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[Chongqing Early Education Center] Chongqing Early Education Center is invited to join

  • Industry education > Early education
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 200000~500000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Chongqing
  • Date of establishment 2012-05-10
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to Chongqing Early Education Center

 Joined by Chongqing Early Education Center
Introduction to Chongqing Early Education Center:
Chongqing Early Education Center focuses on the research and exploration of global children's creative potential and comprehensive personality. Since its establishment, it has been more than 1000 in the world major Our children's education center provides technical support, teacher training, development of children's creative thinking, psychological assessment of children's growth, etc major Service is a strong education R&D and promotion group in the education sector in the Asia Pacific region. Chongqing Early Education Center Group is the governing unit of the Eurasian Institute of Child Psychology and an important member of the International Association of Early Education Brands.
Intelligence is the ability of people to solve problems and create in specific situations. According to the research of Howard Gardner, a psychological development scientist, it is concluded that the differences in learning ability of people are mainly reflected in nine aspects, namely language intelligence, logic mathematical intelligence, space intelligence, motion intelligence, music intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, introspective intelligence Natural observation intelligence and existential intelligence. The world is an indivisible whole. Our consciousness is no longer limited to the attributes of, but should be realized in the context of globalization from our own cognitive and thinking perspectives. Learning international culture in early childhood can stimulate children to change from passive feeling to active concern about the whole world, understand and respect different cultural forms, accept and tolerate different cultural values, so as to make them more closely connected with the world, and build children into people with good character, keen insight accuracy Judgment, quick to accept new things, highly educated, high-quality international wisdom.
The concept of intelligent Rubik's Cube proposed by Chongqing Early Education Center is to apply the three-stage Rubik's Cube principle to the comprehensive cultivation of nine intelligences. The nine intelligences interact in the Rubik's Cube to form a whole, and at the same time, they penetrate and integrate with each other, and are constantly created in the process of rotating changes. We will optimize the combination of intelligence according to different characteristics of children, accuracy Grasp the whole aspect of children's development and cultivate complete people. In the process of children's growth, cultural edification and environmental stimulation are both indispensable. In the early stage, we need a model system of multiple cognition, multi angle observation, multi sensory stimulation and multi means exploration to achieve the goal of intelligent balance.

Advantages of Chongqing Early Education Center

 Joined by Chongqing Early Education Center
Advantages of Chongqing Early Education Center:
1. Brand advantages
You can use the intellectual property rights of Chongqing Early Education Center within the scope of authorization of Chongqing Early Education Center. Including: domain name, logo, name, trademark and other legitimate business activities, highlighting that your franchise store is a national chain store, which is a symbol of your strength and also a support for consumer trust.
2. Product advantages
Chongqing Early Education Center has always had novel products in the market, and has always maintained a differentiated competitive advantage.
3. Technical advantages
Headquarters owned major Our product R&D team and powerful product library can accuracy Grasp the market changes and product life cycle, and regularly promote new products to keep you fresh and attractive.
4. Training advantages
The company has gathered a group of talents with high quality, high ability and high education to provide you and your franchise stores with major Systematic training.
5. Service advantages
After the franchisee has determined the franchise business district, the headquarters will not develop new franchisees in its region, that is, it will provide business district protection for the franchisee, and improve/increase the franchise of the franchisee!
6. Entrepreneurship advantages
Less entrepreneurship, fast capital recovery, small.

Conditions for joining Chongqing Early Education Center

Conditions for joining Chongqing Early Education Center
1. The applicant is a natural person who is over 18 years old, has high school education or above, is healthy, and has entrepreneurial aspirations.
2. Trust the brand's extraordinary influence.
3. Franchisees should have enough operating funds to bear all costs required for franchise, such as rent, decoration costs, equipment costs, material costs, etc.
4. The site selection of franchise stores shall meet the standards given by the company headquarters.
5. Obey the unified brand management of the headquarters and actively maintain the company image.
6. Franchisees must have good communication skills and have good local contacts.
7. Franchisees should be enthusiastic about joining businesses, not just on the spur of the moment, but seriously.

Joining process of Chongqing Early Education Center

Joining process of Chongqing Early Education Center
1. Party A (the entrepreneur) shall provide the site plan, communicate and determine the functional requirements
2. Party B shall design detailed configuration scheme and equipment quotation for Party A
3. Both parties reach an agreement on configuration scheme and equipment quotation
4. Party A shall sign the cooperation agreement payment Deposit
5. Party B provides Party A with decoration wiring scheme
6. Equipment installation and commissioning
7. After acceptance, start business and become an official partner

Chongqing Early Education Center Joining Information

  • Brand name: Chongqing Early Education Center
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 200000~500000
  • Regional authorization: Chongqing
  • Brand establishment time: 2012-05-10
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
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Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; Send a short message first when contacting.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Chongqing Early Education Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 13:14:12 From Yantai City, Shandong Province  61.162.164*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 100 square meters of storefront.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Chongqing Early Education Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 01:45:38 From Dongsheng District, Ordos, Inner Mongolia  61.134.120*
  • Please add my mobile number

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Chongqing Early Education Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 16:33:16 From Liaoning Province  42.4.201*
  • Understanding Agents

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Chongqing Early Education Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-30 03:19:12 From Jiangsu [Telecom]  49.78.37*
  • Anyang City Beiguan District Siji Huadu Community joined!

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Chongqing Early Education Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-29 11:48:22 From Beijing  58.132.183*
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