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[Chongqing Casserole Rice Noodles] Chongqing Casserole Rice Noodles

  • Industry Restaurant > Rice Noodles
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 100000~200000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Chongqing
  • Date of establishment 2015-09-17
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to Chongqing Casserole Rice Noodles

 Chongqing Casserole Rice Noodles
When it comes to casserole, many consumers may think of casserole rice noodles. After all, it is a famous characteristic pasta. So today, Xiaobian will introduce Chongqing casserole rice noodles, which many people like. The rice noodles made from Chongqing casserole rice noodles with characteristics of casserole let people enjoy different characteristics of food and experience different pasta culture.
There are more than 40 kinds of rice noodles in Chongqing casserole, and the taste types are rich and diverse, suitable for many consumers to enjoy. There are more than 10 kinds of sauces, which make Chongqing casserole rice noodles taste different, and it is a food acceptable to consumers in both the north and the south. Moreover, Chongqing casserole rice noodles are purely handmade, and all raw materials are healthy and safe, so that every consumer can enjoy healthy rice noodles.
Chongqing casserole rice noodle franchise not only has fewer franchises, lower store requirements, but also lower labor demand, which has saved franchise costs for franchisees to a certain extent, and as a powerful brand, it has a hundred store chain, has more space, and the taste of core ingredients is unified in 100 stores, and the quality is healthy, Let every consumer enjoy the delicious Chongqing casserole rice noodles everywhere.
Chongqing Casserole Rice Noodle Franchise Store is popular for its healthy, delicious and fashionable products. This brand is very famous. Many franchisees have come here to join this team after some investigation. The cost of Chongqing casserole rice noodle brand joining is very reasonable. It does not need high costs, and you can realize your entrepreneurial dream.
Now people have very high requirements for food, not only unique taste, but also very nutritious and healthy. Therefore, Chongqing casserole rice noodle franchise project conforms to the development of the times and meets people's high requirements. It has many repeat customers, and people will never forget it as long as they have tasted this delicious food. Chongqing casserole rice noodle is a good choice for you to join in and start a business. The strength of this brand is obvious to all, and it is very eye-catching.
Chongqing casserole rice noodle is a franchise brand store that consumers can often patronize. It is very appropriate for franchisees to join this brand to start businesses. It can bring a lot of experience and also provide store opening skills. Chongqing Casserole Rice Noodles is a very famous brand in the industry, occupying a great market position. It can bring a lot of experience for the franchisees to start their own businesses and make them do business easily.

Advantages of Chongqing Casserole Rice Noodles

 Chongqing Casserole Rice Noodles
1. Enterprise strength advantages:
The company focuses on production.
2. Marketing management advantages:
From brand communication to regional markets, the Marketing Center provides the company's brand with a multifaceted and sustainable marketing strategy.
3. Brand advantages:
company major , environmental protection, high quality, unique design, has a strong brand influence.
4. Sales strength advantage:
According to long-term system data statistics, more than 95% of the company's dealers.
5. Product R&D advantages:
The company pays attention to the establishment, and constantly increases the investment in product research and development every year to develop new products and new lines.
6. Technological advantages:
We have experienced technical personnel to constantly improve the process, ensure Take the lead in the industry.
7. Industry market advantages:
After years of dedicated research, he has become a leader in the industry.
8. Advantages of terminal design:
The design team, tailored design, strive to display the brand image well.
  9、 major Service advantages:
Trained staff with superb skills provide customers with all aspects of after-sales service.
10. Comprehensive publicity advantages:
Online and offline, multi-dimensional packaging promotion, advertising implementation tracking, ensure Advertising agency.

Conditions for Chongqing Casserole Rice Noodles

1. It is required to have the ability of economic alliance and qualified reputation of about RMB 20000~50000.
2. Pay royalties for licensed brands.
3. The business area is more than 10 square meters or the store counter covers more than 10 square meters.
4. Be able to perform the contract for more than one year.
5. Be able to cooperate with the company's requirements to do a good job in the display, management and promotion of the franchise store.

Chongqing Casserole Rice Noodles Franchise Process

1. Consultation on joining matters.
2. Visit the headquarters.
3. Visit direct stores.
4. Read the details of joining provided by the company.
5. Project negotiation, communication of details of joining and opening stores.
6. Sign an official franchise contract.
7. Provided by Headquarters major Decoration design, guide the decoration construction of the store.
8. The headquarters assists the franchise stores to complete equipment ordering, installation and commissioning.
9. After recruitment, the staff will attend training in the headquarters.
10. The headquarters provides standardized services, technical and management training.

Chongqing casserole rice noodle franchise information

  • Brand name: Chongqing Casserole Rice Noodles
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000
  • Regional authorization: Chongqing
  • Brand establishment time: 2015-09-17
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Chongqing Casserole Rice Noodles! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 21:01:14 From Shaoxing, Zhejiang  39.182.121*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; There are 20 rooms.

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Chongqing Casserole Rice Noodles! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 19:20:40 From Ningbo, Zhejiang [Mobile]  39.180.50*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About forty or fifty thousand yuan.

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Chongqing Casserole Rice Noodles! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 19:19:28 From Rugao City, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province  49.67.237*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; More than 100000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Chongqing Casserole Rice Noodles! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 13:42:40 From Jiangsu Province  49.94.46*
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    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Chongqing Casserole Rice Noodles! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 15:54:33 From Guangzhou  59.42.91*
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