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[Floor agent] Floor agent is invited to join

  • Industry building material > floor
  • Total number of stores sixty-five home
  • Investment amount 100000~200000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Shanghai
  • Date of establishment 2009-02-13
  • management model Agency licensing
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to flooring agent joining

 Floor agent joining
With the improvement of living standards, people's requirements for quality are getting higher and higher. Therefore, franchisees who want to start their own businesses must choose a brand that consumers like! The name of the floor agent is believed that most consumers will not be unfamiliar with it, because its franchise stores are all over the country. It was founded in 1999 and mainly deals with floors. Over the years, its products have been trusted by consumers and attracted a large number of entrepreneurs to join. For such a franchise brand with broad market prospect and low cost, entrepreneurs will naturally not miss it. At present, franchise stores of floor agents cover more and more markets. Are you also interested in joining the flooring agency? If so, please come to learn more about joining in!
Since the establishment of floor agents, the sales of wood flooring products have been rising all the way, and the market share has continued to expand. Floor agents have become famous enterprises in the solid wood flooring industry, witnessed the growth of the flooring industry, and shoulder the heavy responsibility of revitalizing the national industry.
Floor agent, with its unique vision and broad vision, stands among the domestic flooring, and is gradually implementing the global development strategy. At present, it has used its own resources to build a complete industrial chain integrating product procurement, research and development, production, sales and service.
In order to enable more people to buy authentic solid wood flooring, the Group has not only set up five major raw material supply bases and more than 20 joint ventures worldwide, but also built a number of modern production lines and introduced many advanced equipment and instruments.
In addition, the floor agent also strengthened external cooperation. It has not only reached a consensus of cooperation with many famous building materials manufacturers and supermarkets, but also actively developed markets in various regions. Now its products have been exported to various places, such as South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Germany, Italy, etc.
"Exceeding oneself and pursuing excellence" has always been the corporate spirit pursued by floor agents. Over the years, it also hopes to pass on this spirit and constantly seek technological breakthroughs. So far, it has won a number of patents. These technologies help people solve many life problems, and also promote the progress of the flooring industry.

Advantages of floor agent joining

 Floor agent joining
1. The multi-faceted customer service system embodies the corporate image and extends the corporate brand strategy to the corporate brand service strategy.
2. It is a comprehensive, specific and meticulous service to create a complete image of the brand in the minds of consumers, and it is also the basis to open the minds of consumers and create an advanced brand image in the minds of consumers.
3. Its role in the consumer market can not be ignored. It is also an important part of the enterprise's development and scale. Improving service awareness and forming a service brand strategy are concrete behavior publicity of enterprise image.
4. Service is not only related to product quality, but also the promotion of enterprise reputation. At the same time, it is also the window provided by enterprises as indispensable direct information in information flow management.
5. We are constantly launching personalized products and services. Facing mature and rational consumers, the operation of the service system has gradually replaced a single service, implementing the trinity, and serving customers in many ways, not just limited to after-sales service. Advanced services have become an important part of the floor.
6. Institutionalization, normalization and concretization are the standards for development and product entry into the market.

Floor agent joining conditions

1. Recognize the business philosophy of floor agents and look forward to the development direction of the floor industry in the future.
2. There are independent stores that meet the requirements of the floor agent joining headquarters, and the network resources are rich.
3. Working experience in the flooring industry is preferred, and the store funds have been prepared, with some management experience.
4. Have the ability to build teams and be able to establish their own business system.

Floor agent joining process

1. Franchise consultation.
2. Field investigation: Franchisees go to the headquarters for project investigation and business communication with headquarters staff.
3. Qualification review: the headquarters reviews the franchisees. Confirm the cooperation qualification of the franchisee.
4. Signing the contract: both parties confirm that there is no dispute about the investigation results and formally sign the contract.
5. Payment of fees: the franchisee shall pay relevant fees to the headquarters according to the selected franchise type.
6. Headquarters training: the headquarters arranges technical training for franchisees, and issues authorized bronze medals after passing the training.
7. Store decoration: the headquarters provides decoration guidance and design guidance for franchisees.
8. Opening: The headquarters continuously pays attention to the operation of the franchisee, and provides operation guidance and assistance.

Floor agent joining information

  • Brand name: Floor agent
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000
  • Regional authorization: Shanghai
  • Brand establishment time: 2009-02-13
  • Development mode: Regional agent Free agent
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  • I want to know about franchise projects with small investment

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the floor agent! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-09-20 13:27:15 From China  39.186.190*
  • I want to join, please call me

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the floor agent! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-09-17 09:54:40 From Shandong Province  39.78.220*
  • How to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the floor agent! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-09-14 06:35:39 From Suzhou, Jiangsu Province  60.21.173*
  • Understand the joining process

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the floor agent! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-09-09 11:10:00 From Gansu Province  42.89.111*
  • The store covers an area of 200 square meters. If I'm interested, please contact me

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the floor agent! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-09-06 05:24:56 From Beijing  49.7.6*
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