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[Children's literacy] Children's literacy is invited to join

  • Industry education > Early education
  • Total number of stores two hundred home
  • Investment amount 200000~500000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Shandong
  • Date of establishment 2005-04-09
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to Children's Literacy Alliance

 Children's literacy alliance
Teachers are the basis of reading and reading is the source of knowledge. More and more special literacy education has become more abundant in the market major As an excellent project, the children's literacy project has developed well in the market. If you are willing to join us, our project can make your children achieve good results in a short time, and their literacy ability has been greatly improved. The literary talent is more flying than poetry and songs, and the knowledge is as profound as an encyclopedia. They can cultivate themselves and pursue Zhu Zi's family motto, These are our special training and the way to prove it, which is worth looking forward to!
Children's literacy is to be able to independently develop literacy textbooks and teaching methods, take interest introduction as the principle, and adopt TPR whole body reaction memory teaching method. The R&D team and key lecturers have elaborately designed more than 400 sets of teaching game libraries with different functions based on their own research and development achievements and the summary of experimental teaching in more than 200 kindergartens across the country in the past 10 years, Organic The project has been applied to all links of seamless classroom organization and seamless interactive teaching to fully mobilize children's initiative and participation. Now our project has been recognized by the market and supported by children's parents.
We are a project focusing on educational science, and we are also brilliant in teaching methods. If you can participate in it, you will know that our education is a highly targeted project. It is also a project that can make full use of more brilliant and harmonious teacher and student education to help children better achieve outstanding achievements in the market, The characteristics of children's literacy classroom range from "three none" to "three high". Traceless classroom organization, seamless teacher-student interaction, and no assignment after class lead to "three highs", focus attention, and highly mobilize classroom internalization. Such a combination can make a great improvement.
Children's literacy is a project supported by a scientific system. It is also a project that can guide children's growth with a scientific model. It focuses on the main modes of cognitive development of children aged 3-12 - memory and imitation, teaching materials and vocabulary with positive psychological implications, supporting reading with subtle influence on personality education, and classroom teaching that quietly stimulates children's thirst for knowledge and expression, Help children to improve their attention, correct their introverted, hyperactive, self and other psychological characters, cultivate positive outlook on life and values such as fairness, honesty, and helpfulness, so that children can embark on the path of a virtuous circle of self-confidence, self-esteem, and self encouragement, so that children become more confident and have higher quality.

Advantages of children's literacy alliance

 Children's literacy alliance
Reading requires interest and foundation, and such interest and foundation need to be key. It is a pity to miss such a critical period. The cultivation of reading interest and habits is at the age of 3 to 7. If children can read more than 1200 at the age of 3 to 6, they will start reading, and will not reduce their reading pleasure due to too many new words, Let children meet a strong thirst for knowledge in the story and characters, and their interest in reading will become stronger and stronger. Over time, children's reading habits will naturally develop children's literacy major We have rich strength and experience in doing such education projects, with outstanding advantages.
Solid foundation and trustworthy
Children's literacy can grasp the critical period of children's development and position children's development more accuracy This kind of project is worth looking forward to. Now children's literacy is a very mature project, which is very outstanding in terms of project strength and services. If you can participate, our project is very top-notch in terms of training, resources and project methods, The brand's integration of the course's positioning is a solid project to build the foundation, which is worth looking forward to!
Outstanding products with good brand
The polishing of children's literacy in the market, whether in major The standard is still very high in our service level. If you can participate, it is actually a good opportunity to join. The brand has already been most of the brands in the industry and belongs to the star brand in the industry. It will infect consumers with the power of culture to build brand trust and reputation. Leading a strong creative R&D team of trendy and cutting-edge, and constantly introducing concepts to the whole market, it is the competitiveness of the industry. The brand formulates a standardized and standardized operation mode for the whole business system from site selection to opening operation, which can be used and provided by franchisees.
Many advantages are worth looking forward to
After the franchisee joins the children to read, the company headquarters will provide major System training. The brand's service is very considerate and considerate. Regular and irregular supervision and guidance on the opening of franchisees enable sales outlets to carry out business activities in strict accordance with the unified standards and norms of the headquarters, and the quality of products can stabilize and increase sales. The development is outstanding. According to the local economic development, the budget analysis of the model is carried out, and the break even evaluation, accounting recovery cycle and overall operation will be reduced to very few.

Conditions for children to join in literacy

1 Understand, trust, agree with the company's business philosophy and development goals, and have consensus on business philosophy and development ideas.
2 Franchisees should have entrepreneurial enthusiasm, dedication, dedication and progress.
3. Have certain economic strength, entrepreneurial strength and awareness.
4 Franchisees should have certain business background and experience, and be familiar with the local market.
With qualified reputation, we are willing to work together with the company to develop the domestic market.
6 The franchisee shall have the legal person qualification or legal operation qualification, with no more than three partners and clear priorities.

Children's literacy alliance process

Children's literacy alliance process:
1. Preliminary understanding
Franchisees who want to join children's literacy can inquire about the project by telephone or fax.
2. Field visit
Face to face communication with children's literacy companies to learn about children's literacy related products, corporate culture and brand details.
3. Qualification review
The headquarters reviews entrepreneurs. Confirm the cooperation qualification of entrepreneurs.
4. Sign entrepreneurship agreement
Both parties confirmed that there was no objection to the investigation results and formally signed the entrepreneurship agreement.
5. Store location selection
Franchise shall select appropriate stores independently, and the headquarters shall provide suggestions and review.
6. Shop decoration
According to the location of the store, tailor the decoration drawing of the franchise store, and carry out the whole process support such as store construction and decoration monitoring.
7. Headquarters training
The headquarters organizes franchisees to train relevant skills and learn necessary operation and management skills and marketing skills.
8. Opening preparation
The headquarters provides opening publicity and promotion plans, and assists franchisees in formulating opening plans.
9. Opening
Franchise stores shall apply to the Investment Promotion Department for opening 15 days before the expected opening. It will be officially opened upon approval.

Children's literacy alliance information

  • Brand name: Children's literacy
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 200000~500000
  • Regional authorization: Shandong
  • Brand establishment time: 2005-04-09
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
Get more franchise fee information (we will keep it strictly confidential)
Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • Want to know the store opening process and market analysis

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to children's literacy! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 18:23:14 From Shandong Province  39.83.153*
  • Want to join in and open a store

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to children's literacy! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 19:38:20 From Liaoning Province  42.59.186*
  • Please contact me if I am interested in this project

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to children's literacy! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 17:33:01 From Yueyang City, Hunan Province  58.20.151*
  • See information

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to children's literacy! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 15:36:21 From Gansu Province  42.90.131*
  • Franchise process and expenses

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to children's literacy! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-29 02:52:44 From Gansu Province  42.92.203*
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