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[Crispy Chestnut Cake] Crispy Chestnut Cake is being recruited!

  • Industry Restaurant > snack
  • Total number of stores one home
  • Investment amount Less than 10000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand
  • Date of establishment 2006-01-01
  • management model Franchise of distribution agent
  • Suitable for people Free Entrepreneurship On the job Investment Online Shop
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Introduction to the joining of crispy chestnut cake

Wenjiale Catering Management Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive company mainly engaged in food technology research and development, food technology transfer, food technology training, food market research, hotel management, catering enterprise management, etc., which is mainly engaged in chestnut cake and crisp cake franchise. The company was founded in 2005. Integrating into the advanced corporate culture, it has created an advanced business model.

Wenjiale Catering Management Co., Ltd. is a company specialized in small-scale entrepreneurship training and guidance, carrying forward the culture of ethnic delicious snacks, and providing catering consulting and planning services, equipment and raw material distribution services. Our company advocates that more small entrepreneurs are welcome to join in the entrepreneurial tide of Wenjiale.

The training mode of Wenjiale Chestnut Crispy Cake is mainly based on on-site practical operation and combined with theory and practice. Wenjiale Chestnut Crispy Cake Master taught by himself and trained one-on-one. Do not limit the learning time until the students operate independently. At the same time, we will provide entrepreneurial training and guidance to the students, such as store opening and operation. From ignorance to business opening, Wenjiale will teach you how to start a business.

Wenjiale Chestnut Crispy Cake firmly opposes violent alliance and builds a platform for civilian entrepreneurship. With fair, reasonable and transparent charges, you can obtain core technology and comprehensive follow-up entrepreneurial support to help you succeed in entrepreneurship. One time, lifelong service, so students can upgrade their free technical services. Wenjiale Chestnut Crispy Cake is willing to be a loyal friend of small entrepreneurs on their way to entrepreneurship.

In addition, Wenjiale Chestnut Crispy Cake will give free technical materials, raw material supply, snack equipment, and store decoration scheme to students. Let you not worry about inexperience, as successful entrepreneurship.

 Fragrant Chestnut Cake

Wenjiale Chestnut Crisp Cake is a green food without essence and pigment. Its skin is golden yellow with multiple layers. It has sweet and salty tastes, which are crisp and can be broken at a touch; The Chinese chestnut cake filling is soft, waxy and glutinous; The combination of skin and stuffing is crisp outside and tender inside, sweet but not greasy, crisp and glutinous, with endless aftertaste and never tired of eating. It can be used as breakfast, tea, snack and snacks, which are very popular leisure food for men, women and young people.

Advantages of joining crispy chestnut cake


Our company, Suzhou Wenjiale Catering Management Co., Ltd., is a large institutional team specializing in the research and development of Chinese style pastries and western style pastries. The company has now launched the early mung bean cakes, the current chestnut cakes, and the Wenjiale fragrant cakes. Chestnut shortcake was developed in 2004 and 2005, but at that time, the market was still in a state of food and clothing. Chestnut shortcake with a slightly higher positioning was not acceptable. However, the mung bean cake had a foothold at that time. The low price and the new marketing model were soon known by the public, and it also became a scene of store queuing and store joy at that time. In 2009, the market of chestnut shortcake was suddenly opened, and the whole store opened in Hangzhou. The scene at that time was incomparable, and no one could stop it. The scene of queuing every day attracted many people in the industry. Since then, mung bean shortcake has slowly faded out of the market. Why is Chinese chestnut shortcake so popular now. Because of its taste and health value to human body. Pure green food, no sticky teeth for the elderly and no throat for the children are all the benefits of chestnut cakes. The society is progressive, and our products should also meet the needs of the market. Now our "Wenjiale Fragrant Crispy Cake" is about to be launched. I believe this is another wonderful journey. The market is reserved for those who dare to venture, do something and want to start a business. The business opportunity is right in front of us, and it depends on who can grasp it.

 Fragrant Chestnut Cake


Fragrant Chestnut Cake Joining Information

  • Brand name: Crispy Chestnut Cake
  • Suitable for: Free Entrepreneurship On the job Investment Online Shop
  • Investment amount: Less than 10000
  • Regional authorization: no
  • Brand establishment time: 2006-01-01
  • Development mode: Agency in the distribution area Free agency
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the crispy chestnut cake! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 18:00:29 From Baoji City, Shaanxi Province  61.185.63*
  • Want to know your company's joining information

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the crispy chestnut cake! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 11:37:07 From Liaoning Province  42.249.43*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 1000w。

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the crispy chestnut cake! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 06:11:34 From Jiangsu Province  49.84.184*
  • The number is the same as WeChat, and the data is sent

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the crispy chestnut cake! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 02:30:43 From Gansu Province  42.88.59*
  • I've been following you for a long time! Also often taste! Sincerely want to cooperate!

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the crispy chestnut cake! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 20:42:45 From Xiamen, Fujian Province  58.23.18*
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