the franchisees. According to the company's unified brand communication strategy and VI visual identity design system, after field investigation in the customer's region, combined with the franchise store's level positioning and store's size specifications, and referring to the owner's basic requirements or suggestions, provide a complete design scheme, including store floor plan, decoration construction drawings and renderings. It includes shop floor plan, decoration construction drawing and renderings.
2. According to the change of market demand, the company will continuously improve and adjust the products, develop new products and meet the needs of customers to ensure Our products have strong competitiveness and are based on an invincible position.
3. The headquarters has unique major Technology can provide technical guidance for franchisees and market competitiveness of franchisees.
4. The headquarters will hold training activities irregularly, and franchisees can selectively arrange employees to participate in the training for free. At the same time, some exchange conferences will be held to share the successful experience in operation for mutual reference and discussion and common progress.
5. The headquarters will maintain long-term close business contact with franchisees to provide them with major Practical consulting services, with the guidance of the franchise supervisor at any time, can help the franchisees to relieve their worries about opening stores.
6. Hairdressions and headwear have a market positioning. They have less investment in joining, faster harvest, and become more popular one by one.

Conditions for joining hair and headwear

1. A natural person or legal person who identifies with the brand of hair ornaments and headwear and has legal and useful certificates.
2. Agree with the business philosophy and management mode of the hair and headwear brand, and be willing to grow together with the headquarters to jointly maintain quality and establish brand image.
3. Have certain economic strength and learning ability, and have a basic understanding of the industry.
4. Understand the peer market and have suitable business premises.
5. Implement and abide by the management systems of "hair ornaments and headwear".
6. Have good business reputation and independently manage the operation and expectations of the team.
7. Have strong brand awareness and honest and healthy cooperation mentality.

Franchise process of hair and headwear

1. Learn more
You can communicate with major The consultant can communicate online or call the franchise hotline of the headquarters to inquire about the details of the franchise.
2. Determine the operating market
Whether hair accessories and headwear are suitable for franchisees depends not only on the status of the brand itself, but also on whether the local market is suitable for operating the brand. Therefore, before joining, the franchisee should do a better job of market research, understand the local market situation and determine the feasibility of joining.
3. Application for qualification
The headquarters receives the letter of intent of the franchisee, reviews the qualification of the franchisee, and determines whether the franchisee has the franchise qualification.
4. Sign the contract
After the headquarters confirms the assessment qualification of the franchisee, the franchisee goes to the headquarters to communicate and negotiate, and both parties confirm the cooperation intention and sign the franchise contract.
5. Store location
The company will look for shops and evaluate and review the intended shops.
6. Shop decoration
Franchisees can independently decorate according to the decoration design drawings given by the headquarters.
7. Personnel training
The franchisee shall send relevant personnel to the headquarters for training according to the actual situation of the store, ensure The franchise store operated smoothly in the later period.
8. Opening preparation
Do a good job of opening planning and publicity, and the company will also assign corresponding personnel to provide on-site guidance. Franchisees must arrange stores and display goods according to the training requirements of the headquarters, and open on a certain day.
9. Opening operation
Follow up and guide the operation of franchise stores in the whole process after official operation, and provide long-term business support such as product upgrading, store management optimization, technical training, etc.

Hair and headwear joining information

  • Brand name: Hair and headdress
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000
  • Regional authorization: Shanghai
  • Brand establishment time: 2010-06-09
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
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Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • Consultation

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to hair and headwear! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-30 04:26:25 From Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province  60.186.249*
  • Want to know

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to hair and headwear! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-26 11:27:45 From Hohhot, Inner Mongolia  60.31.43*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 70 square meters.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to hair and headwear! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-24 10:58:59 From Fumeng County, Fuxin City, Liaoning Province  42.58.142*
  • Franchised stores

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to hair and headwear! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-19 17:46:32 From Balizhuang, Cangzhou, Hebei  60.188.113*
  • Franchise point

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to hair and headwear! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-18 01:04:22 From Dongguan City, Guangdong Province  61.141.75*
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