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[9 yuan jewelry] 9 yuan jewelry is invited to join us

  • Industry Clothes & Accessories > ornaments
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 100000~200000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Shanghai
  • Date of establishment 2009-05-07
  • management model agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
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Introduction to 9 yuan jewelry franchise

 9 yuan jewelry franchise
9 yuan jewelry has become the flag of the industry. Many people are fully aware of all kinds of relevant knowledge about the 9 yuan jewelry franchise, make preparations for the franchise, and achieve their goals according to the guidance of the headquarters.
As a leader in the jewelry industry, 9 yuan jewelry has always been loved by consumers, so it has also attracted the attention of a large number of franchisees. However, many interested franchisees have delayed taking action because they do not know about the joining of 9 yuan jewelry.
9 yuan jewelry is mainly aimed at young people's brands: beautiful women; College students who pursue freshness, popularity and individuality; And young women in the workforce; Middle school students and so on are attached consumer groups. After years of development, its enterprise strength and brand influence have been continuously improved, and won the favor of countless consumers. Today, 9 yuan jewelry has dozens of franchise stores in major cities across the country. The real low investment and high achievement of goals are the primary reasons for franchisees to join 9 yuan jewelry.
9 yuan jewelry is not only committed to its own product development and marketing, but also has its own heritage mission. In the internationally advanced franchise chain operation system, we provide quality franchise services based on our own industrialization development and standardized management. It also provides franchisees with unified operation management, technical training, service specifications, store design, advertising planning, marketing promotion, product own processes, etc. 9 yuan jewelry is always from the perspective of customers and advocates "common development and common growth", so choosing 9 yuan jewelry is the improvement of your success!
In the whole development process, 9 yuan jewelry has achieved its goal for many franchisees with the concept of mutual benefit and win-win. 9 yuan jewelry has always been favored by the market. It has a broad market, unlimited business opportunities and potential development. You can rely on the strong brand strength, quality service and broad market demand, making 9 yuan jewelry quickly become the new favorite of the industry.

9 yuan jewelry franchise advantage

 9 yuan jewelry franchise
1. Brand image support
The franchisee can find a suitable decoration company to design and construct under the guidance of the headquarters, but the design drawings and construction materials must be approved by the headquarters. Of course, the franchisee can also entrust the headquarters to design and construct to determine the unified image.
2. Whole store output support
During the preparation of the franchise store, the headquarters will provide the material support system and send instructors to the site to provide the franchise store with a series of work such as pre opening preparation tracking services, material ordering and trial operation management.
3. Free training support
The headquarters has a strong training support system. Each year, according to the actual requirements, it will provide franchise stores with various forms of specialized training services to ensure that franchise stores always maintain a stable operating level.
4. Logistics distribution support
All products provided by the headquarters are developed by the headquarters of the company, and the franchisee only needs to provide a certain logistics fee.
5. Media advertising support
According to the actual situation in different regions, necessary publicity materials will be provided for franchisees.
6. Market operation support
R&D and promotion of new products 9 yuan jewelry has a large number of new products on the market every year. Franchisees can learn and use this technology for free. Franchise stores can choose to learn according to their own needs.

9 yuan jewelry joining conditions

1. Legal person companies, self-employed enterprises with legal business qualifications or legal citizens with civil rights granted by law.
2. Recognize and accept the business philosophy and brand value of 9 yuan jewelry.
3. It has certain financial strength and has qualified reputation in the region.
4. It has legally operated stores with good location and area in line with the company's regulations.
5. Comply with the regulations of the headquarters of 9 yuan jewelry, strictly implement the requirements of the headquarters, and conduct market operations according to the specifications.
6. Have qualified business reputation and reputation, and certain business resources and network resources.
7. Have strong enterprising spirit.

9 yuan jewelry franchise process

1. Franchise consultation
Before joining 9 yuan jewelry, the intended franchisees consult the head office about joining matters by telephone, fax, online message, etc.
2. Project investigation
Investigate the operation status of the direct stores and other franchise stores in the headquarters, and negotiate with the headquarters for franchise intention after being satisfied.
3. Franchise application
Fill in the franchise application form, and the company will review the information provided by the franchisee to confirm the operation qualification of the franchisee.
4. Sign the contract
The franchisee shall provide basic information to be verified by the headquarters, and the basic information shall be determined and the early franchise agreement shall be made.
5. Site selection
The headquarters provides franchisees with analysis of consumption sector, traffic environment, passenger flow and competitors.
6. Shop decoration
The business manager can coordinate the designers of the company to design the decoration of large or extra large stores.
7. Pre job training
After the decoration of the store is completed, the headquarters will send dedicated personnel to the location of the franchisee for pre job technical training, publicity training, etc.
8. Opening preparation
To purchase the equipment and materials required for opening a store, large stores need to recruit corresponding staff before opening.

9 yuan jewelry joining information

  • Brand name: 9 yuan jewelry
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000
  • Regional authorization: Shanghai
  • Brand establishment time: 2009-05-07
  • Development mode: Regional Agent
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bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 304000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the 9 yuan jewelry! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 04:04:52 From China  49.211.159*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 20-50w。

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the 9 yuan jewelry! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 00:34:13 From Wenzhou  60.181.70*
  • Can we act as an agent in rural areas

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the 9 yuan jewelry! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 07:24:37 From Changzhi City, Shanxi Province  60.220.131*
  • Take a look at the information

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the 9 yuan jewelry! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 02:25:41 From Japan  60.116.189*
  • This project is very good. Please contact me for details as soon as possible.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the 9 yuan jewelry! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-29 00:58:57 From Beijing  59.109.211*
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