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[Large amusement park] Large amusement park is invited to join

  • Industry Mother, baby and child > Children's Playground
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 500000~1000000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Guangdong
  • Date of establishment 2017-05-12
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to joining a large amusement park

 Joined in a large amusement park
The place children like is the Children's Paradise, which children want to play when they are young. Children's Paradise is now overwhelming. Children's Paradise is a perfect entertainment place. More importantly, it helps children to know more children, which is conducive to the growth of physical and mental health. Therefore, children's park is one of the industries favored by many franchisees, and the market demand is very large. Of course, you want to succeed in starting a business,? It is particularly important to choose a good brand. A small editor will introduce a brand in the children's park industry - large amusement park. At present, the large-scale amusement park is a very prominent brand in the children's park industry. It has captured the hearts of many consumers with its considerate service.
The large amusement park is a famous children's park brand of the large amusement park franchise headquarters. It is now open to the national market to join. If you want to earn a lot, leave a message immediately!
The large amusement park has won the favor of many consumers all the way, become a leader in the children's park industry, and has also been recognized by most consumers. The market prospect is very good. A strong R&D team, a complete system and a mature marketing model are all prerequisites for the establishment of a large amusement park brand, which enables franchisees from all over the country to join.
Instead of working from 9 to 5, it's better to open a shop and be a boss. As long as you have some venture capital and choose a good franchise brand, you can start your way to success. Large indoor amusement park is a famous brand of children's park, committed to the chain business of children's park, enjoying a high reputation in the children's park industry. With its market positioning and rich industry experience, it quickly occupies a place in the market, and has also become a good franchise brand for many Canadian merchants. Compared with other franchised brands, the large indoor amusement park has many advantages, not only small investment, but also high profit, easy entrepreneurship and fast profit! If you have courage and ability, don't hesitate to join the large indoor amusement park now. You have a bright future to conquer!

Advantages of joining large amusement parks

 Joined in a large amusement park
1. Brand image support
VI manual of the whole case shall be provided to unify the image of franchise stores, and the project supervisor of the headquarters shall supervise the completion on site.
2. Whole store output support
The headquarters can provide long-term backbone management personnel for the franchisee, and provide a series of human resources elements such as employee recruitment process, training assistance, post setting, and employee handbook.
3. Free training support
The headquarters provides comprehensive and systematic training for franchise stores, including store location selection, store design and decoration, marketing management strategies, cost control, health standards, market positioning, expansion plans, service forms, etc., no matter whether the franchisee has experience or not, it will make you become a real expert and a career for a lifetime.
4. Logistics distribution support
Smooth logistics is a powerful acceleration of the operation and development of franchisees! With the help of the new e-commerce platform, the complete distribution system of the headquarters of large amusement parks enables the logistics to operate at a high speed, so that replenishment can be made in time, and priority can be given to the arrival of goods, thus improving the capital operation speed of the franchisees of large amusement parks.
5. Media advertising support
The advertising investment of large amusement parks is very large. The company will place advertisements in various media channels such as CCTV, satellite TV, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet, constantly improving the brand reputation, and the familiarity and weight of franchise brands in consumers' minds.
6. Market operation support
The headquarters will provide complete one-on-one opening marketing, business promotion, business evaluation and other programs according to the market conditions of the franchisees and stores. After business, formulate reasonable advertising promotion and plans through planning and operation, and give corresponding help and guidance to franchise stores in product promotion.
7. Tracking service support
Sales service system throughout the country, after-sales service manager timely mobile support.
8. Site selection and decoration support
The headquarters shall assist in site selection, and provide the franchisee with free unified store design and decoration style, and support for other matters before opening, according to the situation of the franchisee.
9. Regional protection support
Reward and punishment should be combined to resolutely reject all goods fleeing and dumping, and a strict market protection and regional protection system should be established. Thus, each operator can enjoy the happiness of profit making in his own territory safely.
10. Script support
The headquarters of a large amusement park has several years of sales training experience, and has its own set of strategies in terms of sales scripts for consumers, which completely enables the alliance business to communicate with consumers without barriers.

Conditions for joining large amusement parks

1. Franchisees should have a sincere and long-term cooperation attitude and be familiar with the local market.
2. Recognize the franchise mode of franchise stores and the corporate culture concept advocated by the company.
3. Have certain financial strength.
4. The size and location of the store need to meet the company's brand needs.
5. Implement and comply with the company's various business management systems.
6. Franchisees have certain operation and management ability, and can have better communication ability.
7. Franchisees should have professionalism and management ability.

Large amusement park joining process

To understand the company's joining policy, leave a message below for consultation
Visit the headquarters and stores around the company
Franchisee review
Sign the intention contract and pay the advance payment
Selection and evaluation of store location
Sign the franchise contract and pay the full amount to the company at the same time
Develop store opening preparation plan
Shop decoration construction, purchase of equipment setting and installation, acceptance of project, completion of opening preparation, handling of business license, personnel recruitment and training, planning of opening publicity activities, and procurement of materials
Headquarters support
Grand Opening

Information about joining a large amusement park

  • Brand name: Large amusement park
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 500000~1000000
  • Regional authorization: Guangdong
  • Brand establishment time: 2017-05-12
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
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Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

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  • How to join and join conditions!

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the large amusement park! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 05:30:32 From Yuyao, Zhejiang  39.188.114*
  • Want to open a franchise store in Yangzhou

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the large amusement park! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 12:58:20 From Shanxi Yuncheng [Unicom]  60.222.117*
  • Please contact me if I am interested

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the large amusement park! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 17:10:03 From Shandong Province  39.77.162*
  • Please call me

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the large amusement park! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 08:56:17 From Yichun City, Jiangxi Province [Mobile]  39.179.239*
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    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the large amusement park! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 00:28:53 From Nanning, Guangxi  58.59.217*
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