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[Children's playground equipment] Children's playground equipment is invited to join

  • Industry Mother, baby and child > Children's Playground
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 200000~500000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Henan
  • Date of establishment 2007-05-11
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to equipment joining in children's playground

 Children's playground equipment franchise
Our pursuit: win the market for customers with comprehensive creation, improve/increase customers' interests with quality, and solve customers' worries with various services. In response to the needs of our customers, we will continue to create high-quality products for customers to achieve high goals. Facing the fierce market competition, we will challenge ourselves and challenge tomorrow with higher, newer and stronger requirements.
Children's playground equipment is an ideal place for domestic and foreign customers to negotiate business. Under the current economic model of taking the market as the resource allocation, relying on our own regional advantages, resource advantages and humanistic advantages, we have developed rapidly and expanded with the spirit of being the first and pioneering. This amusement equipment is an enterprise mainly engaged in the production of large and medium-sized amusement facilities, including horse turning, pirate ship and other amusement facilities, and the development, design, production and sales of inflatable products. Our company has strong technical force and complete supporting facilities, which have been well received by new and old customers for many years. The corporate management department of our company has a sound system, including the Chairman's Office, Chief Engineer's Office, Production Manager's Office, Design Department, Production Department, Quality Management Department, Marketing Service Department, Archives, Physicochemical Office, General Office, Finance Department and other departments. The company has long-term cooperation with the design institutes of domestic colleges and universities.
Childhood is a critical period for the formation of a person's character. If life is divided into several seasons, childhood can be said to be the priority season of life. Childhood happiness is very important for children. Children's playground equipment, bringing happiness to children, is a favorite paradise for children, where children find happiness. Children's playground equipment opens the wealth harvest season.
The purpose of children's playground equipment is to let our children have a happy life, happy memory, good starting point, lively and cheerful personality, strong and optimistic attitude towards life, confident communication ability and independence ability in the priority season of life.

Advantages of joining children's playground equipment

 Children's playground equipment franchise
Advantages of joining children's playground equipment:
Good training: The Children's Amusement Park Equipment Theme Shop has a complete training system, free pre job training for shop staff, and a complete business manual, which fully supports the smooth operation of all franchised stores.
High quality: Children's playground equipment theme store products sell well in Europe, America and China. Relying on strict quality management and a keen grasp of the market, the products are of high quality, complete variety and children's EQ education characteristics, and have strong competitiveness.
Low price: The equipment of children's playground relies on the company's new production line equipment, and the cost of independent research and development, production and sales is certainly low. The goods of the theme store are supplied by the logistics center of the headquarters in a one-stop manner, and are directly distributed to the franchised dealers at a low price, leaving a huge cashier space for the franchised dealers.
Fast delivery: The children's playground equipment theme store has a complete supply system. You just need to log on to the company's e-commerce platform, or a phone, fax, and can easily stock without leaving the house. And you can stock all thousands of goods in one place, truly realizing one-stop purchase, which is both cost saving and convenient security
Major planning: the theme store of children's playground equipment can integrate various scattered resources, have the ability to carry out large-scale and continuous advertising, and plan a series of promotional activities as a whole to improve/increase the distribution outlets.
Energy saving: As the children's playground equipment theme store has the support and guidance of the headquarters, as long as the decoration progress is completed on time, it will only take 15 days from the site selection to the opening, which truly reflects our distribution proposition of "easy opening and happy operation". Choose the right brand, and success will be faster!
Low: Children's playground equipment theme store has many major Guidance, timely sharing of information on various newer children's products, and the Internet platform organizing all distribution outlets to exchange experience, greatly reducing the dealers' operation and improving their ability to adapt to the market.

Conditions for joining children's playground equipment

1) Have the ability to join or existing training institutions.
2) Love the cause, and have a sense of career and responsibility for long-term development.
3) Obey and support the unified guidance of the agent, and can provide quality services.
4) Be familiar with the local market, and have the operation and management ability and social resources to engage in the training industry.
5) Honesty and compliance, legal operation.
6) Business license of legal person (copy) and ID card of legal person (copy).
7) Have the qualification to engage in training locally. Understand the training market and love the training cause.
8) It has certain market expansion ability, stable information release channels and enrollment channels, and good market reputation.
9) Having fixed business premises. Teaching places and a certain number of employees.

Franchise process of children's playground equipment

1. Preliminary communication with us by phone, QQ or WeChat to understand the product application direction and preliminary market positioning.
2. The partner shall understand the application of the product in the local area and conduct preliminary market research to facilitate the establishment of the scheme after cooperation.
3. Confirm with the staff the date of visiting Beijing, and arrange the driver to pick up at that time.
4. The cooperation agreement was officially signed by both parties based on the comprehensive investigation opinions of the partners and the cooperation plan of the company.
5. Issue cooperation authorization to partners, distribute operation products, conduct technical training and market operation training.
6. Arrange the logistics distribution of the operating products of the partners, and notify Party B about the delivery and picking up of goods.
7. After receiving the goods, the partner should prepare the necessary goods for opening, and the market specialist should guide the partner to open the business.
8. Cooperate with partners to carry out regular or irregular market inspections, guide operation and provide technical support.

Children's playground equipment franchise information

  • Brand name: Children's playground equipment
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 200000~500000
  • Regional authorization: Henan
  • Brand establishment time: 2007-05-11
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
Get more franchise fee information (we will keep it strictly confidential)
Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • Is there any specific plan for joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to children's playground equipment! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-17 10:04:21 From Xinjiang Unicom  43.242.155*
  • If you want to join, please contact me as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to children's playground equipment! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 17:10:06 From Suqian, Jiangsu  49.89.76*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 400000 to 500000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to children's playground equipment! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 19:15:18 From Suzhou, Jiangsu [Telecom]  49.73.162*
  • I want to join your company; The address should be in Xibei Town or Donggang Town

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to children's playground equipment! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 21:45:53 From Gansu Province  42.90.113*
  • Contact

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to children's playground equipment! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 05:55:11 From Gansu Province  42.90.113*
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